NATS是一个轻量的消息发布-订阅系统。NATS的核心是Event machine。


在auth目录中, multiuser.go plain.go token.go 本文一一记录


 // MultiUser Plain authentication is a basic username and password
type MultiUser struct {
users map[string]*server.User


 // For multiple accounts/users.
type User struct {
Username string `json:"user"`
Password string `json:"password"`
Permissions *Permissions `json:"permissions"`
} // Authorization are the allowed subjects on a per
// publish or subscribe basis.
type Permissions struct {
Publish []string `json:"publish"`
Subscribe []string `json:"subscribe"`

// Auth is an interface for implementing authentication
type Auth interface {
// Check if a client is authorized to connect
Check(c ClientAuth) bool
} // ClientAuth is an interface for client authentication
type ClientAuth interface {
// Get options associated with a client
GetOpts() *clientOpts
// If TLS is enabled, TLS ConnectionState, nil otherwise
GetTLSConnectionState() *tls.ConnectionState
// Optionally map a user after auth.


Plain authentication is a basic username and password

type Plain struct {
Username string
Password string


Token holds a string token used for authentication

// Token holds a string token used for authentication
type Token struct {
Token string
} // Check authenticates a client from a token
func (p *Token) Check(c server.ClientAuth) bool {
opts := c.GetOpts()
// Check to see if the token is a bcrypt hash
if isBcrypt(p.Token) {
if err := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(p.Token), []byte(opts.Authorization)); err != nil {
return false
} else if p.Token != opts.Authorization {
return false
} return true



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