Given a binary tree, write a function to get the maximum width of the given tree. The width of a tree is the maximum width among all levels. The binary tree has the same structure as a full binary tree, but some nodes are null.

The width of one level is defined as the length between the end-nodes (the leftmost and right most non-null nodes in the level, where the null nodes between the end-nodes are also counted into the length calculation.

Example 1:


/ \
3 2
/ \ \
5 3 9 Output: 4
Explanation: The maximum width existing in the third level with the length 4 (5,3,null,9).

Example 2:


/ \
5 3 Output: 2
Explanation: The maximum width existing in the third level with the length 2 (5,3).

Example 3:


/ \
3 2
5 Output: 2
Explanation: The maximum width existing in the second level with the length 2 (3,2).

Example 4:


/ \
3 2
/ \
5 9
/ \
6 7
Output: 8
Explanation:The maximum width existing in the fourth level with the length 8 (6,null,null,null,null,null,null,7).



int widthOfBinaryTree(TreeNode* root)
if( root == NULL ) return ;
queue< TreeNode* > qu;
map< TreeNode*, int > mp; qu.push( root );
int maxW = 0xc0c0c0c0; int numL = -, numR = -; while( !qu.empty() )
int n = qu.size(); for( int i = ; i < n; i++ )
TreeNode* tmp = qu.front();
if( i == )
numL = mp[tmp];
if( i == n- )
numR = mp[tmp];
} if( tmp->left != NULL )
qu.push( tmp->left );
mp[tmp->left] = mp[tmp] * ;
if( tmp->right != NULL )
qu.push( tmp->right );
mp[tmp->right] = mp[tmp] * + ;
maxW = max( maxW, numR - numL + );
return maxW;

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