#include <boost/asio.hpp> #define USING_SSL //是否加密 #ifdef USING_SSL
#include <boost/asio/ssl.hpp>
#endif using boost::asio::ip::tcp;
using std::string; int post(const string& host, const string& port, const string& page, const string& data, string& reponse_data)
boost::asio::io_service io_service;
// if(io_service.stopped())
// io_service.reset(); // 从dns取得域名下的所有ip
tcp::resolver resolver(io_service);
tcp::resolver::query query(host, port);
tcp::resolver::iterator endpoint_iterator = resolver.resolve(query); // 尝试连接到其中的某个ip直到成功
#ifdef USING_SSL
boost::asio::ssl::context context(boost::asio::ssl::context::sslv23);
boost::asio::ssl::stream<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> socket(io_service, context);
boost::asio::connect(socket.lowest_layer(), endpoint_iterator);
tcp::socket socket(io_service);
boost::asio::connect(socket, endpoint_iterator);
#endif // Form the request. We specify the "Connection: close" header so that the
// server will close the socket after transmitting the response. This will
// allow us to treat all data up until the EOF as the content.
boost::asio::streambuf request;
std::ostream request_stream(&request); request_stream << "POST " << page << " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
request_stream << "Host: " << host << "\r\n";
request_stream << "Content-Length: " << data.length() << "\r\n";
// Content-Type: 视实际情况修改,or“application/octet-stream”
request_stream << "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\r\n";
request_stream << "Accept: */*\r\n";
request_stream << "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
request_stream << data; // Send the request.
boost::asio::write(socket, request); // Read the response status line. The response streambuf will automatically
// grow to accommodate the entire line. The growth may be limited by passing
// a maximum size to the streambuf constructor.
boost::asio::streambuf response;
boost::asio::read_until(socket, response, "\r\n"); // Check that response is OK.
std::istream response_stream(&response);
std::string http_version;
response_stream >> http_version;
unsigned int status_code;
response_stream >> status_code;
std::string status_message;
std::getline(response_stream, status_message);
if (!response_stream || http_version.substr(0, 5) != "HTTP/")
reponse_data = "Invalid response";
return -2;
// 如果服务器返回非200都认为有错,不支持301/302等跳转
if (status_code != 200)
std::stringstream oss;
oss << "Response returned with status code" << " : " << status_code;
reponse_data = oss.str();
return -3;
} // 传说中的包头可以读下来了
std::string header;
std::vector<string> headers;
// string content_length_header("Content-Length: ");
// size_t content_length = 0;
while (std::getline(response_stream, header) && header != "\r")
/* if(string::npos != header.find(content_length_header))
string tmp(header.substr(content_length_header.size()));
stringstream ss;
ss << tmp;
ss >> content_length;
//std::cout << header << std::endl;
} // 读取所有剩下的数据作为包体
boost::system::error_code error;
while (boost::asio::read(socket, response,
boost::asio::transfer_at_least(1), error))
} // 返回值为eof,认为是正确的
if (error != boost::asio::error::eof && error.value() != 0x140000db)
std::stringstream oss;
oss << error.value() << " : " << error.message();
reponse_data = oss.str();
return -4;
} //响应有数据
if (response.size())
std::istream response_stream(&response);
std::istreambuf_iterator<char> eos;
reponse_data = string(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(response_stream), eos);
catch(std::exception& e)
reponse_data = e.what();
return -1;
return 0;
跨平台c++/boost/asio 简单的HTTP POST请求 客户端模型
C++ Post/Get请求(Boost.Asio库)
boost::asio ssl
基于boost asio实现的支持ssl的通用socket框架
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