public static void arraycopy(Object src, --源数组
int srcPos, --源数组要复制的起始位置
Object dest, --目的数组;
int destPos, --目的数组放置的起始位置;
int length) --length:复制的长度(源数组)。
int[] is = {1,2,3,4,5};
int[] is2 = {4,0,9};
System.arraycopy(is, 2, is2, 1, 2);
is[2] = 99;
System.out.println("is=" + Arrays.toString(is));
System.out.println("is2=" + Arrays.toString(is2));
is=[1, 2, 99, 4, 5]
is2=[4, 3, 4]
class Person {
String name;
Person(String n) { = n;
public String toString() {
return "Person [name=" + name + "]";
Person[] p1 = {new Person("A"),new Person("B"),new Person("C")};
Person[] p2 = new Person[4];
p2[0] = new Person("kaixin");
System.arraycopy(p1, 0, p2, 1, p1.length);
System.out.println("改变前p1=" + Arrays.toString(p1));
System.out.println("改变前p2=" + Arrays.toString(p2));
p1[1].name = "CCCCC";
System.out.println("改变后p1=" + Arrays.toString(p1));
System.out.println("改变后p2=" + Arrays.toString(p2));
改变前p1=[Person [name=A], Person [name=B], Person [name=C]]
改变前p2=[Person [name=kaixin], Person [name=A], Person [name=B], Person [name=C]]
改变后p1=[Person [name=A], Person [name=CCCCC], Person [name=C]]
改变后p2=[Person [name=kaixin], Person [name=A], Person [name=CCCCC], Person [name=C]]
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