Invalid argument syntax org.springframework.core.env.Simple CommandLineArgs Parser.parse

具体问题应该是启动的commandline 输入命令格式问题

This CommandLinePropertySource implementation aims to provide the simplest possible approach to parsing command line arguments. As with all CommandLinePropertySource implementations, command line arguments are broken into two distinct groups: option arguments and non-option arguments, as described below (some sections copied from Javadoc for SimpleCommandLineArgsParser):

Working with option arguments
Option arguments must adhere to the exact syntax:

That is, options must be prefixed with "--" and may or may not specify a value. If a value is specified, the name and value must be separated without spaces by an equals sign ("="). The value may optionally be an empty string.


Valid examples of option arguments
--foo="bar then baz"


Invalid examples of option arguments
--foo bar
--foo = bar
--foo=bar --foo=baz --foo=biz
Working with non-option arguments
Any and all arguments specified at the command line without the "--" option prefix will be considered as "non-option arguments" and made available through the CommandLineArgs.getNonOptionArgs() method.

Typical usage
public static void main(String[] args) {
PropertySource ps = new SimpleCommandLinePropertySource(args);
// ...
See CommandLinePropertySource for complete general usage examples.
Beyond the basics

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