1.3.1 Labeling Format

Symbol names beginning with a dot (.) are assumed to be local symbols.

Names beginning with an underscore (_) are reserved by ANSI C.

2.2.2 Statement Syntax

The syntax of an assembly language statement is:
[label:] [instruction]
is a symbol name.
is an encoded pseudo-op, synthetic instruction, or instruction.


A comment is preceded by an exclamation mark character (!); the exclamation mark
character and all following characters up to the end of the line are ignored. C
language-style comments (‘‘/*…*/’’) are also permitted and may span multiple lines.

2.3.3 Labels

A label is either a symbol or a single decimal digit n (0…9). Alabel is immediately followed by a colon (:). Numeric labels may be defined repeatedly in an assembly file; normal symbolic labels may be defined only once. Anumeric label n is referenced after its definition (backward reference) as nb, and before its definition (forward reference) as nf.

2.3.7 Special Symbols -Registers

%lo   Extractsleastsignificant10bits

%hi   Extractsmostsignificant22bits


A.1 Alphabetized Listing with Descriptions

.global symbol [, symbol]* .globl symbol [, symbol]*

Declares each symbol in the list to be global; that is, each symbol is either defined
externally or defined in the input file and accessible in other files; default bindings
for the symbol are overridden.

  • A global symbol definition in one file will satisfy an undefined reference to the same global symbol in another file.
  • Multiple definitions of a defined global symbol is not allowed. If a defined global symbol has more than one definition, an error will occur.
  • A global psuedo-op oes not need to occur before a definition, or tentative definition, of the specified symbol.

.word 32bitval [, 32bitval]*

Generates (a sequence of) initialized words in the current segment.


SPARC Assembly Language Reference Manual


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