ubuntu set up 4 - 设置和软件
1. Top Bar显示日期
You can get the date displayed in the top bar by using
. First open up a terminal with ctrl+alt+t and install the tweak tool withsudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool
gnome-tweaks # now launch itAfter that you can start it from the application selector (there the name is just tweaks) and navigate inside the tweak tool to the tab for 'Top Bar' and activate Date and Seconds (see screen-shot).
Although this might be the easiest approach for the casual user there's another method which works. By issuing the following terminal command you can set the same:
# makes the date appear
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface clock-show-date true
# switches the seconds display on
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface clock-show-seconds trueBy replacing
you can ask the system to give you the actual settings. Example:gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface clock-show-seconds
2. 软件:
截图截屏: Kazam
1. Download libgoocanvas-common package first. Just double-click on the downloaded file to install it with Software Center. You can also use Gdebi or command line.
2. Next, get libgoocanvas3 package and install it by double clicking on it.
3. In the end, download and install libgoo-canvas-perl package.
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