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首先,我们的需求是,在window或者linux机器上定时执行ping + 网址 的语句,最终取到平均延迟,然后将这些延迟绘制成折线图.所以分析下来我们需要以下几个模块来实现这个功能.
- import datetime
- import time
- def main():
- while True:
- while True:
- now = datetime.datetime.now()# 这里可以取到系统的当前时间
- if now.hour == 6 and now.minute == 30:# 取当前时间的小时和分钟,这样每天到这个设定好的小时和分钟内的时候我们就会跳出这个内循环,进入到外循环,从而执行主函数
- # 当然设定时间我们也可以设定秒,但是其实设定到秒的情况下有可能无法进入函数,时间太短系统无法判定
- break
- if now.hour == 9 and now.minute == 30:
- break
- if now.hour == 12 and now.minute == 30:
- break
- if now.hour == 14 and now.minute == 30:
- break
- time.sleep(20)
- # 主函数
- time.sleep(60)# 这里加入睡眠60秒是为了让主函数不至于在这一分钟内一直执行,仅执行一次就好
- xxxxxxxxxx
- # encoding=utf-8
- import subprocess # 导入模块,没装的话自己去pip install subprocess
- import sys
- # 常用编码
- GBK = 'gbk'
- UTF8 = 'utf-8'
- # 解码方式,一般 py 文件执行为utf-8 ,但是cmd 命令为 gbk
- current_encoding = GBK
- popen = subprocess.Popen(['ping', 'www.baidu.com'],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
- bufsize=1)
- # 重定向标准输出
- while popen.poll() is None: # None表示正在执行中
- r = popen.stdout.readline().decode(current_encoding)
- sys.stdout.write(r) # 可修改输出方式,比如控制台、文件等
- # 重定向错误输出
- if popen.poll() != 0: # 不为0表示执行错误
- err = popen.stderr.read().decode(current_encoding)
- sys.stdout.write(err) # 可修改输出方式,比如控制台、文件等
- x
- '''
- 折线图绘制的时候主要碰到了下面几个问题:
- 1. 标签和折线的名称不能使用中文
- 解决:导入一个字体模块或者不用中文,用全拼或者英文
- 2. 绘图时候要控制图层的大小
- 解决: 在刚开始绘图的时候加入plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)),可以调整图层的大小,后面的(10,8)实际大小是乘以100,也就是1000*800的图片大小
- 3. 最后保存图片的时候保存jpg格式出错
- 解决:需要额外装一个模块,语句 pip install pillow
- '''
- # 例程如下
- from font_set import font_set# 这里我自己写了一个字体的模块,读者应该没有,可以忽略
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- from pylab import mpl
- mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] # SimHei是黑体的意思
- x1 = ['06:00', '12:00', '18:00', '24:00']# 横轴
- y1 = [4, 6, 8, 23]
- z1 = [5, 5, 7, 15]
- a1 = [2, 9, 10, 6]
- # x = np.random.random_integers(1, 20, 10)
- # # y = range(len(x))
- fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))# 控制图层的大小
- ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
- ax.plot(x1, y1)
- for x, y in zip(x1, y1):
- plt.text(x, y + 0.3, '%.0f' % y, ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=10.5)
- ax.plot(x1, z1)
- for x, y in zip(x1, z1):
- plt.text(x, y + 0.3, '%.0f' % y, ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=10.5)
- ax.plot(x1, a1)
- for x, y in zip(x1, a1):
- plt.text(x, y + 0.3, '%.0f' % y, ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=10.5)
- plt.xlabel(u'时间', FontProperties=font_set)
- plt.ylabel(u'延迟', FontProperties=font_set)
- plt.title(u"各交易所交易延时", FontProperties=font_set)
- plt.legend([u"中金所", u"上期所", u"大商所"], prop=font_set)
- plt.savefig("1.jpg")# 这里要注意,要先保存再show,如果先show了保存图片就会是空白
- plt.show()
- x
- '''
- paramiko模块主要作用是用python来远程连接服务器,发送请求以及取数据,由于使用的是python这样的能够跨平台运行的语言,所以所有python支持的平台,如Linux, Solaris, BSD, MacOS X, Windows等,paramiko都可以支持,因此,如果需要使用SSH从一个平台连接到另外一个平台,进行一系列的操作时,paramiko是最佳工具之一。
- '''
- class Ping_jifang:# 定义一个ping的类
- def __init__(self, host_ip, username, password, command, port=22):
- self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
- self.host_ip = host_ip
- self.username = username
- self.password = password
- self.command = command
- self.port = port
- def ssh_jifang(self):
- self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
- try:
- self.ssh.connect(self.host_ip, self.port, self.username, self.password, timeout=8)
- return True
- except Exception as fail:
- return False
- def exec_ssh_command(self):
- stdin, stdout, stderr = self.ssh.exec_command(self.command)
- result_all = stdout if stdout else stderr
- # print(result_all.readlines())
- return result_all.readline()
- # return stdout
- # print(self.command)
- # result_all = os.popen(self.command)
- # return result_all
- def logout(self):
- self.ssh.close()
- def main():
- print('进入主函数')
- ip_dit = {
- "yidong1": {
- "info": ["ip地址", "用户名", "密码"]
- },
- "yidong2": {
- "info": ["ip地址", "用户名", "密码"]
- },
- "shuxun": {
- "info": ["ip地址", "用户名", "密码"]
- },
- "languang": {
- "info": ["ip地址", "用户名", "密码"]
- }
- }
- # 这个语句就是我们用当前操作机来发送给linux机器的语句
- command_ping = "ping -c 100 -i 0.001 -f | grep 'rtt' | awk -F '[ =/]+' '{print $7}'"
- for i in ip_dit:
- client_ping = Ping_jifang(ip_dit[i]["info"][0], ip_dit[i]["info"][1], ip_dit[i]["info"][2], command_ping)
- if client_ping.ssh_jifang():
- result = client_ping.exec_ssh_command()
- result = eval(result[:-2])# 因为绘图需要列表,列表内要是int或者float数据,所以这里我们切割掉\n,然后用eval去掉引号,从而使列表内是符合要求的可以绘图的数据
- # print(i)
- # print(type(a),yidong2.append(a),yidong2)
- if i == "yidong1":
- yidong1.append(result)
- elif i == "yidong2":
- yidong2.append(result)
- elif i == "shuxun":
- shuxun.append(result)
- elif i == "languang":
- languang.append(result)
- else:
- pass
- client_ping.logout()
- print(yidong1)
- print(yidong2)
- print(shuxun)
- print(languang)
- xxxxxxxxxx
- '''
- 此程序是取本机(windows)对于其他网址的ping延迟
- '''
- import subprocess, sys, time, re, datetime
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
- from pylab import mpl
- from threading import Thread
- mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] # SimHei是黑体的意思
- plt.style.use('ggplot')
- np.random.seed(1)
- # 字体要导一下,还有别的导字体方法,这只是一种
- font_set = FontProperties(fname=r"D:\\msyh.ttc", size=12)
- count = 0
- # %Y-%m-%d
- def delay(host):
- popen = subprocess.Popen(['ping', host],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
- bufsize=1)
- while popen.poll() is None:
- r = popen.stdout.readline().decode('gbk')
- # sys.stdout.write(r)
- # 这里是取字段的功能,linux里面应该是按avg取,windows里面是按汉字'平均'取得
- res = re.findall(r'平均 = (.*?)ms', r)
- if res:
- return res[0]
- if popen.poll() != 0:
- err = popen.stderr.read()
- sys.stdout.write(err)
- def run():
- print('进入程序主体')
- global time_x
- time_x.append(time_now)
- res1 = delay('www.qq.com')
- global lis1
- lis1.append(eval(res1))
- res2 = delay('www.baidu.com')
- global lis2
- lis2.append(eval(res2))
- res3 = delay('www.jianshu.com')
- global lis3
- lis3.append(eval(res3))
- res4 = delay('www.runoob.com')
- global lis4
- lis4.append(eval(res4))
- print(len(lis1))
- print(lis1)
- time.sleep(1)
- if len(lis1) == 4: # 当取到四个延迟数据,也就是一天过去的时候,会生成折线图
- print('进入绘图函数')
- plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) # 调整图层大小
- plt.plot(time_x, lis1, marker='o', mec='b', mfc='w', label=u'QQ')
- for x, y in zip(time_x, lis1):
- plt.text(x, y + 0.3, '%.0f' % y, ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=10.5)
- plt.plot(time_x, lis2, marker='v', mec='g', mfc='w', label=u'百度')
- plt.plot(time_x, lis3, marker='^', mec='r', mfc='w', label=u'简书')
- plt.plot(time_x, lis4, marker='s', mec='y', mfc='w', label=u'菜鸟编程')
- plt.plot([0, 15, 30, 45], "rd")
- plt.margins(0)
- plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.10)
- plt.xlabel(u'时间', FontProperties=font_set) # X轴标签
- plt.ylabel(u'延迟ms', FontProperties=font_set) # Y轴标签
- plt.title(u"各交易所交易延时", FontProperties=font_set)
- plt.grid(True)
- plt.legend(loc=0)
- global count
- count += 1
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.savefig(f"{date}-{count}.jpg") # 保存的文件名
- # plt.show()
- plt.close() # 这里要注意,一定要关闭当前图层,不然之后画出来的图会和之前的图合并出现
- print('重置列表')
- time_x.clear()
- lis1.clear()
- lis2.clear()
- lis3.clear()
- lis4.clear()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- # 设定的开始时间,即第一次等于这个时间的时候开始进入程序,得到第一个延迟数据,之后可以一直不关,这个时间会一直保持增长
- sched_Timer = datetime.datetime(2019, 9, 27, 10, 38, 00)
- lis1 = list()
- lis2 = list()
- lis3 = list()
- lis4 = list()
- time_x = list()
- while True:
- date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(time.time()))
- time_now = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))
- now = datetime.datetime.now() # 取到当前系统的时间
- # if sched_Timer < now < (sched_Timer + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)):
- if 1 == 1:
- t1 = Thread(target=run) # 子线程
- t1.start()
- t1.join()
- # 这里是延迟时间,即设定为hour=6就是六个小时ping一次数据,minutes=1就是一分钟ping一次,累计四次才会生成一个图片
- sched_Timer = sched_Timer + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)
- x
- '''
- 此程序是本机通过远程linux机器来取不同linux机器的ping的延迟
- '''
- import paramiko
- import time
- import datetime
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- # font_set = FontProperties(fname=r"D:\\msyh.ttc", size=12)
- # font_set = FontProperties(fname='utf-8', size=12)
- class Ping_jifang:
- def __init__(self, host_ip, username, password, command, port=22):
- self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
- self.host_ip = host_ip
- self.username = username
- self.password = password
- self.command = command
- self.port = port
- def ssh_jifang(self):
- self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
- try:
- self.ssh.connect(self.host_ip, self.port, self.username, self.password, timeout=8)
- return True
- except Exception as fail:
- return False
- def exec_ssh_command(self):
- stdin, stdout, stderr = self.ssh.exec_command(self.command)
- result_all = stdout if stdout else stderr
- # print(result_all.readlines())
- return result_all.readline()
- # return stdout
- # print(self.command)
- # result_all = os.popen(self.command)
- # return result_all
- def logout(self):
- self.ssh.close()
- def main():
- print('进入主函数')
- ip_dit = {
- "yidong1": {
- "info": ["", "root", "1"]
- },
- "yidong2": {
- "info": ["", "root", "htqh@2019"]
- },
- "shuxun": {
- "info": ["", "root", "123456"]
- },
- "languang": {
- "info": ["", "root", "htqh@1234"]
- }
- }
- command_ping = "ping -c 100 -i 0.001 -f | grep 'rtt' | awk -F '[ =/]+' '{print $7}'"
- for i in ip_dit:
- client_ping = Ping_jifang(ip_dit[i]["info"][0], ip_dit[i]["info"][1], ip_dit[i]["info"][2], command_ping)
- if client_ping.ssh_jifang():
- result = client_ping.exec_ssh_command()
- result = eval(result[:-2])
- # print(i)
- # print(type(a),yidong2.append(a),yidong2)
- if i == "yidong1":
- yidong1.append(result)
- elif i == "yidong2":
- yidong2.append(result)
- elif i == "shuxun":
- shuxun.append(result)
- elif i == "languang":
- languang.append(result)
- else:
- pass
- client_ping.logout()
- print(yidong1)
- print(yidong2)
- print(shuxun)
- print(languang)
- # 绘图函数
- if len(yidong2) == 4: # 当取到四个延迟数据,也就是一天过去的时候,会生成折线图
- plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) # 调整图层大小
- time_x = ['06:00', '09:00', '12:00', '15:00']
- date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(time.time()))
- print('进入绘图函数')
- # plt.plot(time_x, yidong1, marker='o', mec='b', mfc='w', label=u'QQ')
- for x, y in zip(time_x, yidong2):
- plt.text(x, y + 0.3, '%.0f' % y, ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=10.5)
- plt.plot(time_x, yidong2, marker='v', mec='g', mfc='w', label=u'shuxun')
- plt.plot(time_x, shuxun, marker='^', mec='r', mfc='w', label=u'zhongjinsuo')
- plt.plot(time_x, languang, marker='s', mec='y', mfc='w', label=u'yidong')
- plt.ylim(0, 20) # 纵坐标范围
- y = range(0, 20, 1)
- plt.yticks(y) # 纵坐标刻度
- plt.margins(0)
- plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.10)
- plt.xlabel(u'time') # X轴标签
- plt.ylabel(u'ms') # Y轴标签
- plt.title(u"timedelate")
- plt.legend(loc=0)
- global count
- count += 1
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.savefig(f"{date}-{count}.jpg") # 保存的文件名
- # plt.show()
- plt.close() # 这里要注意,一定要关闭当前图层,不然之后画出来的图会和之前的图合并出现
- print('重置列表')
- time_x.clear()
- yidong1.clear()
- yidong2.clear()
- shuxun.clear()
- languang.clear()
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- yidong1 = []
- yidong2 = []
- shuxun = []
- languang = []
- count = 0
- while True:
- while True:
- now = datetime.datetime.now()
- print(f'\r当前时间:{now}', end='')
- if now.hour == 16 and now.minute == 1:
- break
- if now.hour == 16 and now.minute == 15:
- break
- if now.hour == 16 and now.minute == 16:
- break
- if now.hour == 16 and now.minute == 17:
- break
- time.sleep(1)
- time.sleep(61)
- main()
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