The    LED Magic Light    states that the color-changing LED is not an LED in the package, but three LEDs and a small computer to drive them. The LEDs consist of red, green and blue LEDs, each of which can be controlled by a microcontroller. Since the two legs that provide power on the LED are connected to the microcontroller instead of the LED components, current limiting resistors are not required.


The microcontroller can turn each color on or off, so if the red LED is lit, the output of the color LED is red. When the blue LED is lit, it is blue. If both the blue and red LEDs are lit, the color changing LED is purple (called magenta). Similarly, red and green are combined to give a yellow color, and blue and green give a cyan color.


Although the color change LED uses the six colors mentioned above, it slowly changes from one to the other. This is still done using three basic red, green and blue elements. If the red LED is combined with the blue LED, but the blue LED is only driven at 50% of its normal brightness, a half color between red and magenta is produced.


When the red LED remains on, if the blue LED is slow from 0% brightness to 100% brightness, the color will gradually change from red to magenta.


If the standard LED turns on and off very quickly, say 100 times per second, it looks like it is constantly opening up. If the LED is on for the same amount of time as it is turned off, it will last 50% of the time and 50% of full brightness.


The same method can be achieved using three LED elements inside the color-changing LED. This means that any number of red, green and blue can be combined to produce the desired color. Look again at the change from red to magenta. If the blue LED starts to turn off, turn it on and off with a uniform amount and then turn it on and the color will change as needed.


Ninghai Haohua Company  is a manufacturer that designs and produces various types of LED magic lights. LED Magic Light has complete specifications and beautiful styles. The goods are exported to Europe, the United States, Australia and other countries and regions.


Learn more about LED color changing lights,   LED Magic Light    , please pay attention to us, thank you!

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