- assert模块; //node自带
- var assert = require('assert');
- var now =;
- console.log(now);
- assert.ok(now % 2 == 0);
- ----------------------------------------
- var request = require('superagent');
- var assert = require('assert');
- request.get('http://localhost:3000')
- .send({q: 'bieber'})
- .end(function (res) {
- //断言判断响应状态码是否正确
- assert.ok(200 == res.status);
- //断言关键字是否存在
- assert.ok(~res.text.toLowerCase().indexOf('bieber'));
- //断言列表项是否存在
- assert.ok(~res.text.indexOf('<li>'));
- });
- ecpect.js,优化assert的代码书写方式; API:
- ok:断言是否为真:
- expect(1);
- expect(true);
- expect({});
- expect(0),ok();
- expect(1);
be/equal: ===
- expect(1);
- expect(NaN);
- expect(1);
- expect(1);
- expect({a: 'b'}).to.eql({a: 'b'});
- expect(1).to.eql('1');
- expect({a: 'b'}).to.eql({a: 'b'});
- a/an:断言所属属性类型,支持数组的instanceof
- expect(5)'number');
- expect([])'array');
- expect([])'object');
- //constructor
- expect(5)'Number');
- expect([])'Array');
- expect(tobi); //instanceof
- expect(5)'number');
- match:断言字符串是否匹配一段正则表达式
- expect(program.version).to.match(/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/);
- contain:断言字符串是否包含另一个字符串;
- expect([1,2]).to.contain(1);
- expect('hello world').to.contain('world');
- expect([1,2]).to.contain(1);
- length:断言数组长度;
- expect([]).to.have.length(0);
- expect([1,2,3]).to.have.length(3);
- expect([]).to.have.length(0);
- empty:断言数组是否为空;
- expect([]);
- expect([1,2,3]);
- expect([]);
- property:断言某个自身属性/值是否存在;
- expect(window)'expect');
- expect(window)'expect',expect);
- expect({a: 'b'})'a');
- expect(window)'expect');
- key/keys:断言键是否存在,支持only修饰符;
- expect({a: 'b'}).to.have.key('a');
- expect({a: 'b', c: 'd'}).to.only.have.keys('a', 'c');
- expect({a: 'b', c: 'd'}).to.only.have.keys(['a'.'c']);
- expect({a: 'b', c: 'd'}).to.not.only.have.keys('a');
- expect({a: 'b'}).to.have.key('a');
- throwException:断言Function在调用时是否会抛出异常;
- expect(fn).to.throwException();
- expect(fn2).to.not.throwException();
- expect(fn).to.throwException();
- within:断言数组是否在某一个区间内;
- expect(1),Infinity);
- greaterThan/above: >
- expect(3).to,be.above(0);
- expect(5);
- expect(3).to,be.above(0);
- lessThan/below: <
- expect(0);
- expect(1);
- expect(0);
- ok:断言是否为真:
Moncha: 测试框架
- 例子:
- test.js
- describe('a topic', function () {
- it('should test something', function () {
- });
- describe('anthor topic', function () {
- it('should test something else', function () {
- })
- })
- });
- describe('a topic', function () {
- 运行:mocha test.js ;报告列表形式: mocha -R list test.js
- test.js
- 测试异步代码:Mocha默认在一个测试用例执行之后立即执行另一个;但有时候希望延缓下一个测试用例的执行;
- it('should not know', function (done) {
- setTimeout(function () {
- assert.ok(1 == 1);
- done();
- }, 100);
- });
- it('should complete three requests', function (done) {
- var total = 3;
- request.get('http://localhost:3000/1', function (res) {
- if(200 != res.status) throw new Error('Request error'); --total || done();
- });
- request.get('http://localhost:3000/2', function (res) {
- if(200 != res.status) throw new Error('Request error'); --total || done();
- });
- request.get('http://localhost:3000/3', function (res) {
- if(200 != res.status) throw new Error('Request error'); --total || done();
- });
- })
- it('should not know', function (done) {
- BDD风格: 前面的测试例子风格为BDD(行为驱动开发);
- TDD风格: 测试驱动开发,组织方式是使用测试集(suit)和测试(test);每个测试集都有setup和teardowm函数,这些方法会在测试集中的测试执行前执行,为了避免代码重复已经最大限度使得测试之间相互独立;
- suite('net', function () {
- suite('Stream', function () {
- var client;
- suiteSetup(function () {
- client = net.connect(3000, 'localhost');
- });
- test('connect event', function (done) {
- client.on('connect', done);
- });
- test('receiving data', function (done) {
- client.write('');
- client.once('data', done);
- });
- suiteTeardown( function () {
- client.end();
- })
- })
- })
- suite('net', function () {
- export风格:使用node模块系统来输出测试;每个export的键都表示测试集,嵌套的测试集可以用子对象来表示
- exports.Array = {
- '#indecOf()' : {
- 'should return -1 when the value is not present' : function () {},
- 'should return the correct index when the value is present' : function () {}
- }
- }
- exports.Array = {
在浏览器端使用Mocha: 例子
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