
Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fisherman are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything - not event old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I go home with an empty bag. 'You must give up fishing' my friends say. 'It's a waste of time.' But they don't realize one important thing. I'm not really interested in fishing. I am only interesting in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!


  1. catch: v. 抓到 catch fish, catch thief
    catch a cold: 感冒
    catch a bus: 赶上车
    catch one's breath: 屏住呼吸
    catch sight of: see
    catch fire: 着火
    catch one's eyes: 吸引……的注意力

  2. boot: n. 靴子
    a pair of boots.

  3. waste:
    a waste of: ……的浪费
    It's a waste of time/money/food.
    Don't waste time.

  4. realize:v. 意识到
    I realized that I was wrong.
    实现: I realize my dream.

  5. fish:
    n.鱼(不可数)I like fish.
    n.鱼类 (可数)There were a lot of fishes in the sea.

  6. 动名词:由动词做成的名词,非谓语动词,作主语、宾语。
    Fishing is my favourite sport.

    • 动名词作主语

      1. Eating is always a pleasure.
      2. Watching television is my favorite pastime.
      3. Reading in bed is something I always enjoy.
    • 动名词作宾语
      1. I am very keen on cycling. be keen on = be found of = be interested in = enjoy doing
      2. She is afraid of staying in that house along.
      3. He is capable of doing anything. be capable of = be up of
    • Note how these sentences have been joined.
      1. He sat there. He did not say anything.
        He sat there without saying anything.
      2. He turned off the radio. He left the room.
        He turned off the radio before leaving the room.
      3. He looked at his watch. He hurried to the station.
        After looking at his watch, he hurried to the station. Or: After having looked at his watch, he hurried to the station. (having done 强调时间,先做了)
      4. I must apologize. I interrupted you.
        I must apologize for having interrupted you. Or: I must apologize for not letting you know earlier.
      5. He congratulated me. I won the competition.
        He congratulated me on winning the competition. 在我赢得这次比赛之际,他向我祝贺。(我觉得应该这样说:I was congratulated by him on wining the competition. 因为主句和从句的主语应该是一致的)
        Or: He congratulated me on having won the competition. (我觉得应该是:I was congratulated by him on having won the competition.)
  7. without作为状语而出现,表示结果状语。
    He went out without saying any words.
    The kid go to school without asking for any pocket money. (without后面的动作是主语来做的)
    without: 强调没有做成某件事情
    instead of: 强调这件事没有做成而做成了另外一件事情
    I go to school instead of staying at home.

  8. worry:
    v.让某人担心 worry sb.
    adj.担心的 be worried about
    My daughter worried me. = I was worried about my daughter.

  9. less+原级:A is less than B. 不如
    They are unlucky, but I am even less lucky.

  10. after(conj.)+从句 如果从句的主语是主句的主语就可以用下面的形式。
    After I go to school, I learned a lot of knowledge.
    = After going to school, I learned a lot of knowledge.

  11. give up doing: 放弃做某事 up是prep.

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