Lesson 20 One man in a boat
Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fisherman are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything - not event old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I go home with an empty bag. 'You must give up fishing' my friends say. 'It's a waste of time.' But they don't realize one important thing. I'm not really interested in fishing. I am only interesting in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!
catch: v. 抓到 catch fish, catch thief
catch a cold: 感冒
catch a bus: 赶上车
catch one's breath: 屏住呼吸
catch sight of: see
catch fire: 着火
catch one's eyes: 吸引……的注意力boot: n. 靴子
a pair of boots.waste:
a waste of: ……的浪费
It's a waste of time/money/food.
Don't waste time.realize:v. 意识到
I realized that I was wrong.
实现: I realize my dream.fish:
n.鱼(不可数)I like fish.
n.鱼类 (可数)There were a lot of fishes in the sea.
v.钓鱼、捕鱼- 动名词:由动词做成的名词,非谓语动词,作主语、宾语。
Fishing is my favourite sport.- 动名词作主语
- Eating is always a pleasure.
- Watching television is my favorite pastime.
- Reading in bed is something I always enjoy.
- 动名词作宾语
- I am very keen on cycling. be keen on = be found of = be interested in = enjoy doing
- She is afraid of staying in that house along.
- He is capable of doing anything. be capable of = be up of
- Note how these sentences have been joined.
- He sat there. He did not say anything.
He sat there without saying anything. - He turned off the radio. He left the room.
He turned off the radio before leaving the room. - He looked at his watch. He hurried to the station.
After looking at his watch, he hurried to the station. Or: After having looked at his watch, he hurried to the station. (having done 强调时间,先做了) - I must apologize. I interrupted you.
I must apologize for having interrupted you. Or: I must apologize for not letting you know earlier. - He congratulated me. I won the competition.
He congratulated me on winning the competition. 在我赢得这次比赛之际,他向我祝贺。(我觉得应该这样说:I was congratulated by him on wining the competition. 因为主句和从句的主语应该是一致的)
Or: He congratulated me on having won the competition. (我觉得应该是:I was congratulated by him on having won the competition.)
- He sat there. He did not say anything.
- 动名词作主语
He went out without saying any words.
The kid go to school without asking for any pocket money. (without后面的动作是主语来做的)
without: 强调没有做成某件事情
instead of: 强调这件事没有做成而做成了另外一件事情
I go to school instead of staying at home.worry:
v.让某人担心 worry sb.
adj.担心的 be worried about
My daughter worried me. = I was worried about my daughter.less+原级:A is less than B. 不如
They are unlucky, but I am even less lucky.after(conj.)+从句 如果从句的主语是主句的主语就可以用下面的形式。
After I go to school, I learned a lot of knowledge.
= After going to school, I learned a lot of knowledge.give up doing: 放弃做某事 up是prep.
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