Test the android driver by JNI (Java Native Interface),

  In the third article, we know how to compiler the moduler for localhost, ok6410 and goldfish platform.


  But we didn't try to test the driver using by C/C++ program on ok6410 and goldfish.

  Android was changing from linux, so there must remain some fetures linux working.

  If we want to test a driver using C/C++ program, we should get ready for the following conditions :

  (1) Goldfish emulator/Ok6410/Phone must got the permission to "root".

  (2) The exec file compiled by the cross compiler.

  It's easy to go on within these limits, we just need to compile the C/C++ program in the android source configured by "Android.mk".


  Here is the Android.mk :

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

# files to compiler
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ftest.c # obj name - the output execute file name

  And the ftest.c is :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int testdev;
int ret;
int num = ;
unsigned char buf[]; testdev = open("/dev/wordcount2", O_RDWR); if(testdev == -) {
printf("Can not open file.\n");
return ;
} if(argc > ) {
printf("Strings : %s.\n", argv[]);
write(testdev, argv[], strlen(argv[]));
} read(testdev, buf, ); num = ((int)buf[]) << | \
((int)buf[]) << | \
((int)buf[]) << | \
((int)buf[]); printf("Word Byte : 0x%d%d%d%dH\n", buf[], buf[], buf[], buf[]);
printf("word count: %d\n", num); close(testdev);
return ;

  now, we should mkdir in the source code :

$ pwd
$ ls
Android.mk ftest.c

  then return to the root directory :

$ cd ~/Android/source_code/
$ source build/envsetup.sh
$ mmm development/ndk/wordcount
Install: out/target/product/generic/system/bin/ftest

  Then we just need to push the file to emulator and test it.


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