Search-ADAccount -LockedOut | FT Name,ObjectClass -A
Gets Active Directory user, computer, or service accounts.
Search-ADAccount -AccountDisabled <switch> [-AuthType {<Negotiate> | <Basic>}] [-ComputersOnly <switch>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-ResultPageSize <int>] [-ResultSetSize <System.Nullable[int]>] [-SearchBase <string>] [-SearchScope {<Base> | <OneLevel> | <Subtree>}] [-Server <string>] [-UsersOnly <switch>] [<CommonParameters>]
- AccountDisabled
- AuthType
- ComputersOnly
- Credential
- ResultPageSize
- ResultSetSize
- SearchBase
- SearchScope
- Server
- UsersOnly
Search-ADAccount -AccountExpired <switch> [-AuthType {<Negotiate> | <Basic>}] [-ComputersOnly <switch>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-ResultPageSize <int>] [-ResultSetSize <System.Nullable[int]>] [-SearchBase <string>] [-SearchScope {<Base> | <OneLevel> | <Subtree>}] [-Server <string>] [-UsersOnly <switch>] [<CommonParameters>]
- AccountExpired
- AuthType
- ComputersOnly
- Credential
- ResultPageSize
- ResultSetSize
- SearchBase
- SearchScope
- Server
- UsersOnly
Search-ADAccount -AccountExpiring <switch> [-DateTime <DateTime>] [-TimeSpan <TimeSpan>] [-AuthType {<Negotiate> | <Basic>}] [-ComputersOnly <switch>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-ResultPageSize <int>] [-ResultSetSize <System.Nullable[int]>] [-SearchBase <string>] [-SearchScope {<Base> | <OneLevel> | <Subtree>}] [-Server <string>] [-UsersOnly <switch>] [<CommonParameters>]
- AccountExpiring
- DateTime
- TimeSpan
- AuthType
- ComputersOnly
- Credential
- ResultPageSize
- ResultSetSize
- SearchBase
- SearchScope
- Server
- UsersOnly
Search-ADAccount -AccountInactive <switch> [-DateTime <DateTime>] [-TimeSpan <TimeSpan>] [-AuthType {<Negotiate> | <Basic>}] [-ComputersOnly <switch>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-ResultPageSize <int>] [-ResultSetSize <System.Nullable[int]>] [-SearchBase <string>] [-SearchScope {<Base> | <OneLevel> | <Subtree>}] [-Server <string>] [-UsersOnly <switch>] [<CommonParameters>]
- AccountInactive
- DateTime
- TimeSpan
- AuthType
- ComputersOnly
- Credential
- ResultPageSize
- ResultSetSize
- SearchBase
- SearchScope
- Server
- UsersOnly
Search-ADAccount -LockedOut [-AuthType {<Negotiate> | <Basic>}] [-ComputersOnly <switch>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-ResultPageSize <int>] [-ResultSetSize <System.Nullable[int]>] [-SearchBase <string>] [-SearchScope {<Base> | <OneLevel> | <Subtree>}] [-Server <string>] [-UsersOnly <switch>] [<CommonParameters>]
- LockedOut
- AuthType
- ComputersOnly
- Credential
- ResultPageSize
- ResultSetSize
- SearchBase
- SearchScope
- Server
- UsersOnly
Search-ADAccount -PasswordExpired <switch> [-AuthType {<Negotiate> | <Basic>}] [-ComputersOnly <switch>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-ResultPageSize <int>] [-ResultSetSize <System.Nullable[int]>] [-SearchBase <string>] [-SearchScope {<Base> | <OneLevel> | <Subtree>}] [-Server <string>] [-UsersOnly <switch>] [<CommonParameters>]
- PasswordExpired
- AuthType
- ComputersOnly
- Credential
- ResultPageSize
- ResultSetSize
- SearchBase
- SearchScope
- Server
- UsersOnly
Search-ADAccount -PasswordNeverExpires <switch> [-AuthType {<Negotiate> | <Basic>}] [-ComputersOnly <switch>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-ResultPageSize <int>] [-ResultSetSize <System.Nullable[int]>] [-SearchBase <string>] [-SearchScope {<Base> | <OneLevel> | <Subtree>}] [-Server <string>] [-UsersOnly <switch>] [<CommonParameters>]
- PasswordNeverExpires
- AuthType
- ComputersOnly
- Credential
- ResultPageSize
- ResultSetSize
- SearchBase
- SearchScope
- Server
- UsersOnly
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