
 * Mysql类
class Mysql{

    private static $link = null;//数据库连接

     * 私有的构造方法
    private function __construct(){}

     * 连接数据库
     * @return obj 资源对象
    private static function conn(){
        if(self::$link === null){
            $cfg = require './config.php';
            self::$link = new Mysqli($cfg['host'],$cfg['user'],$cfg['pwd'],$cfg['db']);
            self::query("set names ".$cfg['charset']);//设置字符集
        return self::$link;

     * 执行一条sql语句
     * @param  str $sql 查询语句
     * @return obj      结果集对象
    public static function query($sql){
        return self::conn()->query($sql);

     * 获取多行数据
     * @param  str $sql 查询语句
     * @return arr      多行数据
    public static function getAll($sql){
        $data = array();
        $res = self::query($sql);
        while($row = $res->fetch_assoc()){
            $data[] = $row;
        return $data;

     * 获取一行数据
     * @param  str $row 查询语句
     * @return arr      单行数据
    public static function getRow($row){
        $res = self::query($sql);
        return $res->fetch_assoc();

     * 获取单个结果
     * @param  str $sql 查询语句
     * @return str      单个结果
    public static function getOne($sql){
        $res = self::query($sql);
        $data = $res->fetch_row();
        return $data[0];

     * 插入/更新数据
     * @param  str $table  表名
     * @param  arr $data  插入/更新的数据
     * @param  str $act   insert/update
     * @param  str $where 更新条件
     * @return bool 插入/更新是否成功
    public static function exec($table,$data,$act='insert',$where='0'){
        if($act == 'insert'){
            $sql = 'insert into '.$table;
            $sql .= ' ('.implode(',',array_keys($data)).')';
            $sql .= " values ('".implode("','",array_values($data))."')";
        }else if($act == 'update'){
            $sql = 'update '.$table.' set ';
            foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
                $sql .= $k.'='."'$v',";
            $sql = rtrim($sql,',');
            $sql .= ' where 1 and '.$where;
        return self::query($sql);

     * 获取最近一次插入的主键值
     * @return int 主键
    public static function getLastId(){
        return self::conn()->insert_id;

     * 获取最近一次操作影响的行数
     * @return int 影响的行数
    public static function getAffectedRows(){
        return self::conn()->affected_rows;

     * 关闭数据库连接
     * @return bool 是否关闭
    public static function close(){
        return self::conn()->close();



 * 分页类
 * @author webbc
class Page{

    private $num;//总的文章数
    private $cnt;//每页显示的文章数
    private $curr;//当前的页码数
    private $p = 'page';//分页参数名
    private $pageCnt = 5;//分栏总共显示的页数
    private $firstRow;//每页的第一行数据
    private $pageIndex = array();//分页信息

     * 构造函数
     * @param int $num 总的文章数
     * @param int $cnt 每页显示的文章数
    public function __construct($num,$cnt=10){
        $this->num = $num;
        $this->cnt = $cnt;
        $this->curr = empty($_GET[$this->p]) ? 1 : intval($_GET[$this->p]);
        $this->curr = $this->curr > 0 ? $this->curr : 1;
        $this->firstRow   = $this->cnt * ($this->curr - 1);

     * 分页方法
    private function getPage(){
        $page = ceil($this->num / $this->cnt);//总的页数
        $left = max(1,$this->curr - floor($this->pageCnt/2));//计算最左边页码
        $right = min($left + $this->pageCnt - 1 ,$page);//计算最右边页码
        $left = max(1,$right - ($this->pageCnt - 1));//当前页码往右靠,需要重新计算左边页面的值
            if($i == 1){
                $index = '第1页';
            }else if($i == $page){
                $index = '最后一页';
                $index = '第'.$i.'页';
            $_GET['page'] = $i;
            $this->pageIndex[$index] = http_build_query($_GET);

     * 返回分页信息数据
     * @return [type] [description]
    public function show(){
        return $this->pageIndex;


 * 缩略图类
 * @author webbc
class Thumb{

    private $thumbWidth;//缩略图的宽
    private $thumbHeight;//缩略图的高
    private $thumbPath;//缩略图保存的路径

    private $sourcePath;//原图的路径
    private $sourceWidth;//原图的宽度
    private $sourceHeight;//原图的高度
    private $sourceType;//原图的图片类型

     * 构造函数
     * @param str  $sourcePath  原图的绝对路径
     * @param integer $thumbWidth  缩略图的宽
     * @param integer $thumbHeight 缩略图的高
    public function __construct($sourcePath,$thumbWidth=200,$thumbHeight=200){
        $this->sourcePath = $sourcePath;
        $this->thumbWidth = $thumbWidth;
        $this->thumbHeight = $thumbHeight;
        $this->thumbPath = $this->getThumbPath();
        list($this->sourceWidth,$this->sourceHeight,$this->sourceType) = getimagesize($this->sourcePath);

     * 确定缩略图保存的路径
     * @return [type] [description]
    private function getThumbPath(){
        $ext = $this->getExt();
        $filename = basename($this->sourcePath,'.'.$ext).'_thumb'.'.'.$ext;
        return $thumbPath = __DIR__.'/'.$filename;

     * 获取原图的扩展名
     * @return str 扩展名
    private function getExt(){
        return pathinfo($this->sourcePath,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

     * 检测原图的扩展名是否合法,并返回相应类型
     * @return  bool/str 原图的类型
    public function getType(){
        $typeArr = array(
            1 => 'gif',
            2 => 'jpeg',
            3 => 'png',
            15 => 'wbmp'
        if(!in_array($this->sourceType, array_keys($typeArr))){
            return false;
        return $typeArr[$this->sourceType];

     * 按照缩略图大小,计算大图的缩放比例
     * @return float 缩放比例
    public function calculateRate(){
        return min($this->thumbWidth / $this->sourceWidth,$this->thumbHeight / $this->sourceHeight);

     * 计算大图按照缩放比例后,最终的图像大小
     * @param float $rate 缩放比例
     * @return arr 缩放后的图片大小
    public function getImageSizeByRate($rate){
        $width = $this->sourceWidth * $rate;
        $height = $this->sourceHeight * $rate;
        return array('w'=>$width,'h'=>$height);

     * 保存成文件
     * @return [type] [description]
    public function saveFile($image){
        $method = "image".$this->getType();

     * 进行绘画操作
     * @return [type] [description]
    public function draw(){
        if(!($type = $this->getType())){
            echo "文件类型不支持";
            return ;
        $method = "imagecreatefrom".$type;
        $bigCanvas = $method($this->sourcePath);
        $smallCanvas = imagecreatetruecolor($this->thumbWidth, $this->thumbHeight);
        $white = imagecolorallocate($smallCanvas, 255, 255, 255);
        imagefill($smallCanvas, 0, 0, $white);
        $rate = $this->calculateRate();
        $info = $this->getImageSizeByRate($rate);
        imagecopyresampled($smallCanvas, $bigCanvas,
            ($this->thumbWidth - $info['w']) / 2 , ($this->thumbHeight - $info['h']) / 2,
            0, 0, $info['w'], $info['h'], $this->sourceWidth, $this->sourceHeight);



<meta charset="utf8"/>
 * 文件上传类
 * @author webbc
class Upload{

    private $allowExt = array('gif','jpg','jpeg','bmp','png','swf');//限制文件上传的后缀名
    private $maxSize = 1;//限制最大文件上传1M

     * 获取文件的信息
     * @param  str $flag 上传文件的标识
     * @return arr       上传文件的信息数组
    public function getInfo($flag){
        return $_FILES[$flag];

     * 获取文件的扩展名
     * @param str $filename 文件名
     * @return str 文件扩展名
    public function getExt($filename){
        return pathinfo($filename,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

     * 检测文件扩展名是否合法
     * @param str $filename 文件名
     * @return bool 文件扩展名是否合法
    private function checkExt($filename){
        $ext = $this->getExt($filename);
        return in_array($ext,$this->allowExt);

     * 检测文件大小是否超过限制
     * @param int size 文件大小
     * @return bool 文件大小是否超过限制
    public function checkSize($size){
        return $size < $this->maxSize * 1024 * 1024;

     * 随机的文件名
     * @param int $len 随机文件名的长度
     * @return str 随机字符串
    public function randName($len=6){
        return substr(str_shuffle('abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ234565789'),0,$len);

     * 创建文件上传到的路径
     * @return str 文件上传的路径
    public function createDir(){
        $dir = './upload/'.date('Y/m/d',time());
        if(is_dir($dir) || mkdir($dir,0777,true)){
            return $dir;

     * 文件上传
     * @param str $flag 文件上传标识
     * @return arr 文件上传信息
    public function uploadFile($flag){
        if($_FILES[$flag]['name'] === '' || $_FILES[$flag]['error'] !== 0){
            echo "没有上传文件";
        $info = $this->getInfo($flag);
            echo "不支持的文件类型";
            echo "文件大小超过限制";
        $filename = $this->randName().'.'.$this->getExt($info['name']);
        $dir = $this->createDir();
        if(!move_uploaded_file($info['tmp_name'], $dir.'/'.$filename)){
            echo "文件上传失败";
            return array('filename'=>$filename,'dir'=>$dir);




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