
红色:监控中心 -  dubbo-simple-monitor




  • MonitorFilter向DubboMonitor发送数据
  • DubboMonitor将数据进行聚合后(默认聚合1min中的统计数据)暂存到ConcurrentMap<Statistics, AtomicReference<long[]>> statisticsMap,然后使用一个含有3个线程(线程名字:DubboMonitorSendTimer)的线程池每隔1min钟,调用SimpleMonitorService遍历发送statisticsMap中的统计数据,每发送完毕一个,就重置当前的Statistics的AtomicReference<long[]>
  • SimpleMonitorService将这些聚合数据塞入BlockingQueue<URL> queue中(队列大写为100000)
  • SimpleMonitorService使用一个后台线程(线程名为:DubboMonitorAsyncWriteLogThread)将queue中的数据写入文件(该线程以死循环的形式来写)
  • SimpleMonitorService还会使用一个含有1个线程(线程名字:DubboMonitorTimer)的线程池每隔5min钟,将文件中的统计数据画成图表


  • SimpleMonitorService理解为一个服务提供者;而provider和consumer都是一个服务消费者,所以二者的DubboMonitor中的MonitorService实例都是一个代理实例。
  • dubbo-monitor计数监控不支持异步调用下的数据监控



 <dubbo:monitor address="" />




doExportUrlsFor1Protocol(ProtocolConfig protocolConfig, List<URL> registryURLs)中:

             if (!Constants.SCOPE_LOCAL.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(scope)) {
if (registryURLs != null && registryURLs.size() > 0) {
for (URL registryURL : registryURLs) {
URL monitorUrl = loadMonitor(registryURL);
if (monitorUrl != null) {
url = url.addParameterAndEncoded(Constants.MONITOR_KEY, monitorUrl.toFullString());
} else {

其中loadMonitor(URL registryURL)方法主要用于创建MonitorConfig对象(如果monitor配置在dubbo.properties中的话),并且设置属性,之后设置到数据总线Url中。

     protected URL loadMonitor(URL registryURL) {
if (monitor == null) {
String monitorAddress = ConfigUtils.getProperty("dubbo.monitor.address");
String monitorProtocol = ConfigUtils.getProperty("dubbo.monitor.protocol");
if ((monitorAddress == null || monitorAddress.length() == 0) && (monitorProtocol == null || monitorProtocol.length() == 0)) {
return null;
} monitor = new MonitorConfig();
if (monitorAddress != null && monitorAddress.length() > 0) {
if (monitorProtocol != null && monitorProtocol.length() > 0) {


createProxy(Map<String, String> map)中:

                 List<URL> us = loadRegistries(false);
if (us != null && us.size() > 0) {
for (URL u : us) {
URL monitorUrl = loadMonitor(u);
if (monitorUrl != null) {
map.put(Constants.MONITOR_KEY, URL.encode(monitorUrl.toFullString()));



* MonitorFilter. (SPI, Singleton, ThreadSafe)
@Activate(group = {Constants.PROVIDER, Constants.CONSUMER})
public class MonitorFilter implements Filter { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MonitorFilter.class); // key: 接口名.方法名 value: 当前的并发数
private final ConcurrentMap<String, AtomicInteger> concurrents = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, AtomicInteger>(); private MonitorFactory monitorFactory;// MonitorFactory$Adaptive public void setMonitorFactory(MonitorFactory monitorFactory) {
this.monitorFactory = monitorFactory;
} // intercepting invocation
public Result invoke(Invoker<?> invoker, Invocation invocation) throws RpcException {
if (invoker.getUrl().hasParameter(Constants.MONITOR_KEY)) {// 开启了monitor监控
RpcContext context = RpcContext.getContext(); // provider must fetch context before invoke() gets called
String remoteHost = context.getRemoteHost();
long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // record start timestamp
getConcurrent(invoker, invocation).incrementAndGet(); // 并发数+1
try {
Result result = invoker.invoke(invocation); // proceed invocation chain
collect(invoker, invocation, result, remoteHost, start, false);// 收集统计数据
return result;
} catch (RpcException e) {
collect(invoker, invocation, null, remoteHost, start, true);// 发生异常时收集统计数据
throw e;
} finally {
getConcurrent(invoker, invocation).decrementAndGet(); // 并发数-1
} else {
return invoker.invoke(invocation);
} // collect info
private void collect(Invoker<?> invoker, Invocation invocation, Result result, String remoteHost, long start, boolean error) {
try {
// ---- service statistics ----
long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; // 此次调用花费的时间
int concurrent = getConcurrent(invoker, invocation).get(); // current concurrent count
String application = invoker.getUrl().getParameter(Constants.APPLICATION_KEY);
String service = invoker.getInterface().getName(); // service name
String method = RpcUtils.getMethodName(invocation); // method name
URL url = invoker.getUrl().getUrlParameter(Constants.MONITOR_KEY);
Monitor monitor = monitorFactory.getMonitor(url);//根据monitorUrl获取Monitor实现(默认使用DubboMonitor)
if (monitor == null) {
int localPort;
String remoteKey;
String remoteValue;
if (Constants.CONSUMER_SIDE.equals(invoker.getUrl().getParameter(Constants.SIDE_KEY))) {
// ---- for service consumer ----
localPort = 0;
remoteKey = MonitorService.PROVIDER;
remoteValue = invoker.getUrl().getAddress();
} else {
// ---- for service provider ----
localPort = invoker.getUrl().getPort();
remoteKey = MonitorService.CONSUMER;
remoteValue = remoteHost;
String input = "", output = "";
if (invocation.getAttachment(Constants.INPUT_KEY) != null) {
input = invocation.getAttachment(Constants.INPUT_KEY);
if (result != null && result.getAttachment(Constants.OUTPUT_KEY) != null) {
output = result.getAttachment(Constants.OUTPUT_KEY);
monitor.collect(new URL(Constants.COUNT_PROTOCOL,
NetUtils.getLocalHost(), localPort,
service + "/" + method,
MonitorService.APPLICATION, application,
MonitorService.INTERFACE, service,
MonitorService.METHOD, method,
remoteKey, remoteValue,
error ? MonitorService.FAILURE : MonitorService.SUCCESS, "1",// 成功失败数
MonitorService.ELAPSED, String.valueOf(elapsed),// 调用消耗的时间
MonitorService.CONCURRENT, String.valueOf(concurrent),// 并发数
Constants.INPUT_KEY, input,
Constants.OUTPUT_KEY, output));
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.error("Failed to monitor count service " + invoker.getUrl() + ", cause: " + t.getMessage(), t);
} // concurrent counter
private AtomicInteger getConcurrent(Invoker<?> invoker, Invocation invocation) {
String key = invoker.getInterface().getName() + "." + invocation.getMethodName();
AtomicInteger concurrent = concurrents.get(key);
if (concurrent == null) {
concurrents.putIfAbsent(key, new AtomicInteger());
concurrent = concurrents.get(key);
return concurrent;
} }


  • 获取计算各种统计数据(调用消耗时间、调用成功/错误数等)
  • 使用MonitorFactory获取Monitor
  • 将统计数据构造成url
  • 使用Monitor收集这些统计数据



     private static final int LENGTH = 10;
private final ConcurrentMap<Statistics, AtomicReference<long[]>> statisticsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Statistics, AtomicReference<long[]>>(); // 聚合统计数据
public void collect(URL url) {
// data to collect from url
int success = url.getParameter(MonitorService.SUCCESS, 0);
int failure = url.getParameter(MonitorService.FAILURE, 0);
int input = url.getParameter(MonitorService.INPUT, 0);
int output = url.getParameter(MonitorService.OUTPUT, 0);
int elapsed = url.getParameter(MonitorService.ELAPSED, 0);
int concurrent = url.getParameter(MonitorService.CONCURRENT, 0);
// init atomic reference
Statistics statistics = new Statistics(url);
AtomicReference<long[]> reference = statisticsMap.get(statistics);
if (reference == null) {
statisticsMap.putIfAbsent(statistics, new AtomicReference<long[]>());
reference = statisticsMap.get(statistics);
// use CompareAndSet to sum
long[] current;
long[] update = new long[LENGTH];
do {
current = reference.get();
if (current == null) {
update[0] = success;
update[1] = failure;
update[2] = input;
update[3] = output;
update[4] = elapsed;
update[5] = concurrent;
update[6] = input;
update[7] = output;
update[8] = elapsed;
update[9] = concurrent;
} else {
update[0] = current[0] + success;
update[1] = current[1] + failure;
update[2] = current[2] + input;
update[3] = current[3] + output;
update[4] = current[4] + elapsed;
update[5] = (current[5] + concurrent) / 2;
update[6] = current[6] > input ? current[6] : input;
update[7] = current[7] > output ? current[7] : output;
update[8] = current[8] > elapsed ? current[8] : elapsed;
update[9] = current[9] > concurrent ? current[9] : concurrent;
} while (!reference.compareAndSet(current, update));



     private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(3, new NamedThreadFactory("DubboMonitorSendTimer", true));
private final ScheduledFuture<?> sendFuture;
private final long monitorInterval; public DubboMonitor(Invoker<MonitorService> monitorInvoker, MonitorService monitorService) {
this.monitorInvoker = monitorInvoker;
this.monitorService = monitorService;
this.monitorInterval = monitorInvoker.getUrl().getPositiveParameter("interval", );
// collect timer for collecting statistics data
sendFuture = scheduledExecutorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// collect data
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.error("Unexpected error occur at send statistic, cause: " + t.getMessage(), t);
}, monitorInterval, monitorInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
     public void send() {
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("Send statistics to monitor " + getUrl());
String timestamp = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
for (Map.Entry<Statistics, AtomicReference<long[]>> entry : statisticsMap.entrySet()) {
// get statistics data
Statistics statistics = entry.getKey();
AtomicReference<long[]> reference = entry.getValue();
long[] numbers = reference.get();
long success = numbers[0];
long failure = numbers[1];
long input = numbers[2];
long output = numbers[3];
long elapsed = numbers[4];
long concurrent = numbers[5];
long maxInput = numbers[6];
long maxOutput = numbers[7];
long maxElapsed = numbers[8];
long maxConcurrent = numbers[9]; // send statistics data
URL url = statistics.getUrl()
.addParameters(MonitorService.TIMESTAMP, timestamp,
MonitorService.SUCCESS, String.valueOf(success),
MonitorService.FAILURE, String.valueOf(failure),
MonitorService.INPUT, String.valueOf(input),
MonitorService.OUTPUT, String.valueOf(output),
MonitorService.ELAPSED, String.valueOf(elapsed),
MonitorService.CONCURRENT, String.valueOf(concurrent),
MonitorService.MAX_INPUT, String.valueOf(maxInput),
MonitorService.MAX_OUTPUT, String.valueOf(maxOutput),
MonitorService.MAX_ELAPSED, String.valueOf(maxElapsed),
MonitorService.MAX_CONCURRENT, String.valueOf(maxConcurrent)
monitorService.collect(url); // reset
long[] current;
long[] update = new long[LENGTH];
do {
current = reference.get();
if (current == null) {
update[0] = 0;
update[1] = 0;
update[2] = 0;
update[3] = 0;
update[4] = 0;
update[5] = 0;
} else {
update[0] = current[0] - success;
update[1] = current[1] - failure;
update[2] = current[2] - input;
update[3] = current[3] - output;
update[4] = current[4] - elapsed;
update[5] = current[5] - concurrent;
} while (!reference.compareAndSet(current, update));
  • 首先从聚合数据存储器statisticsMap中获取相关统计数据并存储到数据总线Url中
  • 之后调用MonitorService(这里是SimpleMonitorService),将统计数据存储到一个BlockingQueue中


  • 由于monitorService.collect(url)是远程调用,这里在for循环体中执行远程调用,实际上是不合适的,我们可以将所有的url先暂存在一个List<URL>中,最后,使用一次monitorService.collect(urlList)即可 - 此时,可适当缩短数据发送时间。


     private final BlockingQueue<URL> queue;

     public void collect(URL statistics) {
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("collect statistics: " + statistics);


     private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, new NamedThreadFactory("DubboMonitorTimer", true));
private final ScheduledFuture<?> chartFuture;
private final Thread writeThread;
private final BlockingQueue<URL> queue;
private String statisticsDirectory = "statistics";
private String chartsDirectory = "charts";
private volatile boolean running = true; public SimpleMonitorService() {
queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<URL>(Integer.parseInt(ConfigUtils.getProperty("dubbo.monitor.queue", "")));
writeThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
while (running) {
try {
write(); // write statistics
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.error("Unexpected error occur at write stat log, cause: " + t.getMessage(), t);
try {
Thread.sleep(5000); // retry after 5 secs
} catch (Throwable t2) {
chartFuture = scheduledExecutorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
draw(); // draw chart
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.error("Unexpected error occur at draw stat chart, cause: " + t.getMessage(), t);
}, 1, , TimeUnit.SECONDS);
statisticsDirectory = ConfigUtils.getProperty("dubbo.statistics.directory");
chartsDirectory = ConfigUtils.getProperty("dubbo.charts.directory");



 Monitor monitor = monitorFactory.getMonitor(url);


 package com.alibaba.dubbo.monitor;

 import com.alibaba.dubbo.common.extension.ExtensionLoader;

 public class MonitorFactory$Adaptive implements com.alibaba.dubbo.monitor.MonitorFactory {
public com.alibaba.dubbo.monitor.Monitor getMonitor(com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL arg0) {
if (arg0 == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("url == null");
com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL url = arg0;
String extName = (url.getProtocol() == null ? "dubbo" : url.getProtocol());
if (extName == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Fail to get extension(com.alibaba.dubbo.monitor.MonitorFactory) name from url(" + url.toString() + ") use keys([protocol])");
com.alibaba.dubbo.monitor.MonitorFactory extension = (com.alibaba.dubbo.monitor.MonitorFactory) ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(com.alibaba.dubbo.monitor.MonitorFactory.class).getExtension(extName);
return extension.getMonitor(arg0);


* AbstractMonitorFactory. (SPI, Singleton, ThreadSafe)
public abstract class AbstractMonitorFactory implements MonitorFactory {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractMonitorFactory.class); // lock for getting monitor center
private static final ReentrantLock LOCK = new ReentrantLock(); // monitor centers Map<RegistryAddress, Registry>
private static final Map<String, Monitor> MONITORS = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Monitor>(); private static final Map<String, ListenableFuture<Monitor>> FUTURES = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ListenableFuture<Monitor>>(); private static final ExecutorService executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, 10, 60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>(), new NamedThreadFactory("DubboMonitorCreator", true)); public static Collection<Monitor> getMonitors() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(MONITORS.values());
} public Monitor getMonitor(URL url) {
url = url.setPath(MonitorService.class.getName()).addParameter(Constants.INTERFACE_KEY, MonitorService.class.getName());
String key = url.toServiceStringWithoutResolving();// dubbo://
Monitor monitor = MONITORS.get(key);
Future<Monitor> future = FUTURES.get(key);
if (monitor != null || future != null) {
return monitor;
} LOCK.lock();
try {
monitor = MONITORS.get(key);
future = FUTURES.get(key);
if (monitor != null || future != null) {
return monitor;
} final URL monitorUrl = url;
// 使用另外的线程MonitorCreator来创建Monitor实例(原因是:即使Monitor创建失败,也不会影响主流程)
final ListenableFutureTask<Monitor> listenableFutureTask = ListenableFutureTask.create(new MonitorCreator(monitorUrl));
41 listenableFutureTask.addListener(new MonitorListener(key));
42 executor.execute(listenableFutureTask);
FUTURES.put(key, listenableFutureTask); return null;
} finally {
// unlock
} protected abstract Monitor createMonitor(URL url); // Callable和Runnable一样,也是创建一个线程去执行,只是Callable有返回值(T call()),而Runnable无返回值(void run())
class MonitorCreator implements Callable<Monitor> { private URL url; public MonitorCreator(URL url) {
this.url = url;
} @Override
public Monitor call() throws Exception {
Monitor monitor = AbstractMonitorFactory.this.createMonitor(url);//调用子类的createMonitor方法创建Monitor
return monitor;
} class MonitorListener implements Runnable { private String key; public MonitorListener(String key) {
this.key = key;
// listenableFutureTask一旦isDone()完成(正常完成、抛出异常、被中断等),就会立即执行该方法
public void run() {
try {
ListenableFuture<Monitor> listenableFuture = AbstractMonitorFactory.FUTURES.get(key);
AbstractMonitorFactory.MONITORS.put(key, listenableFuture.get());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.warn("Thread was interrupted unexpectedly, monitor will never be got.");
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
logger.warn("Create monitor failed, monitor data will not be collected until you fix this problem. ", e);


* DefaultMonitorFactory
public class DubboMonitorFactory extends AbstractMonitorFactory { private Protocol protocol; private ProxyFactory proxyFactory; public void setProtocol(Protocol protocol) {
this.protocol = protocol;
} public void setProxyFactory(ProxyFactory proxyFactory) {
this.proxyFactory = proxyFactory;
} @Override
protected Monitor createMonitor(URL url) {
url = url.setProtocol(url.getParameter(Constants.PROTOCOL_KEY, "dubbo"));
if (url.getPath() == null || url.getPath().length() == 0) {
url = url.setPath(MonitorService.class.getName());
String filter = url.getParameter(Constants.REFERENCE_FILTER_KEY);
if (filter == null || filter.length() == 0) {
filter = "";
} else {
filter = filter + ",";
url = url.addParameters(Constants.CLUSTER_KEY, "failsafe", Constants.CHECK_KEY, String.valueOf(false),
Constants.REFERENCE_FILTER_KEY, filter + "-monitor");
// 创建Invoker<MonitorService>,内部会构造与MonitorService实现类SimpleMonitorService所在的检测中心dubbo-simple-monitor的长连接
Invoker<MonitorService> monitorInvoker = protocol.refer(MonitorService.class, url);
// 获取MonitorService的代理
MonitorService monitorService = proxyFactory.getProxy(monitorInvoker);
return new DubboMonitor(monitorInvoker, monitorService);
} }


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