
const xml = `
const fxp = require("fast-xml-parser");
const xml2json = fxp.parse(xml);
console.log(JSON.stringify(xml2json)); // {"user":[{"name":"ajanuw","age":14},{"name":"alone","age":12}]} const obj = {
users: [
{name: 'ajanuw'},
{name: 'alone'}
} const obj2xml = new fxp.j2xParser().parse(obj)
console.log( obj2xml ) // <users><name>ajanuw</name></users><users><name>alone</name></users>


const fxp = require("fast-xml-parser");

const obj = {
xml: {
_attrs: {
version: "1.0.1"
user: [
_attrs: {
key: 1
name: {
_cdata: "ajanuw",
_attrs: {
age: 14,
height: 166
_attrs: {
key: 2
name: {
"#text": "alone",
_attrs: {
age: 12
}; const obj2xml = new fxp.j2xParser({
format: true,
attrNodeName: "_attrs",
textNodeName: "#text",
cdataTagName: "_cdata"
console.log(obj2xml); <xml version="1.0.1">
<user key="1">
<name age="14" height="166">
<user key="2">
<name age="12">alone</name>

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