
// cout: 全局ostream对象,(typedef basic_ostream<char> ostream)
// <<: ostream& ostream::operator<< (string v);
// endl: '\n' + flush {
ofstream of("MyLog.txt"); //如果文件不存在,新建
of << "Experience is the mother of wisdom" << endl;
of << 234 << endl;
of << 2.3 << endl; of << bitset<8>(14) << endl; //00001110
of << complex<int>(2, 3) << endl; //(2, 3)
} //RAII


  • 输出文件流
ofstream of("MyLog.txt");	//清除文件内容
ofstream of("MyLog.txt", ofstream::app); //将输出指针移到文件末尾
of << "Honesty is the best policy." <<endl; ofstream of("MyLog.txt", ofstream::in | ofstream::out);
of.seekp(10, ios::beg); //将输出指针至文件开头之后的10个字符处
of << "12345"; //覆盖写5个字符
of.seekp(-5, ios::end); //将输出指针移到文件末尾前5个字符处
of.seekp(-5, ios::cur); //将输出指针移到当前位置前5个字符处
  • 输入文件流
ifstream inf("MyLog.txt");
int i;
inf >> i; //读入一个单词, 失败
//错误状态: goodbit, badbit, failbit, eofbit
inf.good(); //一切OK(goodbit == 1)
inf.bad(); //不可恢复的错误(badbit == 1)
inf.fail(); //失败的刘操作,往往可恢复 (failbit == 1, badbit == 1)
inf.eof(); //文件尾(eofbit == 1) inf.clear(); //清除所有错误状态
inf.clear(ios::badbit); //将错误标志设置一个新值 inf.rdstate(); //读当前状态flag
inf.clear(inf.rdstate() & ~ios::failbit); //只清除failbit位 if (inf) //等效于: if (!inf.fail())
cout << "Read successfully";
inf.exceptions(ios::badbit | ios::failbit); //设置异常mask
inf.exception(ios::goodbit); //不抛异常


cout << 34 << endl; //34
cout.setf(ios::oct, ios::basefield);
cout << 34; //42
cout << 34; //042
cout.setf(ios::hex, ios::basefield);
cout << 34; //0x22 cout.unsetf(ios::showbase);
cout << 34; //22 cout.setf(ios::dec, ios::basefiled); cout.width(10);
cout << 26 << endl; // 26
cout.setf(ios::left, ios::adjustfield); //26 //浮点数
cout.setf(ios::scientific, ios::floatfield);
cout << 340.1 << endl; //3.401000e+002
cout.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
cout << 340.1 << endl; //340.100000
cout << 340.1 << endl; /340.100 int i;
cin.setf(ios::hex, ios::basefield);
cin >> i; //Enter: 12
// i==18
ios::fmtflags f = cout.flags();
cout.flags(ios::oct|ios::showbase); //用来非格式化IO的成员函数
ifstream inf("MyLog.txt");
char buf[80];
inf.get(buf, 80); //读最多80个字符
Inf.getline(buf, 80); //读最多80个字符,或直到'\n'
inf.read(buf, 20); //读20字符
inf.peek(); //返回string最顶端的字符
inf.unget(); //将最后一个读的字符放回流中 inf.putback('z');
inf.get(); //读一个字符
inf.gcount(); //返回上次非格式化读的字符数 ofstream of("MyLog.txt");
of.write(buf, 6); //写buf的前6个字符
of.flush(); //刷新输出


ostream& endl(ostream& sm) {
return sm;
} ostream& ostream::operator<<(ostream& (*func)(ostream&)) {
return (*func)(*this);
} cout << "Hello" << endl; //endl是函数 cout << ends; // '\0'
cout << flush; //
cin >> ws; //读取并丢弃空白
cout >> setw(8) << left << setfill('_') << 99 << endl; //99______ cout << hex << showbase << 14; //0xe


//	格式化数据  -- 流
// 将数据与外部设备交流 -- 流缓冲
cout << 34;
streambuf* pbuf = cout.rdbuf(); ostream myCout(pbuf);
myCout << 34; // 34输出到标准输出stdout muCout.setf(ios::showpos); //显示符号
myCout << 12 <<endl; // +12
cout << 12 << endl; //12
适合临时修改数据格式,不想修改cout,可能其他人在用 ofstream of("MyLog.txt");
steambuf* origBuf = cout.rdbuf();
cout << "Hello" << endl; //MyLog.txt has "Hello" 重定向 cout.rdbuf(origBuf);
cout << "Goodbye" << endl; //stdout: Googbye // 流缓冲迭代器
istreambuf_iterator<char> i(cin);
osteambuf_iterator<char> o(cout);
while (*i != 'x') {
*o = *i;
} copy(istreambuf_iterator<char>(cin), istreambuf_iterator<char>(), ostreambuf_iterator<char>(cout));


stringstream ss;	// 没有IO操作的流

ss << 89 << "Hex: " << hex << 89 << " Oct: " << oct << 89;
cout << ss.str() << endl; // 89 Hex: 59 Oct: 131 int a, b, c;
string s1; ss >> hex >> a; //一个token一个token读取,以空格tab和换行分隔,a==137
ss >> s1; // s1: "Hex:"
ss >> dec >> b; // b==59
ss.ignore(6); //忽略接下来6个字符
ss >> oct >> c; // c==89


using namespace std;

struct Dog {
int age_;
string name_;
}; ostream& operator<<(ostream& sm, const Dog& d) {
sm << "My name is " << d.name_ << " and my age is " << d.age_ << endl;
return sm;
} istream& operator>>(istream& sm, Dog& d){
sm >> d.age_;
sm >> d.name_;
return sm;
} int main() {
Dog d{2, "Bob"};
cout << d; cin >> d;
cout << d;


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