In this problem you will meet the simplified model of game Pudding Monsters.

An important process in developing any game is creating levels. A game field in Pudding Monsters is an n × n rectangular grid, n of its cells contain monsters and some other cells contain game objects. The gameplay is about moving the monsters around the field. When two monsters are touching each other, they glue together into a single big one (as they are from pudding, remember?).

Statistics showed that the most interesting maps appear if initially each row and each column contains exactly one monster and the rest of map specifics is set up by the correct positioning of the other game objects.

A technique that's widely used to make the development process more efficient is reusing the available resources. For example, if there is a large n × n map, you can choose in it a smaller k × k square part, containing exactly k monsters and suggest it as a simplified version of the original map.

You wonder how many ways there are to choose in the initial map a k × k (1 ≤ k ≤ n) square fragment, containing exactly k pudding monsters. Calculate this number.


The first line contains a single integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 3 × 105) — the size of the initial field.

Next n lines contain the coordinates of the cells initially containing monsters. The i-th of the next lines contains two numbers ri, ci(1 ≤ ri, ci ≤ n) — the row number and the column number of the cell that initially contains the i-th monster.

It is guaranteed that all ri are distinct numbers and all ci are distinct numbers.


Print the number of distinct square fragments of the original field that can form a new map.

1 1
4 3
3 2
2 4
5 5

  题目大意 给定平面上有n个点,每行每列上只有一个点,问总共有多少个边长为k的矩形框住了k个点。


  显然,可以把它转化成序列上的问题(序列就是a[i]表示第i列上的点的纵坐标):有多少个长度为k的区间使得这一段的最大值和最小值之差等于k - 1。

  然后上CDQ分治进行瞎搞。记当前分治区间为[l, r],分治中心为mid,统计经过分治中心的子区间,分四种情况讨论:












    r1是第一个使最大值在右侧的位置,r2是第一个使最小值不在左边的位置。那么左端点为i,右端点在整数区间[r1, r2)内的子区间都满足最值的限制。

    现在考虑如何统计答案。临时约定max[l, r]表示a[l],a[l + 1], ..., a[r]的最大值,同理定义min[l, r]。






* Codeforces
* Problem#526F
* Accepted
* Time: 140ms
* Memory: 8200k
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <cctype>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <bitset>
#ifndef WIN32
#define Auto "%lld"
#define Auto "%I64d"
using namespace std;
typedef bool boolean;
#define clra(a) memset(a, false, sizeof(a))
const signed int inf = ((~0u) >> );
#define smin(a, b) a = min(a, b)
#define smax(a, b) a = max(a, b)
#define LL long long const int N = 3e5; int n;
int *arr;
int *pmin, *pmax, *rmin, *rmax;
int bucket[(N << ) + ]; inline void init() {
scanf("%d", &n);
arr = new int[(n + )];
pmin = new int[(n + )];
pmax = new int[(n + )];
rmin = new int[(n + )];
rmax = new int[(n + )];
for(int i = , x, y; i <= n; i++) {
scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);
arr[x] = y;
} LL CDQDividing(int l, int r) {
if(l == r) return ; int mid = (l + r) >> ;
LL rt = ;
pmin[mid] = arr[mid], pmax[mid] = arr[mid], rmin[mid + ] = arr[mid + ], rmax[mid + ] = arr[mid + ];
for(int i = mid - ; i >= l; i--)
pmin[i] = min(pmin[i + ], arr[i]), pmax[i] = max(pmax[i + ], arr[i]);
for(int i = mid + ; i <= r; i++)
rmin[i] = min(rmin[i - ], arr[i]), rmax[i] = max(rmax[i - ], arr[i]); for(int i = l, rg; i <= mid; i++) {
rg = i + pmax[i] - pmin[i];
rt += rg > mid && rg <= r && rmax[rg] < pmax[i] && rmin[rg] > pmin[i];
for(int i = mid + , lf; i <= r; i++) {
lf = i - rmax[i] + rmin[i];
rt += lf <= mid && lf >= l && pmax[lf] < rmax[i] && pmin[lf] > rmin[i];
for(int i = mid, r1 = mid + , r2 = mid + ; i >= l && r1 <= r; i--) { // The min num is on the left.
while(r2 <= r && rmin[r2] > pmin[i]) bucket[r2 - rmax[r2] + N]++, r2++;
while(r1 <= r && rmax[r1] < pmax[i]) bucket[r1 - rmax[r1] + N]--, r1++;
if(r1 < r2) rt += bucket[i - pmin[i] + N];
for(int i = mid + ; i <= r; i++)
bucket[i - rmax[i] + N] = ;
// cout << rt << endl;
for(int i = mid + , l1 = mid, l2 = mid; i <= r && l2 >= l; i++) { // The min num is on the right.
while(l1 >= l && pmin[l1] > rmin[i]) bucket[l1 + pmax[l1]]++, l1--;
while(l2 >= l && pmax[l2] < rmax[i]) bucket[l2 + pmax[l2]]--, l2--;
if(l1 < l2) rt += bucket[i + rmin[i]];
for(int i = l; i <= mid; i++)
bucket[i + pmax[i]] = ; return rt + CDQDividing(l, mid) + CDQDividing(mid + , r);
} inline void solve() {
printf(Auto, CDQDividing(, n));
} int main() {
return ;

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