
There are some quality issues we found in the incoming batch from Airspeed’s parts, that affect us to launch the build on time (we planned to start the build this week).
1.RF module bottom housing PN 01/82517/0 (WA PN_PS1147)
-Color different to the signed off sample
2.RF module housing PN 01/74218/0 (WA PN_HS5206)
We assembled the RF housing and tried the RF function test, however, it failed (see photo RF module function test).
Checked the drawing spec and the actual housing, the housing dimensions are within spec (see the excel file measurement report).

For the test “failure” due to the housing structure, can you suggest any temporary method to hold it tightly so that the module can proceed the test?

we understand your concerns but we will accept these condition on the first 120 sets. So please proceed with the builds and send these to us once PSI’d.

为了避免不可预估的风险机械料不在没有完成PP和客户邮件确认可放产之前加上MP 、buffer ZMOM上的,请知悉。
In order to avoid the unpredictable risk, please note that the mechanical materials are not added to MP and buffer ZMOM before PP and customer's email confirmation for production release.

Please notice that all the materials are ready for the dummy prototype for mechanical review. Please help to prepare 3pcs dummy PCBA to ME/Rex for mechanical review

We usually do not give out schematics on our products. This is not needed.
Test specification and SW will be the same as for other RUs (attached).
Concerning the drawing – measures written in ( are for reference only.)

We have discussed the matter and the conclusion is the following:
ECU-2Rw WiFi must use the components in BOM 11. These components can be placed in both layout I and layout J, only the position/coordinates of some components are not exactly the same in both layouts.
The coordinates in BOM 11 currently only corresponds with layout J, however we will update BOM 11 to include a set of coordinates corresponding to layout I as well.
This way, we can use up any stock of PCB layout I, and still apply the components from BOM 11.
Please confirm that this can be done, and let me know if you have any questions.
I will send you BOM 11 with both sets of coordinates very soon.

This has greatly impact on customer demand, below is customer requirement , please speed up and work out your updated plan.
For attached crystal(use I DCU and NCU), as the P/N for Asia and America is different ,please kindly advise if we can use the alternative ? thank you !
ES3448-01 ,we current use the component . Crystal - SMD 16MHz 10pf +/-10ppm 3.2x2.5mm - Detail Info. : 7M-16.000MEEQ-T ,TXC ,Location:Y1
Crystal- alternative ,please help to confirm if can use
we appreciate TI’s understanding of the urgency and importance of resolving this
Excuse me, In order to avoid align with connector pin ,we have put white oil on the PCB board , as shown below, can you please accept this change ?

Recently, we found the RF signal generator used for NCU tests is not very stable, it affects production efficiency, so can you provide 1 or 2 more to us for replacement? Or is’t orderable in the market?
Please push relative guys to sign IQC report to release those parts from Epictor system within today. Now system is shows in OPEN status.
Attached please find the PSI report for the captioned order.
Please kindly check and advise your comments. Thanks!
The standby by current seems extremely high – can you check this? I was expecting <0.01mA Patrick/JP maybe you can advise?
Also, has this screw been included? Can’t see it in the photos
Done a quick test on an Acronym heater remote. We measured 50mA operating and between 4-20uA (0.02mA) for standby. Software revision 2.3
I remember there was not requirement to test the standby current
How has this value ended up in the PSI. Is the information in the PSI wrong? I do not want to me delaying this shipment however a stand by current of 26mA would be a major issue
The purpose of measuring the standby current is to check that the batteries will not run out quickly when the remote control is not in use.
Standby by current of 26.94mA would mean the batteries would run out very fast. On previous shipments of the black remote control, the standby current was measured at 0.01mA which is normal
Can you advise how to test the sleep current?
I assume that we are using different method for the testing considering the huge difference
Can you provide the standby current specification/limit for all involved products which require sampling test? Because seems the standby current are not same for different model. Thank you!

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