DAX Editor is a Visual Studio extension that implements a language service for DAX language for SQL Server Analysis Services


The DAX Editor is an extension to Visual Studio 2012, 2013, and 2015, which makes it easier to work with DAX with a Microsoft Analysis Services Tabular project.

It includes:

  • DAX Syntax Highlighting
  • DAX Formatting
  • Textual representation of measures defined in a Tabular project
  • Extracting/importing measures from/to a Tabular model file (.BIM)

The KPIs are supported in version 2.0.1701.1501 - however, tests have been limited, so please forward any bug/issue working on them.

DAX Editor is free and open source. Documentation, feedback and beta at https://github.com/DaxEditor/DaxEditor.

Version history: https://github.com/DaxEditor/DaxEditor/wiki/Version-history

Edit measures in tabular models

  1. Create a tabular model. Save the BIM file.
  2. From the Model menu, select Get Measures from BIM file. This opens a .dax file
  3. Edit measures in the .dax file.
  4. To save your new or modified measures to the .bim file
    (WARNING: measures missing in DAX file will be removed!):
    --> Close the .bim file.
    --> Click the DAX file to activate.
    --> Select DAX->Save Measures to BIM file.
    --> Reload the BIM file. New measures appear in the far left corner of the measure grid.
  5. To get measures from the BIM file to the DAX file:
    --> Save the .bim file.
    --> Select DAX->Get Measures from BIM file. The contents of the DAX file are overwritten with the measures from the BIM file.   

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