
// Sample program to show how polymorphic behavior with interfaces.
package main import (
) // notifier is an interface that defines notification
// type behavior.
type notifier interface {
} // user defines a user in the program.
type user struct {
name string
email string
} // notify implements the notifier interface with a pointer receiver.
func (u *user) notify() {
fmt.Printf("Sending user email to %s<%s>\n",,
} // admin defines a admin in the program.
type admin struct {
name string
email string
} // notify implements the notifier interface with a pointer receiver.
func (a *admin) notify() {
fmt.Printf("Sending admin email to %s<%s>\n",,
} // main is the entry point for the application.
func main() {
// Create a user value and pass it to sendNotification.
bill := user{"Bill", ""}
sendNotification(&bill) // Create an admin value and pass it to sendNotification.
lisa := admin{"Lisa", ""}
} // sendNotification accepts values that implement the notifier
// interface and sends notifications.
func sendNotification(n notifier) {


Sending user email to Bill<>
Sending admin email to Lisa<>


// Sample program to show what happens when the outer and inner
// type implement the same interface.
package main import (
) // notifier is an interface that defined notification
// type behavior.
type notifier interface {
} // user defines a user in the program.
type user struct {
name string
email string
} // notify implements a method that can be called via
// a value of type user.
func (u *user) notify() {
fmt.Printf("Sending user email to %s<%s>\n",,
} // admin represents an admin user with privileges.
type admin struct {
level string
} // notify implements a method that can be called via
// a value of type Admin.
func (a *admin) notify() {
fmt.Printf("Sending admin email to %s<%s>\n",,
} // main is the entry point for the application.
func main() {
// Create an admin user.
ad := admin{
user: user{
name: "john smith",
email: "",
level: "super",
} // Send the admin user a notification.
// The embedded inner type's implementation of the
// interface is NOT "promoted" to the outer type.
sendNotification(&ad) // We can access the inner type's method directly.
ad.user.notify() // The inner type's method is NOT promoted.
} // sendNotification accepts values that implement the notifier
// interface and sends notifications.
func sendNotification(n notifier) {


Sending admin email to john smith<>
Sending user email to john smith<>
Sending admin email to john smith<>


// Sample program to show what happens when the outer and inner
// type implement the same interface.
package main import (
) // notifier is an interface that defined notification
// type behavior.
type notifier interface {
} // user defines a user in the program.
type user struct {
name string
email string
} // notify implements a method that can be called via
// a value of type user.
func (u *user) notify() {
fmt.Printf("Sending user email to %s<%s>\n",,
} // admin represents an admin user with privileges.
type admin struct {
level string
} // notify implements a method that can be called via
// a value of type Admin.
func (a *admin) notify() {
fmt.Printf("Sending admin email to %s<%s>\n",,
} // main is the entry point for the application.
func main() {
// Create an admin user.
ad := admin{
user: user{
name: "john smith",
email: "",
level: "super",
} // Send the admin user a notification.
// The embedded inner type's implementation of the
// interface is NOT "promoted" to the outer type.
sendNotification(&ad) // We can access the inner type's method directly.
ad.user.notify() // The inner type's method is NOT promoted.
} // sendNotification accepts values that implement the notifier
// interface and sends notifications.
func sendNotification(n notifier) {


Sending admin email to john smith<>
Sending user email to john smith<>
Sending admin email to john smith<>

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