package main

import (
) func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello, playground") var str string = "1241341"
fmt.Println(MyString(str)) m := map[string]string {"A": "A"}
fmt.Printf("m before %p\n", &m)
fmt.Println("m val: ", m["A"])
} func MyString(v string) *string {
return &v
} func modify(m map[string]string) {
fmt.Printf("m after %p\n", &m)
m["A"] = "B"


Hello, playground
m before 0x1040c140
m after 0x1040c148
m val: B 结论:
sclice、map、chan、interface和function都属于引用类型,引用类型复传参时复制的是一份指针,其指向底层数据结构相同。因此可改变之。 update:

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