《DSP using MATLAB》Problem 6.11
- %% ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- %% Output Info about this m-file
- fprintf('\n***********************************************************\n');
- fprintf(' <DSP using MATLAB> Problem 6.11 \n\n');
- banner();
- %% ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- b = [0.051 0.088 0.060 -0.029 -0.0690 -0.046]; nb = [0:5];
- a = [1.000 -1.340 1.478 -0.789 0.2320]; na = [0:4];
- format short;
- fprintf('\nConvert DIRECT-form to PARALLEL-form : \n');
- [C, Bp, Ap] = dir2par(b, a)
- %C = 0;
- fprintf('\nConvert DIRECT-form to CASCADE-form : \n');
- [b0, Bc, Ac] = dir2cas(b, a)
- fprintf('\nConvert TF-form to SOS-form : \n');
- [sos, g] = tf2sos(b, a)
- fprintf('\nConvert DIRECT-form to LATTICE-LADDER-form : \n');
- [P, R] = deconv(b, a)
- [p, np, r, nr] = deconv_m(b, nb, a, na)
- [Klr, Clr] = dir2ladr(R, a)
- fprintf('\nConvert DIRECT-form to MATLAB LATTICE-LADDER-form : \n');
- [K, V] = tf2latc(R, a)
- % -----------------------------------------
- % START check
- % -----------------------------------------
- n = [0:7];
- delta = impseq(0, 0, 7)
- %format long
- format short
- hcas = casfiltr(b0, Bc, Ac, delta)
- hpar = parfiltr(C, Bp, Ap, delta)
- hladr = ladrfilt(Klr, Clr, delta)
- hdir = filter(b, a, delta)
- % -------------------------------------------
- % END check
- % -------------------------------------------
- figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'P6.11 hcas(n), hpar(n)')
- set(gcf,'Color','white');
- subplot(2,1,1); stem(n, hcas);
- xlabel('n'); ylabel('hcas(n)');
- title('hcas(n)'); grid on;
- subplot(2,1,2); stem(n, hpar);
- xlabel('n'); ylabel('hpar(n)');
- title('hpar(n)'); grid on;
- figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'P6.11 hladr(n) hdir(n)')
- set(gcf,'Color','white');
- subplot(2,1,1); stem(n, hladr);
- xlabel('n'); ylabel('hladr(n)');
- title('hladr(n)'); grid on;
- subplot(2,1,2); stem(n, hdir);
- xlabel('n'); ylabel('hdir(n)');
- title('hdir(n)'); grid on;
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