SFRoundProgressCounterView 带有进度显示的倒计时视图

A custom UIView with a rounded progress bar and a counter in the center of the circle. Supports multiple time intervals (in milliseconds), start/stop/resuming counter, set custom color, etc. (see example project)




Installing with CocoaPods


If you're unfamiliar with CocoaPods you can check out this tutorial here.

  1. In Terminal navigate to the root of your project.
  2. Run 'touch Podfile' to create the Podfile.
  3. Open the Podfile using 'open -e Podfile'
  4. Add the pod SFRoundProgressCounterView to your Podfile.

    platform :ios, '7.0'
    pod 'SFRoundProgressCounterView'
  5. Run pod install.

  6. Open your app's .xcworkspace file to launch Xcode and start using the control!


  1. Either create SFRoundProgressCounterView by dragging UIView from storyboard and change implementing class or create it programmatically 创建SFRoundProgressCounterView
  2. Create an outlet (if create via storyboard) 创建 outlet
  3. Set up time intervals 设置时间间隔

    self.sfProgressCounterView.delegate = self;
    NSNumber* interval = [NSNumber numberWithLong:5000.0];
    self.sfProgressCounterView.intervals = @[interval];
    // you could also define multiple intervals
    //self.sfProgressCounterView.intervals = @[interval, interval, interval];
  4. Counter interaction 设置计数器交互

    [self.sfProgressCounterView start];
    [self.sfProgressCounterView stop];
    [self.sfProgressCounterView resume];
    [self.sfProgressCounterView reset];
  5. Appearance Settings 外观样式设置

    // thickness of outer circle
    self.sfProgressCounterView.outerCircleThickness = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:3.0]; // thickness of inner circle
    self.sfProgressCounterView.innerCircleThickness = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:1.0]; // track color of outer circle
    self.sfProgressCounterView.innerTrackColor = [UIColor redColor]; // track color of inner circle
    self.sfProgressCounterView.outerTrackColor = [UIColor blackColor]; // distance between two circles (if multiple intervals)
    self.sfProgressCounterView.circleDistance = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:6.0]; // set color of outer progress circles
    self.sfProgressCounterView.outerProgressColor = color; // set color of inner progress circle
    self.sfProgressCounterView.innerProgressColor = color; // set color of counter label
    self.sfProgressCounterView.labelColor = color;

Delegate Methods(代理方法)

    - (void)countdownDidEnd:(SFRoundProgressCounterView*)progressCounterView;
- (void)intervalDidEnd:(SFRoundProgressCounterView*)progressCounterView WithIntervalPosition:(int)position;
- (void)counter:(SFRoundProgressCounterView *)progressCounterView didReachValue:(unsigned long long)value;


Simpliflow GmbH

Thomas Winkler

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