A Multi-Sensorial Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) System for Low-Cost Micro Aerial Vehicles in GPS-Denied Environments
A Multi-Sensorial Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) System for Low-Cost Micro Aerial Vehicles in GPS-Denied Environments
学术编辑:Gonzalo Pajares Martinsanz
Abstract: One of the main challenges of aerial robots navigation in indoor or GPS-denied environments is position estimation using only the available onboard sensors. This paper presents a Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) system that remotely calculates the pose and environment map of different low-cost commercial aerial platforms, whose onboard computing capacity is usually limited. The proposed system adapts to the sensory configuration of the aerial robot, by integrating different state-of-the art SLAM methods based on vision, laser and/or inertial measurements using an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). To do this, a minimum onboard sensory configuration is supposed, consisting of a monocular camera, an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and an altimeter. It allows to improve the results of well-known monocular visual SLAM methods (LSD-SLAM and ORB-SLAM are tested and compared in this work) by solving scale ambiguity and providing additional information to the EKF.When payload and computational capabilities permit, a 2D laser sensor can be easily incorporated to the SLAM system, obtaining a local 2.5D map and a footprint estimation of the robot position that improves the 6D pose estimation through the EKF. We present some experimental results with two different commercial platforms, and validate the system by applying it to their position control.
Keywords: aerial robots; SLAM; sensor fusion
1. Introduction
1. 简介
Research on autonomous aerial robots has advanced considerably in the last decades, especially in outdoor applications. Enabled by MEMS inertial sensors and GPS, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) that show an awesome set of flying capabilities in outdoor environments have been developed, ranging from typical flight manoeuvres [1], to collaborative construction tasks [2] or swarm coordination [3], among many other applications.
Although technological progress has made possible the development of small Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) capable of operating in confined spaces, indoor navigation is still an important challenge for a number of reasons: (i) most indoor environments remain without access to external positioning systems such as GPS; (ii) the onboard computational power is restricted and (iii) the low payload capacity limits the type and number of sensors that can be used. However, there is a growing interest in indoor applications such as surveillance, disaster relief or rescue in GPS-denied environments (such as demolished or semi-collapsed buildings). In these stages is often preferable to use low-cost MAVs that can be easily replaced in case of breakage, damage or total loss.
From the navigation point of view, state estimation of the six degrees of freedom (6-DoF) of the MAV (attitude and position) is the main challenge that must be tackled to achieve autonomy. The inaccuracy and high drift of MEMS inertial sensors, the limited payload for computation and sensing, and the unstable and fast dynamics of air vehicles are the major difficulties for position estimation. So far, the most robust solutions are based on external sensors, as in [4], where an external trajectometry system directly yields the position and orientation of the robot, or in [5], where an external CCD camera provides the measurements. However, these solutions require a previous preparation of the environment and are not applicable to unknown spaces, in which the MAV must rely on its own onboard sensors to navigate
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