
给出一个公式例如:F(135) = 1! * 3! * 5!;

现在给你一个有n位的数字a,让你求这样一个x,满足x中没有0和1,F(a) = F(x),然后就是x要最大.



4! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4

=3! * 2 * 2

=3! * 2! * 2!


F(6) = F(53)

F(8) = F(7222)

F(9) = F(7332)

using namespace std;
int n,A[];
char str[];
int main()
int f = ;
for(int i = ;i < n;++i)
if(str[i] == '')
A[f++] = ;
A[f++] = ;
A[f++] = ;
else if(str[i] == '')
A[f++] = ;
A[f++] = ;
else if(str[i] == '')
A[f++] = ;
A[f++] = ;
A[f++] = ;
A[f++] = ;
else if(str[i] == '')
A[f++] = ;
A[f++] = ;
A[f++] = ;
A[f++] = ;
if(str[i]-'' > )
A[f++] = str[i] - '';
for(int i = f-;i >= ;--i)
return ;

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