- #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
- #define ADD
- #define KVO
- @interface CaculatorMaker : NSObject
- @property (nonatomic, assign) KVO int result;
- // +
- - (instancetype)add:(int)num; ADD
- - (CaculatorMaker *(^)(int num))add;
- // -
- // *
- - (CaculatorMaker *(^)(int num))multy;
- // /
- @end
- #import "CaculatorMaker.h"
- @implementation CaculatorMaker
- //- (instancetype)add:(int)num
- //{
- // _result += num;
- // return self;
- //}
- - (CaculatorMaker *(^)(int))multy
- {
- return ^(int num){
- _result *= num;
- return self;
- };
- }
- - (CaculatorMaker * (^)(int num))add
- {
- return ^(int num){
- _result += num;
- return self;
- };
- }
- @end
- #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
- #import "CaculatorMaker.h"
- @interface NSObject (Caculator)
- // 以后计算都使用这个方法,一调用这个方法就返回结果.
- + (int)makeCaculator:(void(^)(CaculatorMaker *))block;
- @end
- #import "NSObject+Caculator.h"
- #import "CaculatorMaker.h"
- @implementation NSObject (Caculator)
- + (int)makeCaculator:(void (^)(CaculatorMaker *))block
- {
- // 创建计算制造者
- CaculatorMaker *maker = [[CaculatorMaker alloc] init];
- // 计算
- block(maker);
- return maker.result;
- }
- @end
- - (void)viewDidLoad {
- [super viewDidLoad];
- // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
- // add(1).add(2)
- // 1.创建计算制造者
- CaculatorMaker *maker = [[CaculatorMaker alloc] init];
- // 10 + 20 + 30 + 40
- // 链式编程思想: maker.add(10).add(20).add(30).add(40)
- // int result = [maker.add(10).add(20).add(30).add(40) result];
- // 提供一个没参数的add方法,返回值block
- // int reslut = [[[[[maker add:10] add:20] add:30] add:40] result];
- // block:使代码高聚合
- int result = [NSObject makeCaculator:^(CaculatorMaker *maker) {
- // 把所有的计算代码封装到这里
- maker.add().add();
- maker.add().add();
- maker.multy();
- }];
- NSLog(@"%d",result);
- }
// 之前开发中比较习惯,把事情封装到一个方法中,
// 链式编程思想:把要做的事情封装到block,给外界提供一个返回这个Block的方法
// 链式编程思想方法特点:方法返回值必须是block,block参数:放需要操作的内容,block返回值:方法调用者
c=a+b; a或者b改变 直接影响c的值;
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