
UCMA全称Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API,主要用来构建工作在Microsoft Lync Server上的中间层应用程序。开发人员可以使用该平台构建应用程序,以提供对 Microsoft Lync Server增强状态信息、即时消息、电话、视频呼叫和音频/视频会议的访问和控制能力。


通过UCMA方式,设置lync客户端的在线状态。设置在线状态为 UCMA Online的SDK方法如下:

  private static AutoResetEvent _PresencePublishComplete = new AutoResetEvent(false);
private static String _noteXml = "<note xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/2006/09/sip/note\" >"
+ "<body type=\"personal\" uri=\"\" >{0}</body></note>";
private static string _noteValue = "Gone Fishing";
public void SetLyncOnline(UserEndpoint uep)
_localOwnerPresence = uep.LocalOwnerPresence;
// The CustomPresenceCategory class enables creation of a
// category using XML. This allows precise crafting of a
// category, but it is also possible to create a category
// in other, more simple ways, shown below.
CustomPresenceCategory _note = new CustomPresenceCategory("note", String.Format(_noteXml, _noteValue)); // The PresenceState class has several static properties
// and methods which will provide standard states such as
// online, busy, and on-the-phone, for example.
PresenceState _userState = PresenceState.UserAvailable; // It is possible to create and publish state with a
// custom availablity string, shown below. "In a call" will
// be shown in Microsoft Lync.
LocalizedString localizedCallString = new LocalizedString(
"UCMA Online" /* The string to be displayed. */); // Create a PresenceActivity indicating the
// "In a call" state.
PresenceActivity inACall = new PresenceActivity(
localizedCallString); // Set the Availability of the "In a call" state to Busy.
(int)PresenceAvailability.IdleOnline); // Microsoft Lync will also show the Busy presence icon.
PresenceState _phoneState = new PresenceState(
"phone uri"); // Machine or Endpoint states must always be published to
// indicate the endpoint is actually online, otherwise it is
// assumed the endpoint is offline, and no presence
// published from that endpoint will be displayed.
PresenceState _machineState = PresenceState.EndpointOnline; // It is also possible to create presence categories such
// as ContactCard, Note, PresenceState, and Services with
// their constructors.
// Here we create a ContactCard and change the title.
ContactCard _contactCard = new ContactCard();
LocalizedString localizedTitleString = new LocalizedString(
"" /* The title string to be displayed. */);
_contactCard.JobTitle = localizedTitleString.Value; // Publish a photo
// If the supplied value for photo is null or empty, then set value of IsAllowedToShowPhoto to false
_contactCard.IsAllowedToShowPhoto = false;
_contactCard.PhotoUri = null; // Publish all presence categories with new values.
new PresenceCategory[]
PublishPresenceCompleted, /* async callback when publishing operation completes. */ true /* value TRUE indicates that presence to be published with new values. */); // _PresencePublishComplete.WaitOne();
catch (PublishSubscribeException pse)
// PublishSubscribeException is thrown when there were
// exceptions during this presence operation such as badly
// formed sip request, duplicate publications in the same
// request etc.
// TODO (Left to the reader): Include exception handling code
// here.
catch (RealTimeException rte)
// RealTimeException is thrown when SIP Transport, SIP
// Authentication, and credential-related errors are
// encountered.
// TODO (Left to the reader): Include exception handling code
// here.
} }
  private void PublishPresenceCompleted(IAsyncResult result)
// Since the same call back function is used to publish
// presence categories and to delete presence categories,
// retrieve the flag indicating which operation is desired. bool isPublishOperation;
if (result.AsyncState == null)
isPublishOperation = false;
bool.TryParse(result.AsyncState.ToString(), out isPublishOperation);
} if (isPublishOperation)
// Complete the publishing of presence categories.
Console.WriteLine("Presence state has been published.");
// Complete the deleting of presence categories.
Console.WriteLine("Presence state has been deleted.");
catch (PublishSubscribeException pse)
// PublishSubscribeException is thrown when there were
// exceptions during the publication of this category such as
// badly formed sip request, duplicate publications in the same
// request etc
// TODO (Left to the reader): Include exception handling code
// here
catch (RealTimeException rte)
// RealTimeException is thrown when SIP Transport, SIP
// Authentication, and credential-related errors are
// encountered.
// TODO (Left to the reader): Include exception handling code
// here.


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