
神经美学(或neuroaesthetics)是一个相对较新的经验主义美学的子学科。经验主义美学需要科学的方法来研究艺术和音乐的审美观念。 neuroesthetics于2002年获得沉思和艺术作品的创作神经基础科学的研究作为它的正式定义。 [1] Neuroesthetics使用神经科学的解释和理解的审美经验,在神经水平。主题吸引了来自包括神经学家,艺术史学家,艺术家和心理学家在内的许多学科的学者。

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Elbs, Oliver (2005): Neuro-Esthetics: Mapological foundations and applications (Map 2003). Munich: m-press. (The first dissertation on Neuroesthetics, written by an art historian).
    Skov, Martin & Vartanian, Oshin (Eds.) (2009): "Neuroaesthetics". Amitiville NY: Baywood.



The Neuroscience of Beauty

How does the brain appreciate art?

By Steven Brown and Xiaoqing Gao  | September 27, 2011

The notion of “the aesthetic” is a concept from the philosophy of art of the 18th century according to which the perception of beauty occurs by means of a special process distinct from the appraisal of ordinary objects. Hence, our appreciation of a sublime painting is presumed to be cognitively distinct from our appreciation of, say, an apple. The field of “neuroaesthetics” has adopted this distinction between art and non-art objects by seeking to identify brain areas that specifically mediate the aesthetic appreciation of artworks.

However, studies from neuroscience and evolutionary biology challenge this separation of art from non-art. Human neuroimaging studies have convincingly shown that the brain areas involved in aesthetic responses to artworks overlap with those that mediate the appraisal of objects of evolutionary importance, such as the desirability of foods or the attractiveness of potential mates. Hence, it is unlikely that there are brain systems specific to the appreciation of artworks; instead there are general aesthetic systems that determine how appealing an object is, be that a piece of cake or a piece of music.

We set out to understand which parts of the brain are involved in aesthetic appraisal. We gathered 93 neuroimaging studies of vision, hearing, taste and smell, and used statistical analyses to determine which brain areas were most consistently activated across these 93 studies. We focused on studies of positive aesthetic responses, and left out the sense of touch, because there were not enough studies to arrive at reliable conclusions.

The results showed that the most important part of the brain for aesthetic appraisal was the anterior insula, a part of the brain that sits within one of the deep folds of the cerebral cortex. This was a surprise. The anterior insula is typically associated with emotions of negative quality, such as disgust and pain, making it an unusual candidate for being the brain’s “aesthetic center.” Why would a part of the brain known to be important for the processing of pain and disgust turn out to the most important area for the appreciation of art?

Our interpretation of the result comes from cognitive theories of emotion that argue that aesthetic processing is, at its core, the appraisal of the value of an object -- in other words, an assessment of whether an object is “good for me” or “bad for me.” The nature of this appraisal depends very strongly on what my current physiological state is. The sight of chocolate cake will lead to positive aesthetic emotions if I’m famished but to feelings of disgust if I’m sick to my stomach. Objects that satisfy current physiological needs will lead to positive aesthetic emotions (e.g., pleasure). Those that oppose these needs will lead to negative emotions (e.g., repulsion).

How does the anterior insula fit into this story? In thinking about the contrast between internal and external environments, the anterior insula seems to be much more associated with the former than the latter. It is part of the brain’s “interoceptive” system, evaluating the state of the organs of our body. Other parts of the brain, then, respond directly to objects in the external environment: the sensory pathways of the brain. (One part of the cortex that seems particularly important for processing information across many sensory modalities is the orbitofrontal cortex.)

Brain areas such as the anterior insula and orbitofrontal cortex that are activated by pleasant smells or tastes are also the parts of the brain that are active when we are awed by Renaissance paintings or Baroque concertos. There is virtually no evidence that artworks activate emotion areas distinct from those involved in appraising everyday objects important for survival. Hence, the most reasonable evolutionary hypothesis is that the aesthetic system of the brain evolved first for the appraisal of objects of biological importance, including food sources and suitable mates, and was later co-opted for artworks such as paintings and music. As much as philosophers like to believe that our brains contain a specialized system for the appreciation of artworks, research suggests that our brain’s responses to a piece of cake and a piece of music are in fact quite similar.

Are you a scientist who specializes in neuroscience, cognitive science, or psychology? And have you read a recent peer-reviewed paper that you would like to write about? Please send suggestions to Mind Matters editor Gareth Cook, a Pulitzer prize-winning journalist at the Boston Globe. He can be reached at garethideas AT gmail.com or Twitter @garethideas.


Steven Brown is director of the NeuroArts Lab in the Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. His research deals with the neural and evolutionary basis of the arts, including music, dance, acting and drawing. Xiaoqing Gao is a postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for Vision Research, York University in Toronto, Ontario. He studies the development and neural basis of face perception.

http://www.scientificamerican.co ... roscience-of-beauty

译言网 | 神经美学——解构美和艺术的生物学研究 http://article.yeeyan.org/view/444258/408307
【搬运】从视神经到艺术美学 | 从神经元到脑小组 | 果壳网 科技有意思 http://www.guokr.com/post/343009/

神经美学( neuroaesthetics )在目前为止有哪些有趣的研究成果? - 知乎 https://www.zhihu.com/question/36457902

当代认知神经科学-公开课-高清正版在线观看-爱奇艺 http://www.iqiyi.com/a_19rrjqiaz1.html

International Network for Neuroaesthetics | Stimulating research on the biological basis of aesthetics https://neuroaesthetics.net/

西方神经美学的兴起与发展 http://www.360doc.com/content/12/0717/13/4310958_224713797.shtml

科学松鼠会 » 不是神经病美学,是神经美学 http://songshuhui.net/archives/92160



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