



struct KdAccelNode {
<KdAccelNode Methods>
union {
Float split; // Interior
int onePrimitive; // Leaf
int primitiveIndicesOffset; // Leaf
union {
int flags; // Both
int nPrims; // Leaf
int aboveChild; // Interior



void KdAccelNode::InitLeaf(int *primNums, int np,
std::vector<int> *primitiveIndices) {
flags = 3;
nPrims |= (np << 2);
if (np == 0)
onePrimitive = 0;
else if (np == 1)
onePrimitive = primNums[0];
else {
primitiveIndicesOffset = primitiveIndices->size();
for (int i = 0; i < np; ++i) primitiveIndices->push_back(primNums[i]);


KdTreeAccel::KdTreeAccel(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Primitive>> p,
int isectCost, int traversalCost, Float emptyBonus,
int maxPrims, int maxDepth)
: isectCost(isectCost),
primitives(std::move(p)) {
ProfilePhase _(Prof::AccelConstruction);
nextFreeNode = nAllocedNodes = 0;
//计算深度的经验公式:8 + 1.3 log(N)
if (maxDepth <= 0)
maxDepth = std::round(8 + 1.3f * Log2Int(int64_t(primitives.size()))); //计算kd树结构的边界盒,以及创建各图元边界盒数组
std::vector<Bounds3f> primBounds;
for (const std::shared_ptr<Primitive> &prim : primitives) {
Bounds3f b = prim->WorldBound();
bounds = Union(bounds, b);
} //分配内存的相应变量 //edges用于存储x,y,z三个方向上的所有可能切割图元位置
std::unique_ptr<BoundEdge[]> edges[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
edges[i].reset(new BoundEdge[2 * primitives.size()]);
std::unique_ptr<int[]> prims0(new int[primitives.size()]);
std::unique_ptr<int[]> prims1(new int[(maxDepth + 1) * primitives.size()]); //primNums 为与当前节点重叠的图元index数组
std::unique_ptr<int[]> primNums(new int[primitives.size()]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < primitives.size(); ++i) primNums[i] = i; //开始递归构建kd树
buildTree(0, bounds, primBounds, primNums.get(), primitives.size(),
maxDepth, edges, prims0.get(), prims1.get());


void KdTreeAccel::buildTree(int nodeNum, const Bounds3f &nodeBounds,
const std::vector<Bounds3f> &allPrimBounds,
int *primNums, int nPrimitives, int depth,
const std::unique_ptr<BoundEdge[]> edges[3],
int *prims0, int *prims1, int badRefines) {
CHECK_EQ(nodeNum, nextFreeNode);
if (nextFreeNode == nAllocedNodes) {
int nNewAllocNodes = std::max(2 * nAllocedNodes, 512);
KdAccelNode *n = AllocAligned<KdAccelNode>(nNewAllocNodes);
if (nAllocedNodes > 0) {
memcpy(n, nodes, nAllocedNodes * sizeof(KdAccelNode));
nodes = n;
nAllocedNodes = nNewAllocNodes;
++nextFreeNode; //当需要分割的图元数足够小或是树的深度达到一定次数则生成叶子节点停止递归
if (nPrimitives <= maxPrims || depth == 0) {
nodes[nodeNum].InitLeaf(primNums, nPrimitives, &primitiveIndices);
} //茎节点需要通过分割来生成,这里采用了类似之前生成BVH的SAH算法 int bestAxis = -1, bestOffset = -1;
Float bestCost = Infinity;
Float oldCost = isectCost * Float(nPrimitives);
Float totalSA = nodeBounds.SurfaceArea();
Float invTotalSA = 1 / totalSA;
Vector3f d = nodeBounds.pMax - nodeBounds.pMin; //选择一个用于分割图元的轴向
int axis = nodeBounds.MaximumExtent();
int retries = 0;
retrySplit: //初始化对应edges二维数组中对应轴的数组
for (int i = 0; i < nPrimitives; ++i) {
int pn = primNums[i];
const Bounds3f &bounds = allPrimBounds[pn];
edges[axis][2 * i] = BoundEdge(bounds.pMin[axis], pn, true);
edges[axis][2 * i + 1] = BoundEdge(bounds.pMax[axis], pn, false);
} //以切割位置为准进行升序排序,如果位置相同,以类型start为先
std::sort(&edges[axis][0], &edges[axis][2 * nPrimitives],
[](const BoundEdge &e0, const BoundEdge &e1) -> bool {
if (e0.t == e1.t)
return (int)e0.type < (int)e1.type;
return e0.t < e1.t;
}); //遍历所有分割位置来计算最佳分割点
int nBelow = 0, nAbove = nPrimitives;
for (int i = 0; i < 2 * nPrimitives; ++i) {
if (edges[axis][i].type == EdgeType::End) --nAbove;
Float edgeT = edges[axis][i].t;
if (edgeT > nodeBounds.pMin[axis] && edgeT < nodeBounds.pMax[axis]) {
// 取得另两个轴,用于计算分割后2个边界盒的面积,之后再用公式计算消耗
int otherAxis0 = (axis + 1) % 3, otherAxis1 = (axis + 2) % 3;
Float belowSA = 2 * (d[otherAxis0] * d[otherAxis1] +
(edgeT - nodeBounds.pMin[axis]) *
(d[otherAxis0] + d[otherAxis1]));
Float aboveSA = 2 * (d[otherAxis0] * d[otherAxis1] +
(nodeBounds.pMax[axis] - edgeT) *
(d[otherAxis0] + d[otherAxis1]));
Float pBelow = belowSA * invTotalSA;
Float pAbove = aboveSA * invTotalSA;
Float eb = (nAbove == 0 || nBelow == 0) ? emptyBonus : 0;
Float cost =
traversalCost +
isectCost * (1 - eb) * (pBelow * nBelow + pAbove * nAbove); //如果消耗比之前的变量小,则更新对应的变量
if (cost < bestCost) {
bestCost = cost;
bestAxis = axis;
bestOffset = i;
if (edges[axis][i].type == EdgeType::Start) ++nBelow;
CHECK(nBelow == nPrimitives && nAbove == 0); //如果没有找到最优切割位置,则切换轴向继续寻找
if (bestAxis == -1 && retries < 2) {
axis = (axis + 1) % 3;
goto retrySplit;
if (bestCost > oldCost) ++badRefines;
//消耗大于一定数量 && 图元数小于一定量 或者无法找到最优切割位置,则直接生成叶子节点,结束递归
if ((bestCost > 4 * oldCost && nPrimitives < 16) || bestAxis == -1 ||
badRefines == 3) {
nodes[nodeNum].InitLeaf(primNums, nPrimitives, &primitiveIndices);
} //将分割的图元分组,用于下一次递归
int n0 = 0, n1 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bestOffset; ++i)
if (edges[bestAxis][i].type == EdgeType::Start)
prims0[n0++] = edges[bestAxis][i].primNum;
for (int i = bestOffset + 1; i < 2 * nPrimitives; ++i)
if (edges[bestAxis][i].type == EdgeType::End)
prims1[n1++] = edges[bestAxis][i].primNum; //进行下一次递归
Float tSplit = edges[bestAxis][bestOffset].t;
Bounds3f bounds0 = nodeBounds, bounds1 = nodeBounds;
bounds0.pMax[bestAxis] = bounds1.pMin[bestAxis] = tSplit;
buildTree(nodeNum + 1, bounds0, allPrimBounds, prims0, n0, depth - 1, edges,
prims0, prims1 + nPrimitives, badRefines);
int aboveChild = nextFreeNode;
nodes[nodeNum].InitInterior(bestAxis, aboveChild, tSplit);
buildTree(aboveChild, bounds1, allPrimBounds, prims1, n1, depth - 1, edges,
prims0, prims1 + nPrimitives, badRefines);

bool KdTreeAccel::Intersect(const Ray &ray, SurfaceInteraction *isect) const {
ProfilePhase p(Prof::AccelIntersect);
Float tMin, tMax;
if (!bounds.IntersectP(ray, &tMin, &tMax)) {
return false;
} Vector3f invDir(1 / ray.d.x, 1 / ray.d.y, 1 / ray.d.z);
PBRT_CONSTEXPR int maxTodo = 64;
KdToDo todo[maxTodo];
int todoPos = 0;
bool hit = false;
const KdAccelNode *node = &nodes[0];
while (node != nullptr) {
if (ray.tMax < tMin) break;
if (!node->IsLeaf()) { //首先与茎节点的分割平面做相交测试,以此来确定光线与节点的相交顺序
int axis = node->SplitAxis();
Float tPlane = (node->SplitPos() - ray.o[axis]) * invDir[axis]; //判断先后顺序取得两个节点
const KdAccelNode *firstChild, *secondChild;
int belowFirst =
(ray.o[axis] < node->SplitPos()) ||
(ray.o[axis] == node->SplitPos() && ray.d[axis] <= 0);
if (belowFirst) {
firstChild = node + 1;
secondChild = &nodes[node->AboveChild()];
} else {
firstChild = &nodes[node->AboveChild()];
secondChild = node + 1;
} //t大于max或者为负数代表了射线不会第二个节点相交
if (tPlane > tMax || tPlane <= 0)
node = firstChild;
else if (tPlane < tMin)
node = secondChild;
else {
todo[todoPos].node = secondChild;
todo[todoPos].tMin = tPlane;
todo[todoPos].tMax = tMax;
node = firstChild;
tMax = tPlane;
} else {
int nPrimitives = node->nPrimitives();
if (nPrimitives == 1) {
const std::shared_ptr<Primitive> &p =
// Check one primitive inside leaf node
if (p->Intersect(ray, isect)) hit = true;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < nPrimitives; ++i) {
int index =
primitiveIndices[node->primitiveIndicesOffset + i];
const std::shared_ptr<Primitive> &p = primitives[index];
// Check one primitive inside leaf node
if (p->Intersect(ray, isect)) hit = true;
} //更新下一次遍历区域的min与max值
if (todoPos > 0) {
node = todo[todoPos].node;
tMin = todo[todoPos].tMin;
tMax = todo[todoPos].tMax;
} else
return hit;




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