

# coding:UTF-8
import os
import threading
from time import ctime def loop(loops, list): # list存放着每个线程需要处理的文本文件名
print('线程 %d 处理的文件列表 %s \n' % (loops + 1, list))
list_len = len(list)
for i in range(list_len):
f = open(list[i], mode="r", encoding="UTF-8")
rows = len(f.readlines()) # 此处,我直接将整个文件读入,所以会比较卡,可以在此设置每次读入的大小
print('文件 %s __ %d 行\n' % (list[i], rows)) def main():
print('all start at:', ctime())
cwd = os.getcwd()
dir_list = os.listdir(cwd)
file_list = [] # 该列表用来存放当前目录下的所有txt文件
print('当前文件夹 {} 下的所有txt文件:'.format(dir_list))
for l in dir_list:
if l.rfind('log') >= 0 and os.path.isfile(l):
print(' ', l)
threads = []
threads_num = 4 # 线程数 在此处修改下线程数就可以比较多线程与单线程处理文件的速度差异
print('共有线程数:%d个' % threads_num)
per_thread = len(file_list) / threads_num # 每个线程处理的文本数量
for i in range(threads_num):
if threads_num - i == 1: # 最后一个线程,分担余下的所有工作量
t = threading.Thread(target=loop, args=(i, file_list[i * int(per_thread):]))
t = threading.Thread(target=loop, args=(i, file_list[i * int(per_thread):
i * int(per_thread) + int(per_thread)]))
for i in range(threads_num):
for i in range(threads_num): # 等待所有的线程结束
print('all end at:', ctime()) if __name__ == '__main__':




import re
import commands
import time
import multiprocessing
import threading def download_image(url):
print '*****the %s rpm begin to download *******' % url
commands.getoutput('wget %s' % url) def get_rpm_url_list(url):
commands.getoutput('wget %s' % url)
rpm_info_str = open('index.html').read() regu_mate = '(?<=<a href=")(.*?)(?=">)'
rpm_list = re.findall(regu_mate, rpm_info_str) rpm_url_list = [url + rpm_name for rpm_name in rpm_list]
print 'the count of rpm list is: ', len(rpm_url_list)
return rpm_url_list

基础方法定义 =↑=

def multi_thread(rpm_url_list):
threads = []
# url = 'https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/centos/7/os/x86_64/Packages/'
# rpm_url_list = get_rpm_url_list(url)
for index in range(len(rpm_url_list)):
print 'rpm_url is:', rpm_url_list[index]
one_thread = threading.Thread(target=download_image, args=(rpm_url_list[index],))
threads.append(one_thread) thread_num = 5 # set threading pool, you have put 4 threads in it
while 1:
count = min(thread_num, len(threads))
print '**********count*********', count ###25,25,...6707%25 res = []
for index in range(count):
x = threads.pop()
for thread_index in res:
thread_index.start() for j in res:
j.join() if not threads:

多线程的定义 =↑=

def multi_process(rpm_url_list):
# process num at the same time is 4
process = []
rpm_url_group_0 = []
rpm_url_group_1 = []
rpm_url_group_2 = []
rpm_url_group_3 = [] for index in range(len(rpm_url_list)):
if index % 4 == 0:
elif index % 4 == 1:
elif index % 4 == 2:
elif index % 4 == 3:
rpm_url_groups = [rpm_url_group_0, rpm_url_group_1, rpm_url_group_2, rpm_url_group_3]
for each_rpm_group in rpm_url_groups:
each_process = multiprocessing.Process(target = multi_thread, args = (each_rpm_group,))
process.append(each_process) for one_process in process:
one_process.start() for one_process in process:
one_process.join() # for each_url in rpm_url_list:
# print '*****the %s rpm begin to download *******' %each_url
# commands.getoutput('wget %s' %each_url)

多进程调用多线程的定义 =↑=

def main():
url = 'https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/centos/7/os/x86_64/Packages/'
url_paas = 'http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/centos/7.3.1611/paas/x86_64/openshift-origin/'
url_paas2 ='http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/fedora/development/26/Server/x86_64/os/Packages/u/' start_time = time.time()
rpm_list = get_rpm_url_list(url_paas)
print multi_process(rpm_list)
# print multi_thread(rpm_list)
#print multi_process()
# print multi_thread(rpm_list)
# for index in range(len(rpm_list)):
# print 'rpm_url is:', rpm_list[index]
end_time = time.time()
print 'the download time is:', end_time - start_time print main()

主方法 =↑=



from multiprocessing import cpu_count




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