My First Cloud Application's Design
Structure Diagram as following:
Questions list:
1. Skydrive Integration
> Based on the MSDN community, it is possible to upload the file to Skydrive. Then, how to lock the file?
2. Embedded SQL Engine Choice.
> SQLite, Can it directly using Web SQL from HTML5?
> SQLite. If it can't use Web SQL due to Browser's Limitation (Firefox can't support Web SQL), how about copy the Cloud file to local file and only upload them back to Cloud? Performance?
> SQLite and SQLCE: Besides the native SQL operation provided by HTML5, we have to use C++/.NET in HTML5? Does the ASP.NET is the only choice? How about the Version supporting? SQLCE 4 supports .NET 2.0?
3. Encryption
> How to control the Encryption for sensitive data.
4. Any other question?
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