一、 前言

“JSON对象合并”是前端开发和 NodeJS 环境开发中非常常见的操作。开发者通常会通过循环遍历或一些库封装的方法或 JavaScript ECMAScript 2015 定义的 Object.assign() 来实现。

二、 常见合并方式

1.    方法一:循环遍历法

function extend() {
var length = arguments.length;
if(length == 0)return {};
if(length == 1)return arguments[0];
var target = arguments[0] || {};
for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var key in source) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
} return target;
const obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2 };
const obj2 = { b: 3, c: 4, d: 5 };
const result = extend(obj1, obj2);
console.log(result);//{ a: 1, b: 3, c: 4, d: 5 }

2.    方法二:Object.assign()

const obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2 };
const obj2 = { b: 3, c: 4, d: 5 };
const result = Object.assign(obj1, obj2);
console.log(result);//{ a: 1, b: 3, c: 4, d: 5 }

3.    方法三:用jQuery插件

const jsdom = require("jsdom");
const { JSDOM } = jsdom;
const { window } = new JSDOM(`<!DOCTYPE html>`);
const $ = require('jQuery')(window);
const obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2 };
const obj2 = { b: 3, c: 4, d: 5 };
const result = $.extend(obj1, obj2);
console.log(result);//{ a: 1, b: 3, c: 4, d: 5 }


三、 进阶


let chartScheme = {
series: [{
name: '本地',
type: 'bar',
stack: '驻留分析',
name: '省内',
type: 'bar',
stack: '驻留分析',
let chartStyle = {
grid: {
top: '25%',
bottom: '30',
left: '15%',
right: '5%'
series: [{
barWidth: '10px',
itemStyle: {
color: '#4AC6E7'
barWidth: '10px',
itemStyle: {
color: '#73C642'
let chartStyle2 = {
series: [{
lineStyle: {
normal: {
color: '#36d0f3'
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: '#36d0f3'
lineStyle: {
normal: {
color: '#36d0f3'
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: '#36d0f3'
let chartData = {
series: [{
data: [35, 60, 50, 80, 80, 55, 70, 70],
data: [60, 80, 60, 45, 80, 55, 60, 20],



1.    测试方法一

let result = extend(chartScheme, chartStyle, chartStyle2, chartData);


result = {
"series": [{
"data": [35, 60, 50, 80, 80, 55, 70, 70]
}, {
"data": [60, 80, 60, 45, 80, 55, 60, 20]
"grid": {
"top": "25%",
"bottom": "30",
"left": "15%",
"right": "5%"

2.    测试方法二

let result = Object.assign(chartScheme, chartStyle, chartStyle2, chartData);


result = {
"series": [{
"data": [35, 60, 50, 80, 80, 55, 70, 70]
}, {
"data": [60, 80, 60, 45, 80, 55, 60, 20]
"grid": {
"top": "25%",
"bottom": "30",
"left": "15%",
"right": "5%"

3.    测试方法三

let result = $.extend(chartScheme, chartStyle, chartStyle2, chartData);


result = {
"series": [{
"data": [35, 60, 50, 80, 80, 55, 70, 70]
}, {
"data": [60, 80, 60, 45, 80, 55, 60, 20]
"grid": {
"top": "25%",
"bottom": "30",
"left": "15%",
"right": "5%"


不过 jQuery 的“extend()”方法有两个原型:

$.extend( target [, object1 ] [, objectN ] )
$.extend( [deep ], target, object1 [, objectN ] )


let result = $.extend(true, chartScheme, chartStyle, chartStyle2, chartData);


let result = $.extend(true, chartScheme, chartStyle, chartStyle2, chartData);
result = {
"series": [{
"name": "本地",
"type": "bar",
"stack": "驻留分析",
"barWidth": "10px",
"itemStyle": {
"color": "#4AC6E7",
"normal": {
"color": "#36d0f3"
"lineStyle": {
"normal": {
"color": "#36d0f3"
"data": [35, 60, 50, 80, 80, 55, 70, 70]
}, {
"name": "省内",
"type": "bar",
"stack": "驻留分析",
"barWidth": "10px",
"itemStyle": {
"color": "#73C642",
"normal": {
"color": "#36d0f3"
"lineStyle": {
"normal": {
"color": "#36d0f3"
"data": [60, 80, 60, 45, 80, 55, 60, 20]
"grid": {
"top": "25%",
"bottom": "30",
"left": "15%",
"right": "5%"

从结果来看,合并后的数据是完整的,并且合并后再修改源对象,并没有影响到合并结果,这说明合并拷贝是深拷贝,并不是引用拷贝,是一款不错的 API。但由于 jQuery 库在 node 环境使用还是比较麻烦的,在SPA 应用和移动端的效率也不太高,因此有必要整理一个较高效的库供日常使用。

四、 高效可靠的合并方法

1.    关键代码

经过对数个前端 js 库的对比研究,整理了一个库,关键代码如下:

* @Description 克隆对象
* 能被克隆的对象类型:
* Plain object, Array, TypedArray, number, string, null, undefined.
* 直接用原始数据进行赋值的数据类型:
* 用户定义类的实例将克隆到一个原型中没有属性的普通对象。
* @method clone
* @param {*} source
* @return {*} new
clone(source) {
if (source == null || typeof source !== 'object') {
return source;
var result = source;
var typeStr = this.objToString.call(source);
if (typeStr === '[object Date]') {
result = this.cloneDate(source);
else if (typeStr === '[object RegExp]') {
result = this.cloneRegExp(source);
else if (typeStr === '[object Function]') {
result = this.cloneFunction(source);
else if (typeStr === '[object Array]') {
result = [];
for (var i = 0, len = source.length; i < len; i++) {
result[i] = this.clone(source[i]);
else if (this.TYPED_ARRAY[typeStr]) {
var Ctor = source.constructor;
if (source.constructor.from) {
result = Ctor.from(source);
else {
result = new Ctor(source.length);
for (var i = 0, len = source.length; i < len; i++) {
result[i] = this.clone(source[i]);
else if (!this.BUILTIN_OBJECT[typeStr] && !this.isDom(source)) {
result = {};
for (var key in source) {
if (this.hasOwn(source, key)) {
result[key] = this.clone(source[key]);
return result;
* @Description 合并函数
* @method merge
* @param {*} target
* @param {*} source
* @param {boolean} [overwrite=false]
* @return {Object}
merge(target, source, overwrite) {
// We should escapse that source is string
// and enter for ... in ...
if (!this.isObject(source) || !this.isObject(target)) {
return overwrite ? this.clone(source) : target;
for (var key in source) {
if (this.hasOwn(source, key)) {
var targetProp = target[key];
var sourceProp = source[key];
if (this.isObject(sourceProp)
&& this.isObject(targetProp)
&& !this.isDom(sourceProp)
&& !this.isDom(targetProp)
&& !this.isBuiltInObject(sourceProp)
&& !this.isBuiltInObject(targetProp)
) {
// 如果需要递归覆盖,就递归调用merge
this.merge(targetProp, sourceProp, overwrite);
else if (overwrite || !(key in target)) {
// 否则只处理overwrite为true,或者在目标对象中没有此属性的情况
// NOTE,在 target[key] 不存在的时候也是直接覆盖
target[key] = this.clone(source[key], true);
return target;

2.    完整代码与库

完整代码在 http://192.168.x.y/z/merge-util,代码已经经过处理,兼容 node 环境和浏览器环境,npm 包已经发布到公司内部库:http://192.168.x.y:z/#browse/browse:merge-util

五、 使用方法

1.    Node环境

使用 npm 命令用临时 registry 安装包:

npm --registry http://192.168.x.y:z/my-repository/ install merge-util

或设置持久 registry 再安装包:

npm config set registry http://192.168.x.y:z/my-repository/
npm install merge-util
const mergeUtil = require('merge-util');
let result = mergeUtil.mergeAll([{},chartScheme, chartStyle, chartStyle2, chartData], true);
console.log(JSON.stringify( result));

2.    浏览器环境

通过上述 npm 命令将安装包下载到本地,或从 github 下载 index.js 文件,然后在 html 文件里引用即可使用:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="./rs-merge-util.js"></script>
<script src="./testdata.js"></script>
const result = mergeUtil.mergeAll([{}, chartScheme, chartStyle, chartStyle2, chartData0, chartData], true);


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