- Android NDK Overview
- Introduction:
- The Android NDK is a set of tools that allows Android application developers
- to embed native machine code compiled from C and/or C++ source files into
- their application packages.
NDK为程序员提供了一套工具集,帮助程序员将从C/C++源码编译出的库内嵌到安卓应用包中。- IMPORTANT:
- The Android NDK can only be used to target Android system images
- running Cupcake (a.k.a 1.5) or later versions of the platform.
NDK只能被用于1.5版本的安卓系统中。- 1.0 and 1.1 system images are specifically *not* supported due to
- subtle ABI and toolchain changes that happened for the 1.5 release.
- 由于从1.5开始,ABI和toolchain有了轻微的改变,因此不能用于1.0和1.1版本的平台。
- I. Android NDK Goals:
- ---------------------
- The Android VM allows your application's source code to call methods
- implemented in native code through the JNI. In a nutshell, this means that:
- 安卓虚拟机允许应用源码通过jni调用本地代码的方法。这意味着:
- Your application's source code will declare one or more methods- with the 'native' keyword to indicate that they are implemented through
- native code. E.g.:
- 应用源码需通过native关键字来声明一个或者多个本地方法。比如- native byte[] loadFile(String filePath);
- - You must provide a native shared library that contains the
- implementation of these methods, which will be packaged into your
- application's .apk. This library must be named according to standard
- Unix conventions as lib<something>.so, and shall contain a standard JNI
- entry point (more on this later). For example:
- 程序员必须提供一个共享库,库中包含着本地方法的实现,这个库会最终打包到应用的apk包中。库名必须遵守unix的传统命名规范,如libname.so,而且库还要
包含一个标准的jni入口。比如:- libFileLoader.so
- - Your application must explicitly load the library. For example, to load
- it at application start-up, simply add the following to its source code:
- 应用显示加载库。例如,在应用启动时加载库,只需按照以下的方法即可:- static {
- System.loadLibrary("FileLoader");
- }
- Note that you should not use the 'lib' prefix and '.so' suffix here.
记住,代码中显示加载库时,不能写上lib前缀以及so后缀。- The Android NDK is a complement to the Android SDK that helps you to:
- NDK是SDK的补充,NDK可以帮助程序员:
- - Generate JNI-compatible shared libraries that can run on the Android
- 1.5 platform (and later) running on ARM CPUs.
- 产生于jni兼容的共享库,这个库能够运行在1.5之后的版本平台上。当然,平台是要运行在ARM CPU上。- - Copy the generated shared libraries to a proper location of your
- application project path, so they will be automatically added to your
- final (and signed) .apks
- 将产生的共享库复制到应用项目合适的路径,这样这些库将会会自动地添加到apk中。- - In later revisions of the NDK, we intend to provide tools that help
- debug your native code through a remote gdb connection and as much
- source/symbol information as possible.
- 在NDK后续版本中,谷歌官方将会提供工具,来帮助程序员通过远程gdb来调试本地代码。- Moreover, the Android NDK provides:
更多的,NDK还提供了:- - A set of cross-toolchains (compilers, linkers, etc..) that can
- generate native ARM binaries on Linux, OS X and Windows (with Cygwin)
- 一套跨平台的工具集cross-toolchains,包括编译器,链接器等,这些工具将会在Linux,OS X以及cygwin上产生能够在ARM架构上运行的程序。- - A set of system headers corresponding to the list of stable native APIs
- supported by the Android platform. This corresponds to definitions that
- are guaranteed to be supported in all later releases of the platform.
- 一套系统头文件,这些头文件对应着安卓平台支持的本地API。这些头文件在后续的安卓平台版本中都会被支持。
They are documented in the file docs/STABLE-APIS.html
这些系统头文件更多信息可以查阅docs/STABLE-APIS.html- IMPORTANT:
- Keep in mind that most of the native system libraries in Android system
- images are not frozen and might changed drastically, or even deleted,
- in later updates and releases of the platform.
记住,本地系统库将会在后续平台版本中被修改。即,系统头文件会被后续安卓平台支持,但是实现库会改变。- - A build system that allow developers to only write very short build files
- to describe which sources need to be compiled, and how. The build system
- deals with all the hairy toolchain/platform/CPU/ABI specifics. Moreover,
- later updates of the NDK can add support for more toolchains, platforms,
- system interfaces without requiring changes in the developer's build
- files (more on this later).
- 一个编译系统,允许程序员只需写出很短的编译文件,其中指明哪些源码需要编译以及如何编译即可。编译系统会自动完成很多事情。而且,后续的NDK版本会加入更多的工具集,平台
等,而不需要程序员去修改编译文件。- II. Android NDK Non-Goals:
- --------------------------
- The NDK is *not* a good way to write generic native code that runs on Android
- devices. In particular, your applications should still be written in the Java
- programming language, handle Android system events appropriately to avoid the
- "Application Not Responding" dialog or deal with the Android application
- life-cycle.
NDK可不是写本地代码,然后它运行在设备上的好方法。也就是,应用还是尽量使用java语言编写,应用也要合理的处理系统事件,避免出现ANR,应用还要合理的处理安卓应用生命周期。- Note however that is is possible to write a sophisticated application in
- native code with a small "application wrapper" used to start/stop it
- appropriately.
记住,用本地代码编写复杂的应用,然后再用application wrapper包装?
A good understanding of JNI is highly recommended, since many operations- in this environment require specific actions from the developers, that are
- not necessarily common in typical native code. These include:
建议先了解下jni,有一些事情需要注意,包括:- - Not being able to directly access the content of VM objects through
- direct native pointers. E.g. you cannot safely get a pointer to a
- String object's 16-bit char array to iterate over it in a loop.
- 不要通过本地指针去直接访问虚拟机对象的内容。比如,你获取了一个指针,用它指向一个字符串数组对象,再遍历它,这是不安全的。
- Requiring explicit reference management when the native code wants to- keep handles to VM objects between JNI calls.
- 当本地代码需要在jni调用中保持对虚拟机对象的引用,需要显示的引用管理。- The NDK only provides system headers for a very limited set of native
- APIs and libraries supported by the Android platform. While a typical
- Android system image includes many native shared libraries, these should
- be considered an implementation detail that might change drastically between
- updates and releases of the platform.
If an Android system library is not explicitly supported by the NDK- headers, then applications should not depend on it being available, or
- they risk breaking after the next over-the-air system update on various
- devices.
Selected system libraries will gradually be added to the set of stable NDK- APIs.
- 未翻译。
- III. NDK development in practice:
- ---------------------------------
- Here's a very rough overview of how you can develop native code with the
- Android NDK:
这部分展示了如何通过NDK开发本地代码。- 1/ Place your native sources under $PROJECT/jni/...
- 2/ Write $PROJECT/jni/Android.mk to describe your sources
- to the NDK build system
- 3/ Optional: write $PROJECT/jni/Application.mk to describe your
- project in more details to the build system. You don't need
- one to get started though, but this allows you to target
- more than one CPU or override compiler/linker flags
- (see docs/APPLICATION-MK.html for all details).
- 4/ Build your native code by running "$NDK/ndk-build" from your
- project directory, or any of its sub-directories.
- The last step will copy, in case of success, the stripped shared libraries
- your application needs to your application's root project directory. You
- will then need to generate your final .apk through the usual means.
- 未翻译
- Now, for a few more details:
- III.1/ Configuring the NDK:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Previous releases required that you run the 'build/host-setup.sh'
- script to configure your NDK. This step has been removed completely
- in release 4 (a.k.a. NDK r4).
III.2/ Placing C and C++ sources:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Place your native sources under the following directory:
- $PROJECT/jni/
- Where $PROJECT corresponds to the path of your Android application
- project.
- You are pretty free to organize the content of 'jni' as you want,
- the directory names and structure here will not influence the final
- generated application packages, so you don't have to use pseudo-unique
- names like com.<mycompany>.<myproject> as is the case for application
- package names.
- Note that C and C++ sources are supported. The default C++ file extensions
- supported by the NDK is '.cpp', but other extensions can be handled as well
- (see docs/ANDROID-MK.html for details).
NDK支持的C++的后缀名是cpp,但是其他的后缀名也能支持。- It is possible to store your sources in a different location by adjusting
- your Android.mk file (see below).
C/C++源码也可以放在其他的地方,不过要在android.mk中注明。- III.3/ Writing an Android.mk build script:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- An Android.mk file is a small build script that you write to describe your
- sources to the NDK build system. Its syntax is described in details in
- the file docs/ANDROID-MK.html.
In a nutshell, the NDK groups your sources into "modules", where each module- can be one of the following:
在shell中,NDK将源码组成一个模块,每一个模块可以是以下两种中的一种:- - a static library
- - a shared library
- You can define several modules in a single Android.mk, or you can write
- several Android.mk files, each one defining a single module.
可以再Android.mk中定义几个模块,或者编写几个Android.mk,每一个定义一个单独的模块。- Note that a single Android.mk might be parsed several times by the build
- system so don't assume that certain variables are not defined in them.
- By default, the NDK will look for the following build script:
- 记住,一个单独的Android.mk可能会被编译系统解析N次。默认情况下,编译系统会查找以下编译脚本:
$PROJECT/jni/Android.mk- If you want to define Android.mk files in sub-directories, you should
- include them explicitly in your top-level Android.mk. There is even
- a helper function to do that, i.e. use:
如果想要在子目录中定义Android.mk,那么在顶级目录的Android.mk中需要显示的声明他们。这个还可以通过一个帮助功能来做到,比如:- include $(call all-subdir-makefiles)
- This will include all Android.mk files in sub-directories of the current
- build file's path.
这个就包括了当前编译路径的所有子路径的所有Android.mk文件。- III.4/ Writing an Application.mk build file (optional):
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- While an Android.mk file describes your modules to the build system, the
- Application.mk file describes your application itself. See the
- docs/APPLICATION-MK.html document to understand what this file allows you
- to do. This includes, among others:
- - The exact list of modules required by your application.
- - The CPU architecture(s) to generate machine code for.
- - Optional information, like whether you want a release or debug
- build, specific C or C++ compiler flags and others that should
- apply to all modules being built.
- This file is optional: by default the NDK will provide one that simply
- builds *all* the modules listed from your Android.mk (and all the makefiles
- it includes) and target the default CPU ABI (armeabi).
- There are two ways to use an Application.mk:
- - Place it under $PROJECT/jni/Application.mk, and it will be picked
- up automatically by the 'ndk-build' script (more on this later)
- - Place it under $NDK/apps/<name>/Application.mk, where $NDK
- points to your NDK installation path. After that, launch
- "make APP=<name>" from the NDK directory.
- This was the way this file was used before Android NDK r4.
- It is still supported for compatibility reasons, but we strongly
- encourage you to use the first method instead, since it is much
- simpler and doesn't need modifying / changing directories of the
- NDK installation tree.
- Again, see docs/APPLICATION-MK.html for a complete description of its
- content.
- 未翻译
III.5/ Invoke the NDK build system:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- The preferred way to build machine code with the NDK is to use the
- 'ndk-build' script introduced with Android NDK r4. You can also use
- a second, legacy, method that depends on creating a '$NDK/apps' subdirectory.
In both cases, a successful build will copy the final stripped binary modules- (i.e. shared libraries) required by your application to your application's
- project path (Note that unstripped versions are kept for debugging
- purposes, there is no need to copy unstripped binaries to a device).
编译成功后,会将生成的库放到项目中合适的位置。- 1: Using the 'ndk-build' command:
- ---------------------------------
- The 'ndk-build' script, located at the top of the NDK installation path
- can be invoked directly from your application project directory (i.e. the
- one where your AndroidManifest.xml is located) or any of its sub-directories.
- For example:
- 'ndk-build'可以在项目路径中调用,也可以在项目路径的子路径中调用。
- $NDK/ndk-build
- This will launch the NDK build scripts, which will automatically probe your
- development system and application project file to determine what to build.
- 'ndk-build'脚本会自动探测开发系统和应用项目文件,已决定什么东西需要编译。
For example:- ndk-build
- ndk-build clean --> clean generated binaries
- ndk-build -B V=1 --> force complete rebuild, showing commands
- By default, it expects an optional file under $PROJECT/jni/Application.mk,
- and a required $PROJECT/jni/Android.mk.
默认地,'ndk-build'会期待在jni目录下有一个可选的Application.mk以及一个必须的Android.mk文件。- On success, this will copy the generated binary modules (i.e. shared
- libraries) to the appropriate location in your project tree. You can later
- rebuild the full Android application package either through the usual
- 'ant' command, or the ADT Eclipse plug-in.
- See docs/NDK-BUILD.html for a more complete description of what this script
- does and which options it can take.
- III.6/ Specifying custom output directories:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- By default, ndk-build places all intermediate generated files under
- $PROJECT/obj. You can however select a different location by defining
- the NDK_OUT environment variable to point to a different directory.
- When defined, this variable has two effects:
- 1/ It ensures that all files that normally go under $PROJECT/obj are
- stored in $NDK_OUT instead
- 2/ It tells ndk-gdb to look into $NDK_OUT, instead of $PROJECT/obj for
- any symbolized (i.e. unstripped) versions of the generated binaries.
- IV. Rebuild your application package:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- After generating the binaries with the NDK, you need to rebuild your
- Android application package files (.apk) using the normal means, i.e.
- either using the 'ant' command or the ADT Eclipse plug-in.
- See the Android SDK documentation for more details. The new .apk will
- embed your shared libraries, and they will be extracted automatically
- at installation time by the system when you install the package on a
- target device.
- V. Debugging support:
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- The NDK provides a helper script, named 'ndk-gdb' to very easily launch
- a native debugging session of your applications.
- Native debugging can *ONLY* be performed on production devices running
- Android 2.2 or higher, and does not require root or privileged access, as
- long as your application is debuggable.
- For more information, read docs/NDK-GDB.html. In a nutshell, native debugging
- follows this simple scheme:
- 1. Ensure your application is debuggable (e.g. set android:debuggable
- to "true" in your AndroidManifest.xml)
- 2. Build your application with 'ndk-build', then install it on your
- device/emulator.
- 3. Launch your application.
- 4. Run 'ndk-gdb' from your application project directory.
- You will get a gdb prompt. See the GDB User Manual for a list of useful
- commands.
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