namespace Test; use Iterator;
use ArrayAccess;
use Exception; // 叶子结点或者连接结点的基类
class HuffmanBase
protected $weight; // 权重
protected $parent; public function setParent($parent)
$this->parent = $parent;
} public function getWeight()
return $this->weight;
} public function getParent()
return $this->parent;
} // 叶子结点
class HuffmanLeafNode extends HuffmanBase
protected $code; // 需要编码的字母 public function __construct($weight,$code,$parent = null)
if(!is_int($weight) || $weight <= 0 || is_null($code))
throw new Exception('Param is error!' .__FILE__.__LINE__);
$this->weight = abs($weight);
$this->code = $code;
$this->parent = $parent;
} public function getCode()
return $this->code;
} // 连接结点
class HuffmanJoinNode extends HuffmanBase
protected $lChild;
protected $rChild; public function __construct($weight = 0,$lChild = null,$rChild = null)
$this->weight = $weight;
$this->rChild = $rChild;
$this->lChild = $lChild;
} public function setWeight($leftWeight,$rightWeight)
if(!is_int($this->rChild) || !is_int($this->lChild))
throw new \Exception("Please initialize the left child or the right child!\n");
$this->weight = $leftWeight + $rightWeight;
} public function setChild($child,$leftOrRight)
if('left' == $leftOrRight)
$this->lChild = $child;
elseif('right' == $leftOrRight)
$this->rChild = $child;
throw new \Exception("Please input 'left' or 'right' to leftOrRight!\n");
} public function getChild($leftOrRight)
if('left' == $leftOrRight)
return $this->lChild;
elseif('right' == $leftOrRight)
return $this->rChild;
throw new \Exception("Please input 'left' or 'right' to leftOrRight!\n");
} // 哈夫曼树
class HuffmanTree implements \ArrayAccess,\Iterator
protected $nodes = array(); public function &getAllNodes()
return $this->nodes;
} public function offsetExists($offset)
// TODO: Implement offsetExists() method.
return isset($this->nodes[$offset]);
} public function offsetGet($offset)
// TODO: Implement offsetGet() method.
return $this->nodes[$offset];
return null;
} public function offsetSet($offset,$value)
// TODO: Implement offsetSet() method.
if(!($value instanceof HuffmanBase))
throw new Exception('Param is error!' .__FILE__.__LINE__);
} if(is_null($offset))
$this->nodes[] = $value;
$this->nodes[$offset] = $value;
} public function offsetUnset($offset)
// TODO: Implement offsetUnset() method.
} public function current()
// TODO: Implement current() method.
return current($this->nodes);
} public function key()
// TODO: Implement key() method.
return key($this->nodes);
} public function next()
// TODO: Implement next() method.
} public function rewind()
// TODO: Implement rewind() method.
} public function valid()
// TODO: Implement valid() method.
return $this->offsetExists(key($this->nodes));
} public function length()
return count($this->nodes);
} // 从[$left,$right]区间选择parent=0并且weight最小的两个结点,其序号分别为$minNode1,$minNode2;
function selectTwoMinWeightNode(HuffmanTree &$huffmanTree,$left,$right,&$minNode1,&$minNode2)
$left = abs($left);
$right = abs($right); if(!is_int($left) || !is_int($right) || $left == $right)
throw new Exception('Param is error!' .__FILE__.__LINE__);
} if($left > $right)
$tmp = $left;
$left = $right;
$right = $tmp;
} $nodes = $huffmanTree->getAllNodes();
throw new Exception('Over the array index!'.__FILE__.__LINE__);
} $tmp = array();
for($i = $left;$i <= $right; ++$i)
$huffmanNode = $huffmanTree[$i];
$tmp[$i] = $huffmanNode->getWeight();
} if(count($tmp) <= 1)
throw new Exception('Not enough number!'.__FILE__.__LINE__);
$t = array_keys($tmp);
$minNode1 = $t[0];
$minNode2 = $t[1];
} // (编码 => 权重)
$nodes = array('A' => 3, 'B' => 4, 'C' => 7, 'D' => 10); $huffmanTree = new HuffmanTree(); // 初始化哈夫曼树的叶子结点
foreach($nodes as $code => $weight)
$huffmanNode = new HuffmanLeafNode($weight,$code);
$huffmanTree[] = $huffmanNode;
} $leafCount = $huffmanTree->length(); // 叶子结点的数量(大于1的值)
$nodeCount = 2 * $leafCount -1 ; // 哈夫曼树结点的数量 // 初始化哈夫曼树的非叶子结点(如果编译器未优化,--$i应该是比$i++效率高点的)
for($i = $nodeCount - $leafCount;$i >= 1; --$i)
$huffmanNode = new HuffmanJoinNode();
$huffmanTree[] = $huffmanNode;
} // 建立哈夫曼树
for($i = $leafCount;$i < $nodeCount; ++$i)
$huffmanNode1 = $huffmanTree[$minNode1];
$huffmanNode2 = $huffmanTree[$minNode2];
} // 从叶子到根的遍历,得到字母的编码
$huffmanCode = array();
for($i = 0;$i < $leafCount; ++$i)
$leafNode = $huffmanTree[$i];
$code = $leafNode->getCode();
$reverseCode = array();
for($c = $i,$pi = $leafNode->getParent();!is_null($pi);$pi = $huffmanTree[$pi]->getParent())
$huffmanNode = $huffmanTree[$pi];
if($huffmanNode->getChild('left') === $c)
$reverseCode[] = 0;
elseif($huffmanNode->getChild('right') === $c)
$reverseCode[] = 1;
throw new Exception('Something error happened!' .__FILE__.__LINE__);
$c = $pi;
$huffmanCode[$code] = array_reverse($reverseCode);
} foreach($huffmanCode as $key => $value)
$s = implode(',',$value);
echo $key. " : " .$s ."\n";



ArrayAccess  :(PHP 5 >= 5.0.0, PHP 7)

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