1:Unknown AVD name, use -list-avds to see valid list.

下午1:26    Emulator: emulator: ERROR: Unknown AVD name [Pixel_2_API_26], use -list-avds to see valid list.

下午1:26    Emulator: Process finished with exit code 1


I experienced the same issue, regardless of the AVD. I'm too new to understand why, but it seems that Android Studio created /.android/avd directories in two locations:

  1. /root/.android/avd
  2. /home/USERNAME/.android/avd

The .avd and .ini created when creating a new AVD were stored in the 1st location, and the 2nd location was empty. To resolve it, I copied and pasted both the .avd and .ini files for each AVD from 1 to 2 (they needed to be in both in order for AS to see and run the AVD). The emulator then ran successfully.


2:循环依FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Circular dependency between the following tasks:
\--- :app:instantRunMainApkResourcesDebug
\--- :app:transformClassesAndDexWithShrinkResForDebug
\--- :app:transformDexArchiveWithDexMergerForDebug
+--- :app:preColdswapDebug
| \--- :app:incrementalDebugTasks
| +--- :app:transformClassesAndClassesEnhancedWithInstantReloadDexForDebug
| | \--- :app:transformClassesWithInstantRunForDebug
| | \--- :app:checkManifestChangesDebug (*)
| \--- :app:transformClassesWithInstantRunForDebug (*)
\--- :app:transformClassesWithDexBuilderForDebug
+--- :app:preColdswapDebug (*)
\--- :app:transformClassesWithInstantRunForDebug (*) (*) - details omitted (listed previously)


Disable instant run from settings

Settings > search for instant run > uncheck "Enable Instant Run to hot swap code/resource changes on display"


3:armeabi is no longer supported. Use armeabi-v7a.



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