最近在做一个从groundtruth_rect.txt中读取按行存储的矩形元素(x, y, w, h),文本存储的格式如下:
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0502
#include <ShlObj.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
getline(file, line);
istringstream linestream(line);
string x1, y1, w1, h1;
getline(linestream, x1, ',');
getline(linestream, y1, ',');
getline(linestream, w1, ',');
getline(linestream, h1, ',');
int x = atoi(x1.c_str());
int y = atoi(y1.c_str());
int w = atoi(w1.c_str());
int h = atoi(h1.c_str());
groundtruth_rect[i] = Rect(x, y, w, h);
<span style="font-size:18px;">// string_getline_sample.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
// Illustrates how to use the getline function to read a
// line of text from the keyboard.
// Functions:
// getline Returns a string from the input stream.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma warning(disable:4786)
#include <string>
#include <iostream> using namespace std ; int main()
string s1;
cout << "Enter a sentence (use <space> as the delimiter): ";
getline(cin,s1, ' ');
cout << "You entered: " << s1 << endl;;
<span style="font-size:18px;">// crt_atoi.c
// This program shows how numbers
// stored as strings can be converted to
// numeric values using the atoi functions. #include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h> int main( void )
char *str = NULL;
int value = 0; // An example of the atoi function.
str = " -2309 ";
value = atoi( str );
printf( "Function: atoi( \"%s\" ) = %d\n", str, value ); // Another example of the atoi function.
str = "31412764";
value = atoi( str );
printf( "Function: atoi( \"%s\" ) = %d\n", str, value ); // Another example of the atoi function
// with an overflow condition occuring.
str = "3336402735171707160320";
value = atoi( str );
printf( "Function: atoi( \"%s\" ) = %d\n", str, value );
if (errno == ERANGE)
printf("Overflow condition occurred.\n");
Function: atoi( " -2309 " ) = -2309
Function: atoi( "31412764" ) = 31412764
Function: atoi( "3336402735171707160320" ) = 2147483647
Overflow condition occurred.
//test[0] = 0;
//groundtruth_rect[i].x = test[0];
//test[1] = 0;
//groundtruth_rect[i].y = test[1];
//test[2] = 0;
//groundtruth_rect[i].width = test[2];
//test[3] = 0;
//groundtruth_rect[i].height = test[3];
dec 格式化为十进制数值数据 输入和输出
endl 输出一个换行符并刷新此流 输出
ends 输出一个空字符 输出
hex 格式化为十六进制数值数据 输入和输出
oct 格式化为八进制数值数据 输入和输出
setpxecision(int p) 设置浮点数的精度位数 输出
ios::cur: 文件当前位置
ios::end: 文件结尾
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