Neural Architecture Search — Limitations and Extensions

2019-09-16 07:46:09

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For the past couple of years, researchers and companies have been trying to make deep learning more accessible to non-experts by providing access to pre-trained computer vision or machine translation models. Using a pre-trained model for another task is known as transfer learning, but it still requires sufficient expertise to fine-tune the model on another dataset. Fully automating this procedure allows even more users to benefit from the great progress that has been made in ML to date.

This is called AutoML, and it can cover many parts of predictive modelling such as architecture search and hyperparameter optimization. In this post, I focus on the former, as there has been a recent explosion of methods that search for the “best” architecture for a given dataset. The results presented are based on joint work with Jonathan Lorraine.

Importance of Neural Architecture Search

As a side note, keep in mind that a neural network with just a single hidden layer and non-linear activation function is able to represent any function possible, provided that there are sufficient neurons in that layer (UAT). However, such a simple architecture, though it is theoretically able to learn any function, does not represent the hierarchical processing that occurs in the human visual cortex. The architecture of a neural network gives it an inductive bias, and shallow, wide networks that do not use convolutions are significantly worse at image classification tasks than deep, convolutional networks. Thus, in order for neural networks to generalize and not overfit the training dataset, it’s important to find architectures with the right inductive bias (regardless if those architectures are inspired by the brain or not).

Neural Architecture Search (NAS) Overview

NAS was an inspiring work out of Google that lead to several follow up works such as ENASPNAS, and DARTS. It involves training a recurrent neural network (RNN) controller using reinforcement learning (RL) to automatically generate architectures. These architectures then have their weights trained and are evaluated on a validation set. Their performance on the validation set is the reward signal for the controller which then increases its probability of generating architectures that have done well, and decreases the probability of generating architectures that have done poorly. For non-technical readers, this essentially takes the process of a human manually tweaking a neural network and learning what works well, and automating it. The idea of automatically creating NN architectures was not coined by NAS, as other approaches using methods such as genetic algorithms existed long before, but NAS effectively used RL to efficiently search a space that is prohibitively large to search exhaustively. Below, the components of NAS are analyzed in a bit more depth, before I go on to discuss the limitations of the method as well as its more efficient successor ENAS, as well as an interesting failure mode. The next 2 subsections are best understood while comparing the text again the below figure showing how architectures are sampled and trained:


Diagram of how NAS Works

LSTM Controller

The controller generates architectures by making a series of choices for a pre-defined amount of time steps. For example, when generating a convolutional architecture, the controller begins by only creating architectures with 6 layers in them. For each layer, just 4 decisions are made by the controller: filter height, filter width, number of filters, and stride (so 24 time steps). Assuming that the first layer is numbered 0, then the decisions

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