算法名称 Alias Method
public class AliasMethod {
/* The probability and alias tables. */
private int[] _alias;
private double[] _probability; public AliasMethod(List<Double> probabilities) { /* Allocate space for the probability and alias tables. */
_probability = new double[probabilities.Count];
_alias = new int[probabilities.Count]; /* Compute the average probability and cache it for later use. */
double average = 1.0 / probabilities.Count; /* Create two stacks to act as worklists as we populate the tables. */
var small = new Stack<int>();
var large = new Stack<int>(); /* Populate the stacks with the input probabilities. */
for (int i = ; i < probabilities.Count; ++i) {
/* If the probability is below the average probability, then we add
* it to the small list; otherwise we add it to the large list.
if (probabilities[i] >= average)
} /* As a note: in the mathematical specification of the algorithm, we
* will always exhaust the small list before the big list. However,
* due to floating point inaccuracies, this is not necessarily true.
* Consequently, this inner loop (which tries to pair small and large
* elements) will have to check that both lists aren't empty.
while (small.Count > && large.Count > ) {
/* Get the index of the small and the large probabilities. */
int less = small.Pop();
int more = large.Pop(); /* These probabilities have not yet been scaled up to be such that
* 1/n is given weight 1.0. We do this here instead.
_probability[less] = probabilities[less] * probabilities.Count;
_alias[less] = more; /* Decrease the probability of the larger one by the appropriate
* amount.
probabilities[more] = (probabilities[more] + probabilities[less] - average); /* If the new probability is less than the average, add it into the
* small list; otherwise add it to the large list.
if (probabilities[more] >= average)
} /* At this point, everything is in one list, which means that the
* remaining probabilities should all be 1/n. Based on this, set them
* appropriately. Due to numerical issues, we can't be sure which
* stack will hold the entries, so we empty both.
while (small.Count > )
_probability[small.Pop()] = 1.0;
while (large.Count > )
_probability[large.Pop()] = 1.0;
} /**
* Samples a value from the underlying distribution.
* @return A random value sampled from the underlying distribution.
public int next() { long tick = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
var seed = ((int)(tick & 0xffffffffL) | (int)(tick >> ));
unchecked {
seed = (seed + Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode() + new Random().Next(, ));
var random = new Random(seed);
int column = random.Next(_probability.Length); /* Generate a biased coin toss to determine which option to pick. */
bool coinToss = random.NextDouble() < _probability[column]; return coinToss ? column : _alias[column];
Dictionary<String, Double> map = new Dictionary<String, Double>();
map.Add("1金币", 0.2);
map.Add("2金币", 0.15);
map.Add("3金币", 0.1);
map.Add("4金币", 0.05);
map.Add("未中奖", 0.5); List<Double> list = new List<Double>(map.Values);
List<String> gifts = new List<String>(map.Keys); AliasMethod method = new AliasMethod(list); Dictionary<String, int> resultMap = new Dictionary<String, int>(); for (int i = ; i < ; i++) {
int index = method.next();
string key = gifts[index];
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