


 #include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <utility>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
#define eps 1e-6
#define CLR( a, v ) memset ( a, v, sizeof ( a ) )
#define LL long long
#define DBUG printf ( "here!!!\n" )
#define rep( i, a, b ) for ( int i = ( a ); i < ( b ); i ++ )
#define PB push_back
#define ULL unsigned long long
#define PI acos ( -1.0 )
#define lson l, m, rt << 1
#define rson m+1, r, rt << 1 | 1
#define lowbit( x ) ( ( x )&( -x ) )
#define CASE int Test; scanf ( "%d", &Test ); for ( int cas = 1; cas <= Test; cas ++ )
#define ALL( x ) x.begin ( ), x.end ( )
#define INS( x ) x, x.begin ( )
typedef pair < int, int > Pii;
typedef pair < double, double > Pdd;
typedef set < int > Set;
const int maxn = ;
int read_int ( ) {
int res = , f = ;
int ch = getchar ( );
while ( ch < '' || ch > '' ) {
if ( ch == - )
return -;
if ( ch == '-' )
f = -;
ch = getchar ( );
while ( ch >= '' && ch <= '' ) {
res = res*+( ch-'' );
ch = getchar ( );
return res*f;
int rt[maxn], ch[maxn][], sum[maxn], S[maxn], c;
int con[maxn], fa[maxn], a[maxn], dis[maxn];
int find ( int x ) {
return con[x] == x ? x : con[x] = find ( con[x] );
void PushDown ( int u ) {
if ( sum[u] ) {
if ( ch[u][] ) {
sum[ ch[u][] ] += sum[u];
a[ ch[u][] ] += sum[u];
if ( ch[u][] ) {
sum[ ch[u][] ] += sum[u];
a[ ch[u][] ] += sum[u];
sum[u] = ;
void PushAll ( int x ) {
c = ;
while ( x ) {
S[c ++] = x;
x = fa[x];
while ( c > )
PushDown ( S[-- c] );
int Merge ( int u, int v ) {
if ( u == )
return v;
if ( v == )
return u;
if ( a[u] < a[v] )
swap ( u, v );
PushDown ( u );
ch[u][] = Merge ( ch[u][], v );
fa[ ch[u][] ] = u;
if ( dis[ ch[u][] ] < dis[ ch[u][] ] )
swap ( ch[u][], ch[u][] );
dis[u] = dis[ ch[u][] ]+;
return u;
void remove ( int u ) {
PushAll ( u );
int p = fa[u];
int x = Merge ( ch[u][], ch[u][] );
fa[x] = p;
ch[p][ ch[p][] == u ] = x;
while ( p ) {
if ( dis[ ch[p][] ] < dis[ ch[p][] ] )
swap ( ch[p][], ch[p][] );
if ( dis[ ch[p][] ]+ == dis[p] )
break ;
dis[p] = dis[ ch[p][] ]+;
p = fa[p];
multiset < int > vis;
void solve ( ) {
int n, Q, x, v, fx, fy, all = ;
char op[];
dis[] = -;
n = read_int ( );
vis.clear ( );
for ( int i = ; i <= n; i ++ ) {
a[i] = read_int ( );
rt[i] = con[i] = i;
vis.insert ( a[i] );
Q = read_int ( );
while ( Q -- ) {
scanf ( "%s", op );
if ( op[] == 'U' ) {
x = read_int ( ), v = read_int ( );
fx = find ( x ), fy = find ( v );
if ( fx == fy )
continue ;
con[fx] = fy;
vis.erase ( vis.find ( min ( a[ rt[fx] ], a[ rt[fy] ] ) ) );
rt[fy] = Merge ( rt[fy], rt[fx] );
fa[ rt[fy] ] = ;
} else if ( op[] == 'A' ) {
if ( op[] == '' ) {
x = read_int ( ), v = read_int ( );
fx = find ( x );
vis.erase ( vis.find ( a[ rt[fx] ] ) );
if ( x != rt[fx] )
remove ( x );
else {
PushDown ( x );
rt[fx] = Merge ( ch[x][], ch[x][] );
fa[ rt[fx] ] = ;
sum[x] = fa[x] = ch[x][] = ch[x][] = ;
a[x] += v;
rt[fx] = Merge ( rt[fx], x );
vis.insert ( a[ rt[fx] ] );
fa[ rt[fx] ] = ;
} else if ( op[] == '' ) {
x = read_int ( ), v = read_int ( );
fx = find ( x );
vis.erase ( vis.find ( a[ rt[fx] ] ) );
a[ rt[fx] ] += v;
vis.insert ( a[ rt[fx] ] );
sum[ rt[fx] ] += v;
} else if ( op[] == '' ) {
v = read_int ( );
all += v;
} else if ( op[] == 'F' ) {
if ( op[] == '' ) {
x = read_int ( );
PushAll ( x );
printf ( "%d\n", a[x]+all );
} else if ( op[] == '' ) {
x = read_int ( );
fx = find ( x );
printf ( "%d\n", a[ rt[fx] ]+all );
} else if ( op[] == '' )
printf ( "%d\n", *( -- vis.find ( INF ) )+all );
int main ( ) {
solve ( );
return ;

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