

celery 很强,异步定时调度,异步周期调度,也有延时调度的功能,但是延时调度的案例比较少,遂暂时不使用。











1. 模块介绍

2. 下载--根据自己odoo实际版本下载


github: https://github.com/OCA/queue/tree/10.0/queue_job

3. 配置

 This addon adds an integrated Job Queue to Odoo.

 It allows to postpone method calls executed asynchronously.

 Jobs are executed in the background by a Jobrunner, in their own transaction.


 from odoo import models, fields, api
from odoo.addons.queue_job.job import job class MyModel(models.Model):
_name = 'my.model' @api.multi
def my_method(self, a, k=None):
_logger.info('executed with a: %s and k: %s', a, k) class MyOtherModel(models.Model):
_name = 'my.other.model' @api.multi
def button_do_stuff(self):
self.env['my.model'].with_delay().my_method('a', k=2)
In the snippet of code above, when we call button_do_stuff, a job capturing the method and arguments will be postponed. It will be executed as soon as the Jobrunner has a free bucket, which can be instantaneous if no other job is running. Features: Views for jobs, jobs are stored in PostgreSQL
Jobrunner: execute the jobs, highly efficient thanks to PostgreSQL's NOTIFY
Channels: give a capacity for the root channel and its sub-channels and segregate jobs in them. Allow for instance to restrict heavy jobs to be executed one at a time while little ones are executed 4 at a times.
Retries: Ability to retry jobs by raising a type of exception
Retry Pattern: the 3 first tries, retry after 10 seconds, the 5 next tries, retry after 1 minutes, ...
Job properties: priorities, estimated time of arrival (ETA), custom description, number of retries
Related Actions: link an action on the job view, such as open the record concerned by the job
Table of contents Installation
Known issues / Roadmap
Bug Tracker
Be sure to have the requests library. Configuration
Using environment variables and command line:
Adjust environment variables (optional):
ODOO_QUEUE_JOB_CHANNELS=root:4 or any other channels configuration. The default is root:1
if xmlrpc_port is not set: ODOO_QUEUE_JOB_PORT=8069
Start Odoo with --load=web,web_kanban,queue_job and --workers greater than 1. [1]
Using the Odoo configuration file:
workers = 6
server_wide_modules = web,queue_job (...)
channels = root:2
Confirm the runner is starting correctly by checking the odoo log file:
...INFO...queue_job.jobrunner.runner: starting
...INFO...queue_job.jobrunner.runner: initializing database connections
...INFO...queue_job.jobrunner.runner: queue job runner ready for db <dbname>
...INFO...queue_job.jobrunner.runner: database connections ready
Create jobs (eg using base_import_async) and observe they start immediately and in parallel.
Tip: to enable debug logging for the queue job, use --log-handler=odoo.addons.queue_job:DEBUG
[1] It works with the threaded Odoo server too, although this way of running Odoo is obviously not for production purposes.
To use this module, you need to: Go to Job Queue menu
Bypass jobs on running Odoo When you are developing (ie: connector modules) you might want to bypass the queue job and run your code immediately. To do so you can set TEST_QUEUE_JOB_NO_DELAY=1 in your enviroment. Bypass jobs in tests When writing tests on job-related methods is always tricky to deal with delayed recordsets. To make your testing life easier you can set test_queue_job_no_delay=True in the context. Tip: you can do this at test case level like this @classmethod
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.env = cls.env(context=dict(
test_queue_job_no_delay=True, # no jobs thanks
Then all your tests execute the job methods synchronously without delaying any jobs.




4. 使用

5. 查看结果

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