switchMap is mergeMap that checks for an "inner" subscription. If the "inner" subscription exists, switchMap unsubscribes from that "inner" subscription which effectively "cancels" any pending pushes.

import { fromEvent, of, Subscriber } from "rxjs"
import {
} from "rxjs/operators" class MySwitchMapSubscriber extends Subscriber {
innerSubscription constructor(sub, fn) {
super(sub) this.fn = fn
} _next(value) {
console.log(`outer`, value)
const o$ = this.fn(value) if (this.innerSubscription) {
} this.innerSubscription = o$.subscribe({
next: value => {
console.log(` inner`, value)
} const mySwitchMap = fn => source =>
call(sub, source) {
new MySwitchMapSubscriber(sub, fn)
}) const observable$ = fromEvent(
scan(i => i + , ),
mySwitchMap(value => of(value).pipe(delay()))
) const subscriber = {
next: value => {
complete: () => {
error: value => {
} observable$.subscribe(subscriber)

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