最快的 Python Web 框架入门
框架 | 实现基础 | 每秒请求数 | 平均时间 |
Sanic | Python 3.5 + uvloop | 30,601 | 3.23ms |
Wheezy | gunicorn + meinheld | 20,244 | 4.94ms |
Falcon | gunicorn + meinheld | 18,972 | 5.27ms |
Bottle | gunicorn + meinheld | 13,596 | 7.36ms |
Flask | gunicorn + meinheld | 4,988 | 20.08ms |
Kyoukai | Python 3.5 + uvloop | 3,889 | 27.44ms |
Aiohttp | Python 3.5 + uvloop | 2,979 | 33.42ms |
环境:python3.5+ python -m pip install sanic
Hello World
from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import json app = Sanic(__name__) @app.route("/")
async def test(request):
return json({ "hello": "world" })
app.run(host="", port=8000)
request.files (dictionary of File objects) - 上传文件列表
request.json (any) - json数据
request.args (dict) - get数据
request.form (dict) - post表单数据
from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import json
def post_json(request):
return json({ "received": True, "message": request.json })
def post_json(request):
return json({ "received": True, "form_data": request.form, "test": request.form.get('test') })
def post_json(request):
test_file = request.files.get('test')
file_parameters = {
'body': test_file.body,
'name': test_file.name,
'type': test_file.type,
return json({ "received": True, "file_names": request.files.keys(), "test_file_parameters": file_parameters })
def query_string(request):
return json({ "parsed": True, "args": request.args, "url": request.url, "query_string": request.query_string })
from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import text
async def person_handler(request, tag):
return text('Tag - {}'.format(tag))
async def person_handler(request, integer_arg):
return text('Integer - {}'.format(integer_arg))
async def person_handler(request, number_arg):
return text('Number - {}'.format(number))
async def person_handler(request, name):
return text('Person - {}'.format(name))
async def folder_handler(request, folder_id):
return text('Folder - {}'.format(folder_id))
app = Sanic(__name__)
async def halt_request(request):
print("I am a spy")
async def halt_request(request):
return text('I halted the request')
async def halt_response(request, response):
return text('I halted the response')
async def handler(request):
return text('I would like to speak now please')
app.run(host="", port=8000)
from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.exceptions import ServerError
def i_am_ready_to_die(request):
raise ServerError("Something bad happened")
from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import text
from sanic.exceptions import NotFound
def ignore_404s(request, exception):
return text("Yep, I totally found the page: {}".format(request.url))
创建一个蓝图,相当于创建一个sanic app,上面的用法和上面相同,把app改成蓝图名称bp
from sanic.response import json
from sanic import Blueprint
bp = Blueprint('my_blueprint')
async def bp_root():
return json({'my': 'blueprint'})
from sanic import Sanic
from my_blueprint import bp
app = Sanic(__name__)
app.run(host='', port=8000, debug=True)
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