A cross-platform API for developing media applications on Windows*

  • Fast video playback, encode, processing, media format conversion and video conferencing
  • Acceleration of RAW video and image processing
  • Audio decode & encode support

Take your client and mobile media applications for Windows* to the next level with Intel Media SDK acceleration.

Code Samples ›


Foundation: Media SDK

Use the cross-platform API to get fast video playback, encoding and processing to applications for Windows.


Plug-in: Media RAW Accelerator for Windows*

Design products delivering visually stunning media by enabling RAW photo and 4K RAW video processing. This feature is builds on top of the Media SDK.


Plug-in: Audio for Windows*

Add a plug-in to deliver quality sound with audio encode & decode for AAC. MPEG-1 & MPEG-2



What's New

  • 7th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors support
  • 10 bit HEVC decoder & encoder, VP9 decoder
  • Learn more in this blog

Technical Specifications

Required Hardware:

  • 3rd Generation (or later) Intel® Core™ processors
  • Intel® Core™ M processors
  • Selected SKUs of Intel® Celeron™, Intel® Pentium™ and Intel® Atom™ processors with Intel HD Graphics supporting Intel® Quick Sync Video.

Required OS: Microsoft Windows* 7/8.1/10

Supported Languages: C and C++

Looking for enterprise grade hardware accelerated codecs for high density cloud transcoding, enhanced programmability or Linux support?

Intel® Media Server Studio: A comprehensive suite including the Media SDK, runtimes, graphics drivers, analysis tools and more. Preferred choice for server applications.

Intel® Media SDK(一)的更多相关文章

  1. Intel Media SDK H264 encoder GOP setting

    1 I帧,P帧,B帧,IDR帧,NAL单元 I frame:帧内编码帧,又称intra picture,I 帧通常是每个 GOP(MPEG 所使用的一种视频压缩技术)的第一个帧,经过适度地压缩,做为随 ...

  2. (转)Integrating Intel® Media SDK with FFmpeg for mux/demuxing and audio encode/decode usages 1

    Download Article and Source Code Download Integrating Intel® Media SDK with FFmpeg for mux/demuxing ...

  3. Getting Started with the Intel Media SDK

    By Gael Hofemeier on March 19, 2015 Follow Gael on Twitter: @GaelHof Media SDK Developer’s Guide Med ...

  4. Intel® Media SDK Media Samples Linux 学习笔记(转)

    最近折腾intel media sdk,主要硬件平台是在HD4600的核显上进行测试,intel media sdk是intel提供的一种基于核显的硬件编解码的解决方案,之前已经有使用ffmpeg进行 ...

  5. Intel Media SDK安装步骤

    !!!(gcc/g++版本要在4.8以上,本人使用的是5.4版本) 要先安装依赖,按以下步骤依次执行 1.LIBVA git clone https://github.com/intel/libva. ...

  6. Intel Media SDK 性能測试

    经过測试,发如今windows 7上 i3 i5 上Intel Media SDK 1080P仅仅能解6路,720P仅仅能解8路, 不知大家有没有測试过?

  7. 微软商店一直安装不上Intel Media SDK DFP

    具体表现为一直安装失败,但是下载进度条一直在,无法去除. 此方法来自 https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/error-code- ...

  8. How to run Media SDK samples on Skylake【转载】

    In the last few days, we have seen lot of concern for using Intel® Media 2016 on 6th generation Inte ...

  9. Intel® Media Server Studio Support

    复制自网址:https://software.intel.com/en-us/intel-media-server-studio-support/code-samples Code Samples M ...


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