


  1. goroutine执行某个操作因条件不满足需要等待而发生的调度;

  2. goroutine主动调用Gosched()函数让出CPU而发生的调度;

  3. goroutine运行时间太长或长时间处于系统调用之中而被调度器剥夺运行权而发生的调度。




package main

func start(c chan int) {
} func main() {
c:=make(chan int) go start(c) <-c

该程序启动时,main goroutine首先会创建一个无缓存的channel,然后启动一个goroutine(为了方便讨论我们称它为g2)向channel发送数据,而main自己则去读取这个channel。

这两个goroutine读写channel时一定会发生一次阻塞,不是main goroutine读取channel时发生阻塞就是g2写入channel时发生阻塞。

创建g2 goroutine


0x44f4d0<+>: mov   %fs:0xfffffffffffffff8,%rcx
0x44f4d9<+>: cmp 0x10(%rcx),%rsp
0x44f4dd<+>: jbe 0x44f549 <main.main+>
0x44f4df<+>: sub $0x28,%rsp
0x44f4e3<+>: mov %rbp,0x20(%rsp)
0x44f4e8<+>: lea 0x20(%rsp),%rbp
0x44f4ed<+>: lea 0xb36c(%rip),%rax
0x44f4f4<+>: mov %rax,(%rsp)
0x44f4f8<+>: movq $0x0,0x8(%rsp)
0x44f501<+>: callq 0x404330 <runtime.makechan> #创建channel
0x44f506<+>: mov 0x10(%rsp),%rax
0x44f50b<+>: mov %rax,0x18(%rsp)
0x44f510<+>: movl $0x8,(%rsp)
0x44f517<+>: lea 0x240f2(%rip),%rcx
0x44f51e<+>: mov %rcx,0x8(%rsp)
0x44f523<+>: callq 0x42c1b0 <runtime.newproc> #创建goroutine
0x44f528<+>: mov 0x18(%rsp),%rax
0x44f52d<+>: mov %rax,(%rsp)
0x44f531<+>: movq $0x0,0x8(%rsp)
0x44f53a<+>: callq 0x405080 <runtime.chanrecv1> #从channel读取数据
0x44f53f<+>: mov 0x20(%rsp),%rbp
0x44f544<+>: add $0x28,%rsp
0x44f548<+>: retq
0x44f549<+>: callq 0x447390 <runtime.morestack_noctxt>
0x44f54e<+>: jmp 0x44f4d0 <main.main>


  1. 切换到g0栈;

  2. 分配g结构体对象;

  3. 初始化g对应的栈信息,并把参数拷贝到新g的栈上;

  4. 设置好g的sched成员,该成员包括调度g时所必须pc, sp, bp等调度信息;

  5. 调用runqput函数把g放入运行队列;

  6. 返回



runtime/proc.go : 4746

// runqput tries to put g on the local runnable queue.
// If next is false, runqput adds g to the tail of the runnable queue.
// If next is true, runqput puts g in the _p_.runnext slot.
// If the run queue is full, runnext puts g on the global queue.
// Executed only by the owner P.
func runqput(_p_ *p, gp *g, next bool) {
if randomizeScheduler && next && fastrand() % 2 == 0 {
next = false
} if next {
oldnext := _p_.runnext
if !_p_.runnext.cas(oldnext, guintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gp))) {
goto retryNext
if oldnext == 0 { //原本runnext为nil,所以没任何事情可做了,直接返回
// Kick the old runnext out to the regular run queue.
gp = oldnext.ptr() //原本存放在runnext的gp需要放入runq的尾部
} retry:
h := atomic.LoadAcq(&_p_.runqhead) // load-acquire, synchronize with consumers
t := _p_.runqtail
if t - h < uint32(len(_p_.runq)) { //判断队列是否满了
_p_.runq[t % uint32(len(_p_.runq))].set(gp) // store-release, makes it available for consumption
atomic.StoreRel(&_p_.runqtail, t + 1)
if runqputslow(_p_, gp, h, t) {
// the queue is not full, now the put above must succeed
goto retry


runtime/proc.go : 4784

// Put g and a batch of work from local runnable queue on global queue.
// Executed only by the owner P.
func runqputslow(_p_ *p, gp *g, h, t uint32) bool {
var batch [len(_p_.runq) / 2 + 1]*g //gp加上_p_本地队列的一半 // First, grab a batch from local queue.
n := t - h
n = n / 2
if n != uint32(len(_p_.runq) / 2) {
throw("runqputslow: queue is not full")
for i := uint32(0); i < n; i++ { //取出p本地队列的一半
batch[i] = _p_.runq[(h+i) % uint32(len(_p_.runq))].ptr()
if !atomic.CasRel(&_p_.runqhead, h, h + n) { // cas-release, commits consume
return false
batch[n] = gp if randomizeScheduler {
for i := uint32(1); i <= n; i++ {
j := fastrandn(i + 1)
batch[i], batch[j] = batch[j], batch[i]
} // Link the goroutines.
for i := uint32(0); i < n; i++ {
var q gQueue
q.tail.set(batch[n]) // Now put the batch on global queue.
globrunqputbatch(&q, int32(n+1))
return true


分析完runqput函数是如何把goroutine放入运行队列之后,接下来我们继续分析main goroutine因读取channel而发生的阻塞流程。


从代码逻辑的角度来说,我们不能确定main goroutine和新创建出来的g2谁先运行,但对于我们分析来说我们可以假定某个goroutine先运行,因为不管谁先运行,都会阻塞在channel的读或则写上,所以这里我们假设main创建好g2后首先阻塞在了对channel的读操作上。下面我们看看读取channel的过程。


runtime/chan.go : 403

// entry points for <- c from compiled code
func chanrecv1(c *hchan, elem unsafe.Pointer) {
chanrecv(c, elem, true)
} // runtime/chan.go : 415
func chanrecv(c *hchan, ep unsafe.Pointer, block bool) (selected, received bool) {
//就需要把g挂在channel c的读取队列上,然后调用goparkunlock函数阻塞此goroutine
goparkunlock(&c.lock, waitReasonChanReceive, traceEvGoBlockRecv, 3)


runtime/proc.go : 304

// Puts the current goroutine into a waiting state and unlocks the lock.
// The goroutine can be made runnable again by calling goready(gp).
func goparkunlock(lock*mutex, reasonwaitReason, traceEvbyte, traceskipint) {
gopark(parkunlock_c, unsafe.Pointer(lock), reason, traceEv, traceskip)
} // runtime/proc.go : 276
// Puts the current goroutine into a waiting state and calls unlockf.
// If unlockf returns false, the goroutine is resumed.
// unlockf must not access this G's stack, as it may be moved between
// the call to gopark and the call to unlockf.
// Reason explains why the goroutine has been parked.
// It is displayed in stack traces and heap dumps.
// Reasons should be unique and descriptive.
// Do not re-use reasons, add new ones.
func gopark(unlockffunc(*g, unsafe.Pointer) bool, lockunsafe.Pointer, reason waitReason, traceEvbyte, traceskipint) {
// can't do anything that might move the G between Ms here.
mcall(park_m) //切换到g0栈执行park_m函数

goparkunlock函数直接调用gopark函数,gopark则调用mcall从当前main goroutine切换到g0去执行park_m函数(mcall前面我们分析过,其主要作用就是保存当前goroutine的现场,然后切换到g0栈去调用作为参数传递给它的函数)

runtime/proc.go : 2581

// park continuation on g0.
func park_m(gp*g) {
_g_ := getg() if trace.enabled {
traceGoPark(_g_.m.waittraceev, _g_.m.waittraceskip)
} casgstatus(gp, _Grunning, _Gwaiting)
dropg() //解除g和m之间的关系 ...... schedule()

park_m首先把当前goroutine的状态设置为_Gwaiting(因为它正在等待其它goroutine往channel里面写数据),然后调用dropg函数解除g和m之间的关系,最后通过调用schedule函数进入调度循环,schedule函数我们也详细分析过,它首先会从运行队列中挑选出一个goroutine,然后调用gogo函数切换到被挑选出来的goroutine去运行。因为main goroutine在读取channel被阻塞之前已经把创建好的g2放入了运行队列,所以在这里schedule会把g2调度起来运行,这里完成了一次从main goroutine到g2调度(我们假设只有一个工作线程在进行调度)。


g2 goroutine的入口是start函数,下面我们就从该函数开始分析g2写channel的流程,看它如何唤醒正在等待着读取channel的main goroutine。还是先来反汇编一下start函数的代码:

0x44f480<+>:mov   %fs:0xfffffffffffffff8,%rcx
0x44f489<+>:cmp 0x10(%rcx),%rsp
0x44f48d<+>:jbe 0x44f4c1 <main.start+>
0x44f48f<+>:sub $0x18,%rsp
0x44f493<+>:mov %rbp,0x10(%rsp)
0x44f498<+>:lea 0x10(%rsp),%rbp
0x44f49d<+>:mov 0x20(%rsp),%rax
0x44f4a2<+>:mov %rax,(%rsp)
0x44f4a6<+>:lea 0x2d71b(%rip),%rax
0x44f4ad<+>:mov %rax,0x8(%rsp)
0x44f4b2<+>:callq 0x404560 <runtime.chansend1> #写channel
0x44f4b7<+>:mov 0x10(%rsp),%rbp
0x44f4bc<+>:add $0x18,%rsp
0x44f4c1<+>:callq 0x447390 <runtime.morestack_noctxt>
0x44f4c6<+>:jmp 0x44f480 <main.start>


runtime/chan.go : 124

/ entry point for c <- x from compiled code
func chansend1(c *hchan, elem unsafe.Pointer) {
chansend(c, elem, true, getcallerpc())
} // runtime/chan.go : 142
func chansend(c *hchan, ep unsafe.Pointer, block bool, callerpc uintptr) bool {
if sg := c.recvq.dequeue(); sg != nil {
// Found a waiting receiver. We pass the value we want to send
// directly to the receiver, bypassing the channel buffer (if any).
send(c, sg, ep, func() { unlock(&c.lock) }, 3)
return true
} // runtime/chan.go : 269
func send(c *hchan, sg *sudog, ep unsafe.Pointer, unlockf func(), skip int) {
goready(gp, skip+1)
} // runtime/proc.go : 310
func goready(gp *g, traceskip int) {
systemstack(func() {
ready(gp, traceskip, true)

channel发送和读取的流程类似,如果能够立即发送则立即发送并返回,如果不能立即发送则需要阻塞,在我们这个场景中,因为main goroutine此时此刻正挂在channel的读取队列上等待数据,所以这里直接调用send函数发送给main goroutine,send函数则调用goready函数切换到g0栈并调用ready函数来唤醒sg对应的goroutine,即正在等待读channel的main goroutine。

runtime/proc.go : 639

// Mark gp ready to run.
func ready(gp *g, traceskip int, next bool) {
// Mark runnable.
_g_ := getg()
// status is Gwaiting or Gscanwaiting, make Grunnable and put on runq
casgstatus(gp, _Gwaiting, _Grunnable)
runqput(_g_.m.p.ptr(), gp, next) //放入运行队列
if atomic.Load(&sched.npidle) != 0 && atomic.Load(&sched.nmspinning) == 0 {


对于本章我们分析的场景,执行到这里main goroutine已经被放入了运行队列,但还未被调度起来运行,而g2 goroutine在向channel写完数据之后就从这里的ready函数返回并退出了,从第二章我们对goroutine的退出流程的分析可以得知,在g2的退出过程中将会在goexit0函数中调用schedule函数进入下一轮调度,从而把刚刚放入运行队列的main goroutine调度起来运行。



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