declare @tablename varchar(200)
declare @sql varchar(2000)
declare cur_t cursor for
select name from sysobjects where xtype= 'U ' and status> =0 and name not in (select name from sysobjects where id in (select id from syscolumns
where id in (select id from sysobjects where type='U')
and name='CreateTime' ))
open cur_t
fetch next from cur_t into @tablename
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
set @sql='alter table ' + @tablename + ' add CreateTime datetime '
exec (@sql)
fetch next from cur_t into @tablename
close cur_t
deallocate cur_t

上面是 所有没有 CreateTime 字段的 表中 插入 CreateTime 字段 ,加入其它字段可以修改 CreateTime

select name from sysobjects where id in (select id from syscolumns
where id in (select id from sysobjects where type='U')
and name='CreateTime' )

查询出 数据库  所有表中 有 CreateTime 字段的表名

select id from sysobjects where type='U'

查询 所有表 id   将 id 换成 name 则是查出所有表名

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