Replaceable by C++11 language features or libraries

TR1 (they are marked in the documentation if
those are TR1 libraries)

Features back-ported from C++11:

  • Atomic ← std::atomic
  • Chrono ← <chrono> (see below)
  • Move ← Rvalue references

Replaceable by C++14/17 language features or libraries (based on

A large part of MPL can be trimmed down or
removed using variadic templates. Some common use cases of Lexical
 can be replaced by std::to_string and std::stoX.

Some Boost libraries are related to C++11 but also have some more extensions, e.g.Boost.Functional/Hash contains hash_combine and
related functions not found in C++11, Boost.Chronohas
I/O and rounding and many other clocks, etc. so you may still want to take a look at the boost ones before really dismissing them.

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