在工程CAM处理圆形拼板是个头疼的问题,需人工程师自行设计切边 满足可以拼板并且拼板后锣板板边没有内角,不然会影响装配

1.原始单 PCS圆形板









 private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
d2 calc2 = new d2();
d1 calc1 = new d1();
string layer = "gko";
string errinfo = "";
bool isExist = g.Check_Layer_Exist(layer, g.JOB, g.STEP);
if (!isExist)
errinfo = "gko层不存成";
MessageBox.Show(errinfo, "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
double ShaveVal = double.Parse(txtShave.Text);
double RoutDiVal = double.Parse(txtRoutVal.Text);
double ConnectWidth = double.Parse(txtConnectWidth.Text);
double InnerDi = double.Parse(txtInnerDi.Text); add addCom = new add();
gLayer layerData = g.getFEATURES(layer, g.STEP, g.JOB);
List<gA> ACircleList = new List<gA>();
double CircleRMax = ;
if (layerData.Alist.Count > )
List<gA> Alist = layerData.Alist.OrderByDescending(tt => calc2.p2p_di(tt.pc, tt.ps)).ToList();
CircleRMax = calc2.p2p_di(Alist[].pc, Alist[].ps);
for (int i = ; i < Alist.Count; i++)
double p2p_di = calc2.p2p_di(Alist[i - ].pc, Alist[i].pc);
double CircleRCurrent = calc2.p2p_di(Alist[i].pc, Alist[i].ps);
if (p2p_di > 0.01 || Math.Abs(CircleRMax - CircleRCurrent) > 0.01)
errinfo = "未检测到弧";
MessageBox.Show(errinfo, "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
double LineWidth;
var StrLineWidth = ACircleList[].symbols.Replace("r", "");
if (!(double.TryParse(StrLineWidth, out LineWidth)))
LineWidth = ;
double ShaveDiDirection = CircleRMax - ShaveVal;
arc_data ShaveArcData = calc1.arc_半径与弓高(CircleRMax, ShaveVal);
if (ConnectWidth > ShaveArcData.D弦长)
errinfo = "连接位长度不能大于弦长";
MessageBox.Show(errinfo, "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
bool isArc = true; //默认按头尾倒圆角
double RoutDiDirection = CircleRMax - (ShaveVal + RoutDiVal * 0.5);
arc_data RoutArcData = calc1.arc_半径与弓高(CircleRMax, (ShaveVal + RoutDiVal * 0.5));
for (int i = ; i < ; i++) //{ 0, 90, 180, 270 };
if (!chkTB.Checked) //1 3
if (i == || i == )
if (!chkLR.Checked)//0 2
if (i == || i == )
double DirectionAng = g.ang_list[i];
double P1Di = CircleRMax;
double P1Ang = ShaveArcData.a圆心角 * 0.5;
gPoint p1s = calc2.p_val_ang(ACircleList[].pc, P1Di, DirectionAng - P1Ang);
gPoint p1e = calc2.p_val_ang(ACircleList[].pc, P1Di, DirectionAng + P1Ang);
double P2Di = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(ShaveDiDirection, ) + (Math.Pow((ConnectWidth + RoutDiVal) * 0.5, )));
double P2Ang = calc1.side3_angle(ShaveDiDirection, (ConnectWidth + RoutDiVal) * 0.5, P2Di, );
gPoint p2s = calc2.p_val_ang(ACircleList[].pc, P2Di, DirectionAng - P2Ang);
gPoint p2e = calc2.p_val_ang(ACircleList[].pc, P2Di, DirectionAng + P2Ang);
double P3Di = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(ShaveDiDirection, ) + (Math.Pow(ConnectWidth * 0.5, )));
double P3Ang = calc1.side3_angle(ShaveDiDirection, ConnectWidth * 0.5, P3Di, );
gPoint p3s = calc2.p_val_ang(ACircleList[].pc, P3Di, DirectionAng - P3Ang);
gPoint p3e = calc2.p_val_ang(ACircleList[].pc, P3Di, DirectionAng + P3Ang);
double P4Di = CircleRMax;
double P4Ang = RoutArcData.a圆心角 * 0.5;
gPoint p4s = calc2.p_val_ang(ACircleList[].pc, P4Di, DirectionAng - P4Ang);
gPoint p4e = calc2.p_val_ang(ACircleList[].pc, P4Di, DirectionAng + P4Ang);
double P5Di = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(RoutDiDirection, ) + (Math.Pow((ConnectWidth + RoutDiVal) * 0.5, )));
double P5Ang = calc1.side3_angle(RoutDiDirection, (ConnectWidth + RoutDiVal) * 0.5, P5Di, );
gPoint p5s = calc2.p_val_ang(ACircleList[].pc, P5Di, DirectionAng - P5Ang);
gPoint p5e = calc2.p_val_ang(ACircleList[].pc, P5Di, DirectionAng + P5Ang);
if (calc2.p2p_di(ACircleList[].pc, p5s) > CircleRMax)
p5s = p4s;
p5e = p4e;
List<gSur_Point> polyList = new List<gSur_Point>();
if (isArc)
var arc1 = calc2.l2a__Round(new gL(p4s, p5s, LineWidth), ACircleList[], InnerDi * 0.5, 0.5, );
polyList.Add(new gSur_Point(arc1.a.pe, ));
polyList.Add(new gSur_Point(arc1.a.pc, ));
polyList.Add(new gSur_Point(arc1.a.ps, ));
polyList.Add(new gSur_Point(p4s, ));
polyList.Add(new gSur_Point(p5s, ));
polyList.Add(new gSur_Point(p2s, ));
polyList.Add(new gSur_Point(p3s, ));
polyList.Add(new gSur_Point(p3e, ));
polyList.Add(new gSur_Point(p2e, ));
polyList.Add(new gSur_Point(p5e, ));
if (isArc)
var arc2 = calc2.l2a__Round(new gL(p5e, p4e, LineWidth), ACircleList[], InnerDi*0.5, 0.5, );
polyList.Add(new gSur_Point(arc2.a.pe, ));
polyList.Add(new gSur_Point(arc2.a.pc, ));
polyList.Add(new gSur_Point(arc2.a.ps, ));
polyList.Add(new gSur_Point(p4e, ));
addCom.line_poly_AL(polyList, LineWidth);
for (int i = ; i < ; i++) //防止重复线,再次执行
if (chkTB.Checked) //1 3
g.COM($"delete_feat, mode = intersect,x={ACircleList[0].pc.x }, y={ACircleList[0].pc.y + CircleRMax}, tol=10", true);
g.COM($"delete_feat, mode = intersect,x={ACircleList[0].pc.x }, y={ACircleList[0].pc.y - CircleRMax}, tol=10", true);
if (chkLR.Checked)//0 2
g.COM($"delete_feat, mode = intersect,x={ACircleList[0].pc.x + CircleRMax}, y={ACircleList[0].pc.y}, tol=10", true);
g.COM($"delete_feat, mode = intersect,x={ACircleList[0].pc.x - CircleRMax}, y={ACircleList[0].pc.y}, tol=10", true);
MessageBox.Show("执行完成", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);



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