这是一个关于CTE的应用,这里我们用CTE实现阶乘 Factorial,首先来看一个简单的小实验,然后再来看题目。有的童鞋会问怎么没有2就来3了呢,惭愧,TSQL Beginners Challenge 2对应的题目我没能做出来。上代码:

;with cte as
select num=1,fact=1 union all
select num=num+1,fact=fact*(num+1) from cte where num<5
select * from cte



This challenge though does not have any resemblance with the real time problem directly, but it measures about logical thinking. The problem is all about finding the factorial of numbers. Though it is known to most of us what a factorial is, but to recall the concept here is an example:

Factorial of 3 is 1*2*3 = 6 i.e. the factorial of a non-negative integer n, denoted by n!, is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n.

Sample Data


Expected Results

1.Nums        Factorial
2.----------- -----------
3.0                    1
4.1                    1
5.3                    6
6.5                  120
7.10             3628800
[Nums] [int] NULL
) --构造数据
insert into Fact(Nums) values(0)
insert into Fact(Nums) values(1)
insert into Fact(Nums) values(10)
insert into Fact(Nums) values(3)
insert into Fact(Nums) values(5) --方式一
;WITH cte AS
SELECT num=0,factorial=1
SELECT num=num+1,(num+1)*factorial FROM cte WHERE num<10
SELECT Nums,factorial FROM cte a, Fact b WHERE a.num=b.Nums

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