
;var Zepto = (function(){
var undefined,key,$,classList,emptyArray = [],slice = emptyArray.slice,
document = window.document,
elementDisplay = {},classCache = {},
getComputedStyle = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle,
cssNumber = {'column-count':1,'columns':1,'font-weight':1,'line-height':1,'opacity':1,'z-index':1,'zoom':1},
fragmentRe = /^\s*<(\w+|!)[^>]*>/,

// Used by `$.zepto.init` to wrap elements, text/comment nodes, document,
// and document fragment node types.
elementType = [1,3,8,9,11],

adjacencyOperators = ['after','prepend','before','append'],
//Containers about table
table = document.createElement('table'),
tableRow = document.createElement('tr'),
containers = {
//about download
readyRe = /complete|loaded|interactive/,
//The RegExp of className id and tagName
classSelectorRe = /^\.([\w-]+)$/,
idSelectorRe = /^#([\w-]+)$/,
tagSelectorRe = /([\w-]+)$/,
toString = ({}).toString,
zepto = {},
tempParent = document.createElement('div');

zepto.matchs = function(element,selector) {
if(!element || element.nodeType !== 1) return false
var matchsSelector = element.webkitMatchesSelector || element.mozMatchesSelector
|| element.oMatchesSelector || element.MatchesSelector;
if(matchsSelector) return matchsSelector.call(element,selector)
//fall back to performing a selector
var match ,parent = element.parentNode, temp = !parent;
(parent = tempParent).appendChild(element);
match = ~zepto.qsa(parent,selector).indexOf(element);
temp && tempParent.removeChild(element);
return match;

//Judge a Object type
function isFunction(value) { return toString.call(value) == "[object Function]" }

function isObject(value) { return value instanceof Object }

//对于通过字面量定义的对象和new Object的对象返回true
//new Object('aaa')==>false,new Object({'a':1})==>true
function isPlainObject(value) {
var ctor,key;
if(toString.call(value) !== '[object Object]') return false
ctor = (isFunction(value.constructor) && value.constructor.prototype)
if(!ctor || !hasOwnProperty.call(ctor,'isPrototypeOf')) return false
for(key in value);
return key ===undefined || hasOwnProperty.call(value,key)

function isArray(value) { return value instanceof Array }

function likeArray(value) { return typeof value.length == 'Number' }

function campact(array) { return array.filter(function(item){ return item !== undefined && item !== null })}

function flatten(array) { return array.length > 0 ? [].concat.apply([],array) : array }

camelize = function(str) { return str.replace(/-+(.)/g,function(match,chr){ return chr ? chr.toUpperCase() : '' }) }

function dasherize(str) {
return str.replace(/::/,'/')
.replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g,'$1_$2') //在大写小写之间插入下划线 例如 ADCaaa==>AD_Caaa
.replace(/([a-z]+)([A-Z])/g,'$1_$2') //在小写大写之间插入下划线 例如 adcfA==>adcf_A
.replace(/_/g,'-') //把下划线转换成中划线

//数组去重 如果某条数据在数组中的位置和通过indexOf获得的索引值有不同时,就是重复数据
uniq = function(array) { return array.filter(function (item,index) { return array.indexOf(item) == index }) }

function classRe(name) {
return name in classCache ?
classCache[name] : (classCache[name] = RegExp('(^|\\s)'+name+'(\\s|$)'));

function maybeAddPx(name,value) {
return (typeof value == 'number' && !cssNumber[dasherize(name)]) ? value + 'px' : value;

function defaultDisplay(nodeName) {
var element,display;
if(!elementDisplay[nodeName]) {
element = document.createElement(nodeName);
display = getComputedStyle(element,'').getPropertyValue('display');
display == 'none' && (display = 'block');
//把display值加入到 elementDisplay;
elementDisplay[nodeName] = display;
return elementDisplay[nodeName];

//根据给定的html字符窜,生成dom node 数组
// `$.zepto.fragment` takes a html string and an optional tag name
// to generate DOM nodes nodes from the given html string.
// The generated DOM nodes are returned as an array.
// This function can be overriden in plugins for example to make
// it compatible with browsers that don't support the DOM fully.
function fragment(html,name) {
if(name === undefined) name = fragmentRe.test(html) && RegExp.$1;
if(!(name in containers)) name = '*'
var container = containers[name];
container.innerHtml = '' + html;
return $.each(slice.call(container.childNodes),function(){

// `$.zepto.Z` swaps out the prototype of the given `dom` array
// of nodes with `$.fn` and thus supplying all the Zepto functions
// to the array. Note that `__proto__` is not supported on Internet
// Explorer. This method can be overriden in plugins.
zepto.Z = function(dom,selector) {
dom = dom || [];
//把dom的__proto__属性指向调用函数zepto.Z(arguments.callee.prototype)的原形,然后把zepto.Z.prototype = $.fn;
dom.__proto__ = arguments.callee.prototype;
dom.selector = selector || '';
return dom;

// `$.zepto.isZ` should return `true` if the given object is a Zepto
// collection. This method can be overriden in plugins.
zepto.isZ = function(object) {
return object instanceof zepto.Z

// `$.zepto.init` is Zepto's counterpart to jQuery's `$.fn.init` and
// takes a CSS selector and an optional context (and handles various
// special cases).
// This method can be overriden in plugins.
zepto.init = function (selector,context) {
// If nothing given, return an empty Zepto collection
if(!selector) return zepto.Z()
// If a function is given, call it when the DOM is ready
else if(isFunction(selector)) return $(document).ready(selector)
// If a Zepto collection is given, juts return it
else if(zepto.isZ(selector)) return selector
else {
var dom;
// normalize array if an array of nodes is given
//如果selector是一个正常的dom 节点数组,剔除数组中的null和undefined;
if (isArray(selector)) dom = campact(selector)
// if a JavaScript object is given, return a copy of it
// this is a somewhat peculiar option, but supported by
// jQuery so we'll do it, too
// 如果selector是一个纯对象,直接将他的副本放到数组中赋值给dom
else if(isPlainObject(selector)) dom = [$.extend({},selector)],selector = null
// wrap stuff like `document` or `window`
// 如果selector的nodeType值属于elementTypes,或selector==window
// 直接把selector放入数组中
else if(elementType.indexOf(selector.nodeType) >= 0 || selector ===window)
dom = [selector],selector = null
// If it's a html fragment, create nodes from it
// 如果selector是一个html的片段,就创建一个元素节点
else if(fragmentRe.test(selector))
dom = zepto.fragment(selector.trim(),RegExp.$1),selector = null
// If there's a context, create a collection on that context first, and select
// nodes from there
else if(context !== undefined) return $(context).find(selector)
// And last but no least, if it's a CSS selector, use it to select nodes.
// 如果selector是CSS选择器,调用zepto.qsa函数获得DOM节点集
else dom = zepto.qsa(document,selector)
// create a new Zepto collection from the nodes found
// 通过找到的DOM,创建一个新的zepto元素集并返回
return zepto.Z(dom,selector)

// `$` will be the base `Zepto` object. When calling this
// function just call `$.zepto.init, whichs makes the implementation
// details of selecting nodes and creating Zepto collections
// patchable in plugins.
// 把$ 设置为Zepto的基础对象,通过吊$就你实现调用$.zepto.init
$ = function(selector,context) {
return zepto.init(selector,context)

// Copy all but undefined properties from one or more
// objects to the `target` object.
// 把一个或多个资源对象的属性拷贝到目标对象上
$.extend = function(target) {
var key
for(key in source){
if(source[key] !== undefined){
target[key] = source[key]
return target;

// `$.zepto.qsa` is Zepto's CSS selector implementation which
// uses `document.querySelectorAll` and optimizes for some special cases, like `#id`.
// This method can be overriden in plugins.
zepto.qsa = function(element,selector) {
var found;
return (element === document && idSelectorRe.test(selector))?
((found = element.getElementById(RegExp.$1))?[found]:emptyArray):
(element.nodeType !== 1 && element.nodeType !== 9)?emptyArray:

function filtered(nodes,selector) {
return selector === undefined ? $(nodes) : $(nodes).filter(selector);

function funcArg(context,arg,idx,payload) {
return isFunction(arg) ? arg.call(context,idx,payload) : arg

$.isFunction = isFunction
$.isObject = isObject
$.isArray = isArray
$.isPlainObject = isPlainObject

$.inArray = function(elem,array,i) {
return emptyArray.indexOf.call(array,elem,i)

$.trim = function(str){ return str.trim() }

// plugin compatibility
$.uuid = 0

$.map = function(elements,callback) {
var value,values=[],key,i
for(i = 0;i < elements.length;i++){
value = callback(elements[i],i)
if(value != null) values.push(value)
for(key in elements) {
value = callback(elements[key],key)
if(value != null) values.push(value)
return values

$.each = function(elements,callback) {
var key,i
if(likeArray(elements)) {
for(i = 0;i < elements.length;i++){
if(callback.call(elements[i],i,elements[i]) === false) return elements
else {
for(key in elements) {
if(callback.call(elements[key],key,elements[key]) === false) return elements
return elements;

// 定义能被所有zepto的DOM元素使用的方法
// Define methods that will be available on all Zepto collections
zepto.fn = {
// Because a collection acts like an array
// copy over these useful array functions.
// ECMA5 中一些Array(数组)API

// `map` and `slice` in the jQuery API work differently
// from their array counterparts
return $.map(this,function(el,i){
return fn.call(el,i,el);
return $(slice.apply(this,arguments))
//DOM 的ready事件
if(readyRe.test(document.readyState)) callback($)
else document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function(){ callback($)},false)
return this
get:function(idx) {
return idx === undefined ? slice.call(this) : this[idx]
return this.get()
size:function(){ return this.length },
return this.each(function(){
if(this.parentNode != null) this.parentNode.removeChild(this)
this.forEach(function(el,idx) {
return this;
filter:function(selector) {
return $([].filter.call(this,function(element){
return zepto.matchs(element,selector)
add:function(selector,context) {
return $(uniq(this.concat($(selector,context))))
is:function(selector) {
return this.length > 0 && zepto.matchs(this[0],selector);
not:function(selector) {
var nodes = []
//当selector为函数时,safari下的typeof odeList也是function,所以这里需要再加一个判断selector.call !== undefined
if(isFunction(selector) && selector.call !== undefined) {
if(!selector.call(this,idx)) nodes.push(this)
else {
var exclude = typeof selector == 'String' ? this.filter(selector) :
(likeArray(selector) && isFunction(selector.item)) ? slice.call(selector) : $(selector)
if(exclude.indexOf(el) < 0) nodes.push(el)
return $(nodes)
eq:function (idx) {
return idx === -1 ? this.slice(idx) : this.slice(idx,+idx+1)
first:function() {
var el = this[0]
return el && !isObject(el) ? el : $(el)
last:function() {
var el = this[this.length - 1];
return el && !isObject(el) ? el : $(el)
find:function(selector) {
var result
if(this.length === 1) result = zepto.qsa(this[0],selector)
else result = this.map(function(){ result zepto.qsa(this ,selector)})
return $(result)
closest:function(selector,context) {
var node = this[0]
while(node && !zepto.matchs(node,selector))
node = node !== context && node !== document && node.parentNode
return $(node)
parents:function(selector) {
var ancestors = [],nodes = this;
while(nodes.length > 0){
nodes = $.map(nodes,function(node){
if((node = node.parentNode) && node !== document && ancestors.indexOf(node) < 0){
return node;
return filtered(ancestors,selector);
parent:function(selector) {
return filtered(uniq(this.pluck('parentNode')),selector);
children:function(selector) {
return filtered(this.map(function(){ return slice.call(this.children)}), selector);
siblings:function(selector) {
return filtered(this.map(function(i,el){
return slice.call(el.parent.children).filter(function(child){ return child !== el})
empty:function() {
return this.each(function(){ this.innerHTML = '' })
pluck:function(property) {
return this.map(function(){ return this[property] });
show:function() {
return this.each(function() {
//当内联的display == ‘none’时,清除该属性
this.style.display == 'none' && (this.style.display = null)
if(getComputedStyle(this,'').getPropertyValue('display') == 'none') {
this.style.display = defaultDisplay(this.nodeName);
replaceWith:function(newContent) {
return this.before(newContent).remove();
wrap:function(newContent) {
return this.each(function(){
wrapAll:function(newContent) {
if(this[0]) {
$(this[0]).before(newContent = $(newContent));
return this
unwrap:function() {
return this;
//clone 节点
clone:function() {
return $(this.map(function(){ return this.cloneNode(true) }))
hide:function() {
return this.css('display','none')
toggle:function(setting) {
return (setting === undefined ? this.css('display') == 'none' : setting) ? this.show() : this.hide()
prev:function() { return $(this.pluck('previousElementSibling')) },
next:function() { return $(this.pluck('nextElementSibling'))},
//读写元素的innerHTML值, value为空,返回首个元素的innerHTML.若value不为空,则修改每个元素的innerHTML值。
html:function(html) {
return html === undefined ?
(this.length>0 ? this[0].innerHTML : null) :
this.each(function(idx) {
var originHtml = this.innerHTML;
$(this).empty().append( funcArg(this,html,idx,originHtml) )
text:function(text) {
return text === undefined ?
(this.length >0 ? this[0].textContent : null) :
this.each(function(){ this.textContent = text })
attr:function(name,value) {
var result
return (typeof name == 'String' && value === undefined) ?
(this.length == 0 || this[0].nodeType !== 1 ? undefined :
name == 'value' && this[0].nodeName == 'INPUT' ? this[0].value :
(!(result = this[0].getAttribute(name)) && name in this[0]) ? this[0][name] : result
) :
//name 不为字符串,或者value存在时
this.each(idx) {
if(this.nodeType !== 1) return
if(isObject(name)) for (var key in name) this.setAttribute(key name[key])
else this.setAttribute(name,funcArg(this,value,idx,this.getAttribute(name)))
removeAttr:function(name) {
return this.each(function(){ if (this.nodeType === 1) this.removeAttribute(name) })
prop:function(name,value) {
(value === undefined) ?
(this[0] ? this[0][name] : undefined) :
this.each(function(idx) {
this[name] = funcArg(this,value,idx,this[name])
data:function(name,value) {
var data = this.attr('data-'+dasherize(name),value);
return (data !== null) ? data : undefined;
val:function(value) {
return (value === undefined) ?
(this.length>0 ? this[0].value : undefined) :
this.each(function(idx) {
this.value = funcArg(this,value,idx,this.value)
//获取元素在文档中的位置,返回值属性包含:top, left, width and height。
if(this.length ===0) return null;
var obj = this[0].getBoundingClientRect();
return {
css:function(property,value) {
if(value === undefined && typeof property == 'string') {
return (this.length === 0
? undefined
: this[0].style[camelize(property)] || getComputedStyle(this[0],'').getPropertyValue(property))
var css = '',key
for(key in property) {
if(typeof property[key] == 'string' && property[key] == '')
this.each(function(){ this.style.removeProperty(dasherize(key))})
css += dasherize(key) + ":" + maybeAddPx(key,property[key]) + ";"
if(typeof property == 'string') {
if(value === '')
this.each(function(){ this.style.removeProperty(dasherize(property))})
css += dasherize(property) + ":" + maybeAddPx(property,value) + ";"
return this.each(function(){ this.style.cssText +=";"+css })
index:function(element) {
return element ? this.indexOf($(element)[0]) : this.parent().children().indexOf(this[0])
hasClass:function(name) {
if(this.length < 1) return false
else return classRe(name).test(this[0].className)
addClass:function(name) {
return this.each(function(idx) {
classList = []
var cls = this.className,newName = funcArg(this,name,idx,cls)
if(!(this.hasClass(klass))) classList.push(klass)
classList.length && this.className += (cls ? " " : "") + classList.join(" ")
removeClass:function(name) {
return this.each(function(idx) {
if(name === undefined)
return this.className = ''
classList = this.className
classList = classList.replace(classRe(klass),' ')
this.className = classList.trim()
toggleClass:function(name when) {
return this.each(function(idx) {
var newName = funcArg(this,name,idx,this.className)
;(when === undefined ? !$(this),hasClass(name) : when) ?
$(this).addClass(newName) : $(this).removeClass(newName)


// Generate the `width` and `height` functions
// 生成width和height 的函数
['width','height'].forEach(function(dimension) {
$.fn[dimension] = function(value) {
var offset,Dimension = dimension.replace(/./,function(m) { return m[0].toUpperCase() });
if(value === undefined) {
return this[0] == window ? window.['inner'+Dimension] :
this[0] == document ? document.documentElement['offset'+Dimension] :
(offset = this.offset()) && offset[dimension]
//当传了参数时 设置元素的高宽
} else {
return this.each(function(idx) {
var el = $(this)

// insert function 实现节点插入的函数
//@operator 操作符下标 0=>after,1=>prepend,2=>before,3=>append;
//@target 文档中已经存在的基节点
//@node 要插入的节点
function insert(operator,target,node) {
var parent = (operator%2) ? target : target.parentNode;
parent ? parent.insertBefore(node,
!operator ? target.nextSibling : //operator = 0 :after
operator == 1 ? parent.firstChild : //operator = 1 :prepend
operator == 2 ? target : //operator = 2 :before
null) : //operator = 3 :append
function traverseNode(node,fun) {
for(var key in node.childNodes) traverseNode(node.childNodes[key],fun)
// Generate the `after`, `prepend`, `before`, `append`,
// `insertAfter`, `insertBefore`, `appendTo`, and `prependTo` methods.
adjacencyOperators.forEach(function(key,operator) {
//实现 `after`, `prepend`, `before`, `append`
$.fn[key] = function() {
// arguments can be nodes, arrays of nodes, Zepto objects and HTML strings
// 参数可以是集合,集合数组,zepto节点,html字符串
// 先把参数转换成zepto的集合
var nodes = $.map(arguments,function(n){ return isObject(n) ? n : zepto.fragment(n) });
if(nodes.length < 1) return this;
var size = this.length, copyByClone = size > 1, inReverse = operator < 2;
return this.each(function(index,target) {
for(var i = 0;i<nodes.length;i++) {
var node = nodes[inReverse ? nodes.length-i-1 : i]
traverseNode(node,function(node) {
if(node.nodeName !== null && node.nodeName.toUpperCase() === 'SCRIPT' && (!node.type || node.type = 'text/javascript'))
if(copyByClone && index < nodes.length - 1) node = node.cloneNode(true) ;

//实现`insertAfter`, `insertBefore`, `appendTo`, and `prependTo` methods.
$.fn[(operator%2) ? key + 'To' : 'insert' + (operator ? 'Before' : 'After')] = function(html) {
return this

zepto.Z.prototype = $.fn;

// Export internal API functions in the `$.zepto` namespace
// 把内部的API暴露出来
zepto.camelize = camelize;
zepto.uniq = uniq;
$.zepto = zepto;
return $;
// If `$` is not yet defined, point it to `Zepto`
// 如果$还未定义,把Zepto赋值给$;
window.Zepto = Zepto;
'$' in window || window.$ = Zepto


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    题目摘自http://blog.csdn.net/dongyi91/article/details/38639915 写了2个小时,水平太菜了 入法的编码原理为:根据已有编码表,当输入拼音和数字后输出 ...

  7. UVALive-4287 Proving Equivalences 有向图的强连通分量+缩点

    题意:有n个命题,已知其中的m个推导,要证明n个命题全部等价(等价具有传递性),最少还需要做出几次推导. 思路:由已知的推导可以建一张无向图,则问题变成了最少需要增加几条边能使图变成强连通图.找出所有 ...

  8. Does not contain a valid host;port authority解决方法

    ERRORorg.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNode: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Does not c ...

  9. ORA-01653:表空间扩展失败的问题(开启表空间自动扩展)

    ----查询表空间使用情况---使用DBA权限登陆SELECT UPPER(F.TABLESPACE_NAME) "表空间名",D.TOT_GROOTTE_MB "表空间 ...

  10. CodeForces 352C. Jeff and Rounding(贪心)

    C. Jeff and Rounding time limit per test:  1 second memory limit per test: 256 megabytes input: stan ...